Исполнитель:Tom Jones Название: Tom Jones - Songs from the 60s (2022) Жанр: Pop Год выпуска: 2022 Количество треков: 140 Время звучания: 02:42:21 Формат: MP3 Качество: 320 kbps Размер: 997.63 MB
01. It's Not Unusual 02. Once Upon A Time 03. If I Had You 04. Never Give Away Love (Stereo Version) 05. Bama Lama Bama Loo 06. You're So Good For Me 07. It Ain't Gonna Be That Way 08. Breathless 09. True Love Comes Only Once In A Lifetime 10. To Wait For Love (Is To Waste Your Life Away) 11. What's New Pussycat? 12. When The World Was Beautiful 13. I Wake Up Crying 14. Key To My Heart 15. If I Promise 16. Hide And Seek 17. Mohair Sam 18. Not Responsible 19. What A Party 20. I've Got A Heart 21. I Need Your Loving 22. Fly Me To The Moon 23. Dance Of Love 24. More 25. Hello Young Lovers 26. Where Do You Belong 27. Some Other Guy 28. Promise Her Anything 29. (Won't You Give Him) One More Chance 30. The Lonely One 31. Day By Day 32. Face Of A Loser 33. Only A Fool Breaks His Own Heart 34. The Loser 35. I Can't Break The News To Myself 36. In A Woman's Eyes 37. A Little You 38. My Foolish Heart 39. Looking Out My Window 40. Once There Was A Time (Stereo Version) 41. Things I Wanna Do 42. I Was Made To Love Her 43. Get Ready 44. If You Need Me 45. Stop Breaking My Heart 46. Kansas City 47. Untrue 48. It Takes A Worried Man 49. You Came A Long Way From St. Louis 50. Don't Fight It 51. Wichita Lineman 52. Ring Of Fire 53. Memphis, Tennessee 54. Keep On Running 55. One Day Soon 56. It's Just A Matter Of Time 57. A Taste Of Honey 58. Any Day Now 59. Chills And Fever 60. It's Been A Long Time Coming 61. Yesterday 62. Wish I Could Say No To You 63. The Bed 64. All I Get From You Is Heartaches 65. Make This Heart Of Mine Smile Again 66. It's A Man's Man's Man's World 67. It's Magic 68. I'll Never Let You Go 69. Just Out Of Reach 70. With These Hands 71. Thunderball (Live) 72. To Make A Big Man Cry 73. You Keep Me Hangin' On 74. My Mother's Eyes 75. These Things You Don't Forget 76. Riders In The Sky 77. Skye Boat Song 78. The Rose (Version 2) 79. When I Fall In Love 80. Whatcha' Gonna Do 81. Thunderball 82. Isadora 83. Let It Be Me 84. A Minute Of Your Time 85. If Ever I Would Leave You 86. Help Yourself 87. Autumn Leaves 88. This And That 89. Why Can't I Cry? 90. Green Green Grass Of Home 91. That Old Black Magic 92. You Can't Stop Love 93. Sixteen Tons 94. I Get Carried Away 95. Funny Familiar Forgotten Feelings 96. I Tell The Sea 97. Someday (You'll Want Me To Want You) 98. Laura (What's He Got That I Ain't Got) 99. Weeping Annaleah 100. Take Me 101. Detroit City 102. He'll Have To Go 103. I'm A Fool To Want You 104. Set Me Free 105. All I Can Say Is Goodbye 106. Without You 107. That Wonderful Sound 108. Delilah 109. Lingering On 110. Begin The Beguine 111. Spanish Harlem 112. (Sitting On) The Dock Of The Bay 113. So Afraid 114. The Nearness Of You 115. My Elusive Dreams 116. Love Me Tonight 117. Hold On I'm Coming 118. Two Brothers 119. I'm Coming Home (Steve Benham Remix) 120. City Girl 121. I'm Coming Home (Single Version) 122. Endlessly 123. My Girl Maria 124. A Field Of Yellow Daisies 125. Delilah (Live) 126. This House (The House Song) 127. Little Green Apples 128. (It Looks Like) I'll Never Fall In Love Again 129. My Prayer 130. Cool Water 131. Georgia On My Mind 132. Danny Boy 133. I'll Never Fall In Love Again 134. Funny How Time Slips Away 135. Only Once 136. Hey Jude 137. That's All Any Man Can Say 138. The Man Who Knows Too Much 139. (It Looks Like) I'll Never Fall In Love Again (Live) 140. If You Go Away
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