01. NASH & Christina Novelli with Tom Rogers & J.Puchler - Invincible (Extended Mix) (4:59) 02. Nifra - Getaway (Extended Mix) (6:28) 03. Giuseppe Ottaviani & Dan Soleil - Hero (Extended Mix) (7:01) 04. Kimberly Hale & DJ T.H. - Be With You Now (Extended Mix) (5:48) 05. John O'Callaghan & Deirdre McLaughlin - Saving Grace (Activa presents Mekk V Extended Remix) (6:46) 06. Liam Melly & Jessica Doherty - Lord It's A Feeling (Extended Mix) (6:15) 07. Will Atkinson & JES - Long Way Home (Will Atkinson Extended Club Mix) (7:36) 08. Richard Durand & Christina Novelli - The Air I Breathe (Kryder Extended Remix) (5:20) 09. The Private Language & Julian Gray - Afterglow (Julian Gray Extended Remix) (4:56) 10. Andy Moor & Somna feat. Natalie Major - Born To Run (Extended Mix) (5:34) 11. Cosmic Gate & Olivia Sebastianelli - We Got The Fire (Extended Mix) (7:04) 12. Activa & Shannon Hurley - Return To Life (Roman Messer Extended Remix) (6:06) 13. XiJaro & Pitch & Clara Yates - Rescue Me (Extended Mix) (7:18) 14. John Askew & Shelby Merry - When Darkness Comes (Extended Mix) (9:15) 15. Dennis Sheperd & Freak E Beatz - Break The Ice (Extended Mix) (5:18) 16. Dan Stone & Stine Grove - I Am Human (Extended Mix) (6:43) 17. Christina Novelli - Numb (Nifra Extended Remix) (6:58) 18. Richard Durand - It's Not Too Late (Original Mix) (4:04) 19. Ghost Etiquette feat. Cora - Swim (Extended Mix) (6:19) 20. Tritonal & HALIENE - Losing My Mind (Paul van Dyk Extended Remix) (6:30) 21. EverLight & Justin B - Echoes (Extended Mix) (8:10) 22. Furia - Close My Eyes (Club Mix) (7:50) 23. RAM & Ahmed Romel & Julie Thompson - Live For 2 (Extended Mix) (8:05) 24. Talla 2XLC & Binary Finary feat. Sylvia Tosun - Believe In Everything (Steve Allen Extended Remix) (7:27) 25. Giuseppe Ottaviani & Mila Josef - Fade Away (Extended Mix) (6:38) 26. Ciaran McAuley & Clara Yates - Light A Rainbow (Extended Mix) (5:25) 27. Late Night Alumni - Empty Streets (Markus Schulz Extended In Search Of Sunrise Remix) (5:54) 28. Factor B & Cat Martin - Move Mountains (Extended Mix) (8:20) 29. Luminn & Roxanne Emery - In The Silence (Extended Mix) (6:00) 30. D72 & Amin Salmee - Tears Of Yesterday (Extended Mix) (4:43) 31. Mark Sherry & Christina Novelli - Lighting Fires (Paul Denton Extended Remix) (7:34) 32. The Madison - Breathe (Extended Mix) (5:59) 33. John O'Callaghan & Kathryn Gallagher - Mess Of A Machine (Billy Gillies Extended Remix) (7:53) 34. Matt Bukovski & Mary Sweet - Rescue (Extended Mix) (5:49) 35. Paul Oakenfold & ZHU & Velvet Cash - I'm Into It (Alexander Popov Extended Remix) (5:01) 36. Sunscreem - Love U More (Solarstone Extended Pure Mix) (7:35) 37. Temple One & Katty Heath - In Everything I See (Extended Mix) (6:29) 38. HALIENE - Glass Heart (Craig Connelly Extended Remix) (7:07) 39. Richard Durand & Christian Burns - Almost Home (Extended Mix) (6:30) 40. Richard Durand & HALIENE - Give Your Heart a Home (Extended Mix) (7:26) 41. Simon Leon & Alexandra Badoi - Would You (Extended Mix) (5:29) 42. Above & Beyond feat. Richard Bedford - Sun & Moon (ilan Bluestone Extended Mix) (7:45) 43. Eco - Let You Down (Chris Schweizer Extended Remix) (6:29) 44. Ralphie B & Clara Yates - Live Like Legends (Extended Mix) (6:24) 45. Markus Schulz & Lovlee - Temporary Highs (Extended Mix) (6:22) 46. RAM & Susana pres. Tales Of Life - You Are Enough (Horisone Extended Remix) (7:40) 47. Bryan Kearney & Plumb - All Over Again (Extended Mix) (7:53) 48. Cosmic Gate & Diana Miro - Nothing to Hide (Extended Mix) (6:32) 49. Cosmic Gate & Mike Schmid - Summer Wonder (Extended Mix) (7:30) 50. Craig Connelly & Christina Novelli - Black Hole (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) (8:27)
Скачать: Vocal Trance Top 50 (Extended Versions) (2022)
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