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Скачать Squirrels AirParrot

АвторАвтор: mexanik | ДатаДата: 24 ноября 2020 | Нашли ошибку?
Squirrels AirParrot

AirParrot – приложение, которое позволяет без особых проблем транслировать изображение с Рабочего стола на телевизор. С AirParrot вы сможете, используя AirPlay и Apple TV, передавать то, что у вас происходит на Рабочем столе напрямую на телевизор.

Теперь все, что вы делаете за компьютером будет отображаться на вашем телевизоре. Вы можете использовать свой Apple TV и просматривать фильмы, фотографии, слушать музыку и делать все остальное. Если вы не собираетесь делиться чем-то, а хотите просто работать на большом экране, то к счастью для вас программа AirParrot также может отображать ваш компьютерный экран. Кроме того, вы также можете настроить телевизор на расширенный рабочий стол. Приложение безусловно, очень практичное в работе и эффективно,  отлично подойдет тем кто хочет улучшить способ использования своего компьютера.

Wireless screen mirroring for everyone. AirParrot adds high-quality screen mirroring to your favorite Windows devices. Wirelessly send screens to receivers like Apple TV, Chromecast and Reflector. Loaded with innovative features, AirParrot is new and improved and sure to produce a superior mirroring experience.

Beam media to the big screen
Just select any media file in AirParrot to begin watching on your TV-even control playback from your remote control. Streaming media is quick and results in no audio or video quality loss. Beam media in 5.1 surround sound for a theatre experience, at home. AirParrot effortlessly handles the headaches of different video formats so your videos always play right where you want them, regardless of receiver compatibility.

Use the receivers you know and love
AirParrot supports numerous media receivers. Connect and stream content to hardware devices like Apple TV and Chromecast. AirParrot also works great with software receivers like Reflector. Mirror audio around the house to AirPlay-enabled speakers. Regardless of budget or preference, AirParrot works with the devices found in most homes, schools and businesses.

Mirror and stream to multiple destinations at once
Display your screen and media files to any number of receivers at the same time. Surround yourself with the music, videos and media that you love. Mirror or stream video and audio together or stream audio only. The possibilities, and devices you can connect to, are unlimited.

Connect without hassle
Our patent-pending Quick Connect® technology makes connecting over diverse and complicated networks a breeze. Connect to receivers when auto-discovery and multicast traffic isn't available or when subnets divide your devices. Recently-connected devices appear at the top when they're available to fast track mirroring and streaming.

New Features:
- Stream media files to supported destinations.
- Connect to any number of receivers at the same time.
- Connect to receivers by Quick Connect Code™ instead of searching a list.
- Stream lossless audio without video to devices.
- Recently-used receivers appear at the top for quick reconnecting.
- Temporarily pause mirroring without disconnecting.
- Enjoy surround sound with streaming videos when available.
- Play any media file. We'll do the heavy lifting.

Год: 2020
: Windows Vista, 7, 8, 10
Интерфейс: ENG
Лекарство: в комплекте
Размер: 71.5 Мб

Скачать Squirrels AirParrot


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