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Скачать Avanquest eXpert PDF Ultimate

АвторАвтор: Webpostman | ДатаДата: 19 января 2020 | Нашли ошибку?
Avanquest eXpert PDF Ultimate

Avanquest eXpert PDF Ultimate - профессиональная программа для работы с PDF документами. С ее помощью вы сможете просматривать, редактировать и конвертировать PDF файлы. Expert PDF Ultimate проста в использовании, эффективная, быстрая и обладает большим количеством полезных возможностей.

Некоторые особенности:
• Создание и редактирование PDF документов;
• Конвертировать PDF в Word;
• Создавать новые и полностью настраиваемые формы PDF;
• Управление документами;
• Преобразовывать PDF документы в JPG, GIF, TIF и т.д;
• Отправка PDF по E-mail;
• Редактирование текста - вырезать, копировать, вставлять, изменять размер текста и изображения;
• Графические инструменты редактирования - добавить изображения, геометрические фигуры, кривые Безье и многое другое;
• Добавлять примечания, водяные знаки, комментарии и штампы;
• Создание защищенных паролем PDF файлы для ограниченного доступа. Установить пароль на печать, редактирование и тд;
• Совместимость с Adobe Acrobat или Acrobat Reader, все программы Microsoft Office, а также поддержка jаvascript.

OCR Tool (Optical Character Recognition)
To be able to search text in scanned documents: edit and search any PDF document.

PDF Viewer
- Open and view all PDF files, digital books in 3D, .ePub or BD formats (.cbr / .cbz).
- View and work on two documents on the same screen with our exclusive side by side view

PDF files Conversion
- Convert your documents with accuracy and no loss of information: the elements and layout are fully recovered and thus become fully editable.
- PDF conversion module directly accessible from the Windows desktop for faster use.
- Only one click needed to convert any PDF documents into searchable and editable in the following formats:

- PDF to Word, TXT and RTF
- PDF to image (PNG, JPEG, GIF, BMP, TIFF)
- PDF to Excel
- PDF to PowerPoint
- PDF to LibreOffice suite (Clac, Writer, Impress...)

PDF Creation
- Create PDF from any PC application providing a print menu (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Internet Explorer ...)

PDF files Edition
- Text editing: cut, copy, paste, move text, delete and adjust text properties (size, font, colour, character spacing).
- Picture editing: delete, add and edit images (resizing, rotation, compression).
- Manage bookmarks to navigate easily within PDF documents.
- Edit multiple PDF documents thanks to tabs
- Drawing Tools: inserting lines, rectangles, ovals, Bezier curves.
- Insert hyperlinks and URLs in your PDF documents.
- Stamps library: add predefined stamps and customise them with transition effects, rotation...
- Watermarks publisher: add, remove and edit custom watermarks.
- Document layout: moving, deleting, extraction, insertion, crop, rotate and copy pages. The final PDF can be arranged with no limit.
- Attachments: attach any type of file to PDF (eg video).
- Bates Numbering: widely used in some professional fields (legal, accounting ...), this dial is used to annotate all the PDFs to make every document easy to find.
- Optimisation tools for compression of PDF.
- Direct access to the most used PDF files thanks to a bookmarks list.
- Add headers and foot-pages, watermarks and other texts for all pages of a document.

Creating Interactive Forms
- Automatic conversion of a PDF file into a customised PDF form that can be completed directly on the screen with a simple PDF editor.
- Creation/edition of new fully customized PDF forms with text boxes, radio buttons, check boxes, drop-down lists and action buttons (Submit, Send by Email, Print, etc.).
- Text and objects editing in the form: font, colour, line thickness, display options...
- Script insertion
- jаvascript support for the most common uses.
- Associate Actions to objects in a form: automatic entry, opening of web pages
- Export and Import Forms data to PDF file and PDF data to Form fields

PDF Review Tool
- Mark your documents by using the highlight, underline, and strikethrough features
- Add shapes such as arrows and stars
- Use the pencil tool to scribble on the document
- Use the whiteout tool to erase elements in your document
- Compare documents and highlight differences in content

OCR Module (Optical Character Recognition)
- Transform scanned documents and images into editable PDFs
- Recognise text automatically and within images
- Convert documents without re-typing
- Batch recognise the text within multiple documents
- Search text in scanned documents in 8 different languages

New in Version 14:
- NEW! Addition of the PDF/A save format to permit the archiving and retention of PDF contents over a very long period.
- NEW! Bates indexing: Indexing method that makes it easier to search for and identify documents. It makes it possible to increment the index automatically (Bates number, page number or number of pages).
- IMPROVED! Major update to forms, now including a spelling check, new layout symbols and the calculation of values in text boxes.
- IMPROVED! Possibility of rotating all the shapes available in Expert PDF.
- NEW! Addition of “Cloud” shape to measure distances and highlight certain sections.
- IMPROVED! The Bookmarks panel is now much more functional.
- It is possible to add a bookmark without having to use the “Add Actions” option.

System Requirements:
- Processor : Pentium III or equivalent
- RAM : 512 MB (1 GB for Vista, 7 & 8)
- Disk Space: 100 MB or more
- Microsoft Office is required for plug-in use & conversion to Word, Excel and Powerpoint

Информация о программе:
Год выпуска: 2020
Платформа: Windows® 7/8/8.1/10
Язык интерфейса: Multilanguage / English (русского нет)
Лекарство: cracked
Размер файла: 250.00 MB

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Скачать Avanquest eXpert PDF Ultimate (x64)

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Все материалы найдены на просторах сети интернет как свободно распространяемые и выложены исключительно в ознакомительных целях. Если вы являетесь законным правообладателем какого либо продукта и против его размещения на данном сайте, сообщите нам и мы немедленно удалим данный материал. Администрация сайта не несет ответственности за действия посетителей, нарушающих авторские права.
All materials are found on open spaces of a network the Internet as freely extended and laid out exclusively in the fact-finding purposes. If you are what lawful legal owner or a product and against its placing on the given site, inform us and we will immediately remove the given material. The administration of a site does not bear responsibility for actions of the visitors breaking copyrights.