Исполнитель:VA Название: Top50: Tracks Deep House Ver.16 (2020) Жанр: House, Deep House, Progressive House, Club House Год выпуска: 2020 Количество треков: 50 Время звучания: 04:18:09 Качество: MP3 | 320 Kbps Размер: 631 MB
01. Ben Delay - Giving Up On Love (Extended Mix) 5:20 02. Parah Dice - Hot (Imanbek Extended Remix) 4:03 03. Tones and I - Dance Monkey (Gumanev & Tim Cosmos Deep Remix) 4:04 04. Sean Aaron - Hold Me (VetLove Remix) 5:12 05. Lana Del Rey - Young & Beautiful (A-Mase Nudisco Remix) 7:13 06. Dani Corbalan - Love Away (Original Mix) 4:24 07. Alex Grafton & Elliaz feat. SevenEver - Stranger (Original Mix) 4:59 08. Royksopp - Here She Comes Again (DJ Antonio Remix 2020 Extended) 4:18 09. Emma Peters - Clandestina (Get Better Remix) 4:22 10. MadSound & N.E.O.N - Losing Control (Frank Demark Remix) 5:16 11. Post Malone - Take What You Want (Pascal Junior Remix) 5:07 12. Yasmeen - Gone (A-Mase Remix) 6:41 13. Alex Grafton - Your Love (Original Mix) 5:01 14. DJ Panya - In The Deep Stream (Original Mix) 6:12 15. GeoM - Bleeding In Love (Costa Mee Remix) 5:27 16. Mika Olson - Drift Away (Alex Hook Remix) 6:51 17. OFFAIAH - Soldier (Club Mix) 6:00 18. Collin Priest - What To Do (Vocal Mix) 5:15 19. Soundsperale - Shy (Spoiljack Remix) 5:25 20. Kino Todo Tesfit Asgodom - Gidafi Na feat. Tesfit Asgodom (Original Mix) 7:35 21. Block & Crown - Finesse (Big Bass Club Mix) 5:17 22. Fachini & Ricardo Luiz - Warehouse (Original Mix) 6:09 23. Legroni Peredel - Mbyes (Fake Mood Remix) 7:28 24. Spoiljack - Middle Of The Night (Original Mix) 5:12 25. Claydee feat. Lil Eddie - Gitana (Mar G Rock Remix) 3:36 26. Astroleaf & Aftruu - I've Been Letting Go Of You (Original Mix) 5:57 27. Gurkan Asik feat. Virginia Da Cunha - Can't Drive (Original Club Mix) 5:33 28. Thrdlfe & Sleepwalkrs - Outta My Head (Extended Mix) 3:49 29. Naypse - Bossy (Original Mix) 4:35 30. Diego Power - Don't Look At Me (Fly & Sasha Fashion Remix) 4:53 31. REYKO - Lose Myself (Kolya Funk Extended Mix) 3:43 32. Eurythmics - Sweet Dreams (Relanium & Deen West feat. TPaul Sax Remix) 3:40 33. The Giver - If You Only Knew (Original Club Mix) 5:04 34. Alex Grafton feat. Ryan Konline - Your Love (Original Mix) 5:01 35. Rihanna - Diamonds (Braaten & Chrit Leaf Remix) 3:43 36. Tim Dian - I Think A Love You (Original Mix) 3:56 37. Alaia & Gallo feat. Rion S. - Higher (Extended Mix) 5:42 38. Lil Nas X feat. Billy Ray Cyrus - Old Town Road (Savin & Pushkarev Extended Remix) 4:31 39. No Hopes GK - U Free (Original Mix) 5:41 40. Roberto Surace - Joys (OFFAIAH Club Mix) 6:00 41. Algrthm - On My Mind (Original Mix) 4:40 42. Soundsperale & Sergi Yaro - Ground (Spoiljack Remix) 5:20 43. Diana King - Ain't Nobody (The Bestseller Deep Remix) 4:14 44. Mark Lower feat. Alexandra Prince - Feel (Original Mix) 6:39 45. Gina V - Burning Me (Original Mix) 5:34 46. Abriviatura IV & Soundsperale - My Friend My Brother (Di Mora Remix) 4:21 47. Lil Jon & East Side Boyz - Get Low (Froglicka Remix) 4:29 48. Kapral & Anton Abakumov - Опиум (Cover Агата Кристи) 5:01 49. Zivert - Зелёные волны (Alex Keen & Art Golubitskiy Remix) 4:50 50. A-Mase & Sharliz - Ты не верь слезам (Shura Cover) (Original Mix) 4:39
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