01. Suonare - You're Gone 1:57 02. Greg Dela - Make Your Move (Galardo Remix) 1:51 03. Ultra Nate & Marcimo - Peace (Club Mix) 1:18 04. David Caballero Feat. Nia Martin - Back From The Stars (Cassimm Remix Edit) 0:47 05. Tim Morrison - Slow Motion 1:51 06. Leon Brookz Feat. Omz - Out Of Luck 1:40 07. Calmani & Grey - Seven Seagulls 1:26 08. Dj Skywalk - Perfecto (Jay Frog's Summerbreeze Edit) 0:55 09. Bedrud Feat. Lirina - Love Savior 1:02 10. Hoxtones Feat. Celine Chant - Sunset (Radio Edit) 2:03 11. Nyers - Kouma (Original Mix) 2:05 12. Daisy Kilbourne - Lost You (The Forgery Remix) 1:34 13. David K. - This City 2:22 14. Mza & Matty Menck - Light Up 1:34 15. Henry Hacking - Get Down (Original Radio Edit) 2:05 16. Ben Delay - Bring Me Love (Extended) 1:34 17. Luca Debonaire & Kiki Doll - Find Someone Else (Radio Edit) 2:21 18. Bedrud & Aneta Moran - No Gun 1:30 19. The Forgery Feat. Mankind - Needy (Radio Mix) 2:44 20. Meines Feat. Angi - Feelings (Original Mix) 1:34 21. Featuring_Me - You Don't Know About Me (Edit) 1:06 22. Argento - Hang Tuff (Original Mix) 1:49 23. Idin Gorji - Disorder (Radio Edit) 1:49 24. Meines Feat. Lenny - Take Me Away 1:34 25. Keyano - You (Original Edit) 1:49 26. Juloboy - Don't Look Back (Ben Delay Remix) 1:26 27. Mika Olson - Drift Away 1:34 28. Freaky Djs - Watanga (Radio Edit) 1:41 29. Andre Rizo - Save Me (Original Mix) 1:34 30. Mde - Bring It 1:02 31. Justluke - Desire 1:34 32. Christian Van Ham - One Direction (Benny Royal Remix) 1:57 33. Marc Kiss, Sawo & Crystal Rock - Feels Good (Timo$ Radio Edit) 1:33 34. Nathaniel - Moon (Leon Brooks Remix) 1:05 35. Tim Gartz & Nomi - Dive With Me 1:49 36. Valentin Ilie & Kataa - Belief (Misha Klein & No Hopes Mix) 1:34 37. Sovi - Del Universo (Original Mix) 2:05 38. Rogerio Lopez, Tim Porta Feat. Julie Mc Knight - Home (Original Mix) 1:49 39. Joachim Garraud & Ridwello Feat. Charlie Sputnik - Champions (Dario Rodriguez Remix) 1:41 40. Calmani & Grey - Winter Ocean (Theemotion Remix) 1:18 41. Jose Ogalla & Ron Carroll - After Now (Original Radio Edit) 1:26 42. Distant People Feat. Hannah K. - Rhythm Of My Love (Angelo Ferreri Club Mix) 1:18 43. Carisman Feat. King & White - Don't Let Go (Kenny Hectyc Remix) 1:18 44. Rosario Galati & Yves Murasca - Kalura 1:34 45. Dj Nirro - Take The Ball (Radio Edit) 1:49 46. Popcorn Poppers & Alexia Nigh - Into The Dark (Radio Edit) 1:22 47. Sicnature - Always With You (Dj Tonka Radio Mix) 1:38 48. Francesco Gomez - Tequila (Original Mix) 1:52 49. Luca Cassani & Ricky Castelli - Boogie 2 Nite (Ricky Castelli Remix) 1:50 50. Miguel Noel - Funk The House (Radio Edit) 1:34 51. Kevin Courtois - Craving 1:18 52. Nebs Jack - Elegija 0:47 53. Ben Delay - You Give Me Something 1:49 54. Shiloff - In A Mood (Original Mix) 2:05 55. Rosario Galati & Yves Murasca - Carry On (Original Re-Vision) 1:49 56. Voyager2 Feat. Jess Hayes - Not In Love (Radio Edit) 1:18 57. Kahikko & Kantola - Bat Girl (Edit) 1:41 58. Matty Menck & Mattini - Get Hi (Code3000 Remix) 1:26 59. Julien Scalzo & Ron Carroll - It's You (Boogie Pimps Radio Edit) 1:18 60. Arco - Dreamgates (Original Mix) 1:49 61. Audax Feat. Shawnee Taylor - Hey You (Boogie Pimps Remix) 2:05 62. Jonvs & Morelly - Colours (Radio Edit) 1:18 63. No Requests - Depth Of Soul 2:05 64. Malone - Way Back In Time (Original Mix) 1:49 65. The Ger-Man - The One 1:18 66. Anbargo - Losing Myself (Radio Edit) 1:18 67. Dario Rodriguez & Mark Bale Feat. Albeneir - Lit Like Fire (Clamani & Grey Remix) 2:09 68. Lissat & Voltaxx - Groove Jet (Block & Crown Remix) 1:30 69. Max Bering & Bankewitz - Every Woman (Original Radio Edit) 1:57 70. Dunno - Amsterjam 1:34 71. Boogie Pimps - Awesome (Original Radio Edit) 1:06 72. Ben Delay - To Be Free (Superdope Remix) 2:05 73. Andrey Exx Feat. Karmen Moxie - A Deeper Love 1:34 74. Shifterz - Restart (Radio Edit) 1:02 75. Da Hool - Bora Bora 2.0 (E.M.C.K. Radio Edit) 1:38 76. Leon Brooks Feat. Sahbi - Give Me Love (Radio Mix) 1:34 77. Mr. Calix - Sunny (Knoxturnal Remix) 2:05 78. Slippy Beats - Your Body (Radio Edit) 1:34 79. Ducka Shan & Mike Wryter - San Francisco 1:49 80. Gil Sanders Feat. Maria Marcus - Anonymous (Radio Edit) 1:22 81. Bassner & Josto Fet. Coline - Change (Original Radio Edit) 1:06 82. Audax, Adriano Pagani & Dimy Soler - Fire & Ice (Radio Edit) 1:10 83. Cruze - Butterfly (Danielle Diaz Remix) 0:39 84. Paul & Friends Feat. Elsa - This Time 1:49 85. Funkin Matt - Elephant 2k18 (Brockman & Basti M Update Mix) 1:18 86. Amoon, Walking Path & Marc Kukka - What You Need (Radio Edit) 1:18 87. Sweed Feat. Jalana - Finally (Dayne S Deep Mix) 2:28 88. Chillhanger - Purple Symphony (Radio Edit) 1:34 89. Hight Feat. Hannah Jane Lewis - I'm With You 2:13 90. Marc Vedo & Dj Rae - Make Me Better (Vip Mix) 1:49 91. Casanovy - I Need Your Lovin' (Momo Khani & Meindel Remake) 2:20 92. Mza - There In The Sunlight (Radio Edit) 1:26 93. Akadian - Footsteps 0:55 94. Bluckther & Alex House - The Best Of My Life (E.M.C.K. Radio Edit) 1:34 95. Faul & Way Vs. Avalanche City - I Need You (David Puentez & Mts Remix) 1:53 96. Bolier Feat. Roya - One Of The Nights (Blr Remix) 1:58
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