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Скачать Metronym: Techno Radio (2019)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 15 апреля 2019 | Нашли ошибку?
Metronym: Techno Radio (2019)

Категория: Music Collection
Исполнитель: Various Musicians
Название диска: Metronym: Techno Radio
Жанр: Techno, Minimal, Electronic
Год Выпуска: 2019
Количество треков: 125
Время звучания: 12 :22 :51
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kbps

О Диске:
Внимание приковывает обложка, философский смысл которой отлично сочетается с тем, что нас ждет внутри, на просторах сборника под названием "Metronym". Лонгплей определенно будет интересен поклонникам жанра и просто слушателям, которые находятся в постоянном поиске чего-нибудь нового из мира электронной музыки.

001. Narcis - Metronym
002. Antonio Ruscito - Opening
003. Arzadous & The Straikerz - Pain (Original Mix)
004. Clip - Grip
005. Hideyoshi - Passione (Original Mix)
006. John Massey - Vanity Ashes (Original Mix)
007. Joyce Muniz - Toxic People
008. Lefthandsoundsystem - Talking Drum (Original Mix)
009. Manfredi Barbarossa - Tripping (Original Mix)
010. Svarog - Arctic Lights
011. D-Charged - House Of Fire (Original Mix)
012. Joachim Spieth - Iliachtides
013. Yuuki Hori - Nisa (Original Mix)
014. Eanp - Apathy
015. Neonbug - Insomniac
016. Nooncat - Take Off (Original Mix)
017. Reggy Van Oers - Reciprocity
018. Imperator - The Night (Original Mix)
019. Fuzoku - 1994 (Original Mix)
020. Joachim Spieth - Luciferin
021. Rejecta - Rise Of Rejecta
022. Takashi Watanabe - Debug (Original Mix)
023. Toki Fuko - The Signal
024. Pablo Briales - The Return
025. Marco Calanni - Fahrenheit
026. Massa - Interpretation Of Nowhere
027. Pitch - Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung
028. Deepbass - Search Continues
029. Ishii Fuwa - Carling (Original Mix)
030. Tensal - Blood Of Heroes
031. Joachim Spieth - Dispersion
032. Rad.Noi2 - Interpreter (Original Mix)
033. Robb Mc Adam - Twisted (Original Mix)
034. Lefthandsoundsystem - Duu (Original Mix)
035. Svarog - Highway
036. Beyond Horizons - Seres Cosmicos
037. Giorgio Gigli - Looking Through My Memory
038. Ryusho Hamada - Tonight (Original Mix)
039. Rebel Yell - Next Exit Reworks
040. Joachim Spieth - Luminophor
041. Kai Ando - Poreu (Original Mix)
042. Ricardo Garduno - Louder Than Storms
043. Periskop - Relent
044. Ryusho Hamada - Fancy Steps
045. Several Definitions - Fracture
046. Marco Calanni - Snowtown
047. Toki Fuko - Oblation
048. Dr Beat - Sex On The Beach
049. Ishii Fuwa - Jazzman
050. Ness - Mentalist
051. Sergy Casttle - Kids Rules
052. Akenaton - Emphasis (Original Mix)
053. Dj Darkon - Sexy Move (Radio Edit)
054. Svendaq - Boogie Nights
055. Edit Select - Octave
056. Der Dienstleister - Kolossus (Radio Edit)
057. D. Diggler - Kahuna
058. George Freeman - Machaou
059. Tiger And Dragon - Fee
060. Buben - Ambitious Premium
061. Dani San - Identity
062. Dany Cohiba - Carnival Madness
063. Dominik Christal - Bejbi
064. Maksim Biserov - Shambhala Resident
065. Deep'a & Biri - False Memories
066. Ankulu - Udweshu Lwethu
067. Askin Dedeoglu - Freak Me Out (Radio Edit)
068. Beyond Horizons - Dragon Journey From Saigon
069. Fixeer - Massif
070. Miguel Alcobia - Alto Do Pina (Radio Cut)
071. Dr. Beat - Kaos (Radio Edit)
072. Dr. Beat - Bipolar (Radio Edit)
073. Frank Kvitta - Be Effected
074. Dominik Christal - Don't Let The Music Die
075. Buben - Walking Miracle (Radio Edit)
076. Pitch - Galopp
077. Hansgod - Bodybird
078. Dr Beat - What's That Feeling Called Again
079. Maksim Biserov - Mussels (Radio Cut)
080. Svendaq - Revolving Motion (Radio Cut)
081. Hasha Mercy - El (Original Mix)
082. Askin Dedeoglu - Try Me (Radio Edit)
083. Roni Iron - Guitar Spirit
084. Maksim Biserov - Smoke (Radio Edit)
085. Interfellar - Acid Sphere
086. Der Dienstleister - Iron Oh Iron
087. Svendaq - Deep Riots (Radio Cut)
088. Jeffree - Baby (Edit)
089. I.Villasante - Conga (Original Mix)
090. Lazy Idiot - Fatamorgana (Radio Edit)
091. Kamazi - Aerocentric
092. Afrotronix - Ca Fait Mal (Radio Cut)
093. Kastil - Submissive
094. Pitch - Abfahrt
095. Le Cantin - Slavery Manifestation
096. Enne - Beatup (Radio Cut)
097. Lisa Lashes - Not For Kids (Original Mix)
098. Ivan Tanasijevic - Spring (Radio Cut)
099. Mario Ochoa - Become Human (Original Mix)
100. Mediatec - Anticipation Of The Night
101. Oruam Zior - Carpet Staircase (Original Mix)
102. Oscar Escapa - Old School (Original Mix)
103. Joel Jungell - Astral (Adam Chapman Rmx)
104. Mariano Fonrouge - If You Know (Hernan Bass Rmx)
105. P U L S A R - Sitting On The Edge Of Lake
106. Project One - Journey Of The Mind (Extended)
107. Raito - Caustic
108. Renga Weh - Redrum Ii
109. Alexander Dee - Nocturne
110. Boriqua Tribez - Roxana (Dj Brutec Remix)
111. Bryan Scott - Diverge
112. Dema - The Remedy
113. Mekas - Boden (Original Mix)
114. Panic!! - Dark Blue (Original Mix)
115. Teo Harouda - Fusion
116. Tim Jackman - Psychic (Original Mix)
117. Dj Wank - Midnight Directions (Original Mix)
118. Drafted - Paradigma Areo
119. Mike Nylons - Whitetrash
120. Kebbon - Beginning
121. Stephan Crown - Robotronich (Original Mix)
122. Zita Molnar - Be Sorry (Original Mix)
123. Enrico Sangiuliano - Eol
124. Diemen Duff - White Mushroom
125. Eeoo - Ping

Скачать: Metronym: Techno Radio (2019)


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Теги к статье:

Techno, Electronic, Compilation, VA-Album
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