Artist: Various Performers Title: Late Night Disco House Vol. 2 Style: Electronica, Funky, Soulful, Nu Disco Release Date: 10-03-2018 Quality: MP3/320 Kbps/Joint Stereo/44100Hz Tracks: 37 Tracks Size: 407 MB/02:57:59 Min
01. Alfonso - Fever In The Disco (Deep Underground Mix) 8:35 02. Nixon Keem - Cura (Radio Edit) 3:00 03. Poediction Feat. Trevor Jackson - The First Day (Visioneight & Bootmasters Remix Radio Edit) 3:41 04. Vali Barbulescu - O Noua Zi 3:41 05. Tiri - Disco Prince 4:46 06. Nadia - Lost (E39 Dance Remix) 5:17 07. Michael Ruland - Dreamer (Instrumental Edit) 3:41 08. Keywave - Baby Come Back (Nu Disco Mix) 4:06 09. Dj Allegro - The Nana Song 2:21 10. Damon Wick Feat. Beccy - Forever Young (Tbo & Vega Remix) 4:50 11. Dj Eef - Clap Your Hands (Club Mix) 5:49 12. Kreativgang - Nightclub 7:45 13. Hillberg & D-Tex - Deggendorf Funk (D-Tex Funk Edit) 4:54 14. Dj Combo & Papajam Feat. Tony T & Dj Raphael - Boom Boom (Alessio Pras Summer Kuduro Remix) 3:50 15. Frankie Volo & Le Brion - Shakti (Mirko Boni Remix) 5:12 16. Wendy Rivers - Take A Breath (Naxwell Remix) 5:43 17. Maxim Novitskiy - Lose Myself (Radio Version) 3:24 18. Magic6 - Mysterious 8:22 19. Stefan Schenk - Feeling Good 2014 (Hot Summer Remix) 4:47 20. Tanya G Feat. Dj Kataku - I Will Survive (Kataku Instrumental Mix) 4:54 21. Deejay Colour & Freestyle Arne - Colours 3:23 22. Jacques Guzzi - Sign Of The Soul 4:41 23. Jack & Jones - Do You Mine 2k17 2:45 24. Ricky Da Dragon - Go So 4:52 25. Magic6 - X Files 3:09 26. Crowd Control Feat. Elektromekanik & Happy Gutenberg - Devil 4:35 27. Stiller - Bad As Me 3:50 28. El Cutsha - Summer Girl (Radio Edit) 3:43 29. Krizoo & Oscar Bardelli Feat. Oscar Sanchez - Fashion & Fame 6:38 30. Jack & Jones Feat. Akyra - Lift Me Up (Radio Mix) 3:36 31. Gadyno - No More Lies (Remix) 4:08 32. Onehundred Feat. Ilary Osborne - Do The Right Thing (Marco Merelli Edit) 4:27 33. Mirko Boni - Check 6:18 34. Arion Musiclab - Disclosed Harmony (Furious Funky Mix) 6:49 35. Frankie Volo - Do You Feel 6:48 36. Mauama Feat. Ida Landsberg - Lovin' (Radio Edit) 3:35 37. Juls - Let You Go (Kenny Laakkinen Nudisco Remix) 6:06
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