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Скачать COMSS BootUSB 10.2017

АвторАвтор: go19021984 | ДатаДата: 21 октября 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
COMSS BootUSB 10.2017

COMSS BootUSB - загрузочная флэшка от COMSS, которая содержит 12 антивирусных сканеров для проверки и лечения компьютеров и ноутбуков. Также, присутствуют утилиты для проверки оперативной памяти и жесткого диска и для работы с разделами диска.

Диск содержит: Antivirus Live CD, AVG Rescue CD, Avira Rescue System, Comodo Rescue Disk, Dr.Web LiveDisk, ESET SysRescue, F-Secure Rescue CD, Kaspersky Rescue Disk, Norton Bootable Recovery Tool, Tencent Rescue Disk, Vba32 Rescue, Windows Defender Offline, Offline NT/2000/XP/Vista/7 Password Changer, memtest86+ 5.01, Victoria 3.52с, GParted live 0.29.0-1-i686.

Инструкция по установке:
1) Отформатируйте USB устройство в FAT32 (можно использовать стандартные средства Windows).
2) Скопируйте содержимое ISO образа (3 папки и 7 файлов) на USB устройство.
3) Запустите файл CREATE_BOOT_USB.bat на USB устройстве.
4) В окне консоли, введите букву USB устройства и нажмите ENTER.
5) Следуя указаниям консоли, нажмите любую клавишу и подождите, пока загрузчик не будет установлен.
6) Нажмите любую клавишу для выхода из консоли. Загрузочное USB устройство готово.

COMSS BootUSB is a bootable USB flash drive from COMSS, which contains 12 anti-virus scanners for testing and disinfection of computers and laptops. Also, there are utilities for checking the RAM and hard disk and for working with disk partitions.

Composition of COMSS BootUSB:

Antivirus utilities
Antivirus Live CD - console antivirus scanner ClamAV (requires an Internet connection to download the virus database).
AVG Rescue CD - AVG antivirus scanner with file manager, Registry Editor, TrueCrypt, FixMBR, TestDisk. Updating the virus database via the Internet is supported.
Avira Rescue System - Ubuntu OS with Avira anti-virus scanner, file manager, web browser, Gparted, RegEdit. Updating the virus database via the Internet is supported.
Comodo Rescue Disk - Linux OS with an antivirus scanner Comodo, file manager and web browser. Updating the virus database via the Internet is supported.
Dr.Web LiveDisk - Linux OS with Dr.Web anti-virus scanner, file manager and web browser. Updating the virus database via the Internet is supported.
ESET SysRescue 5 - Linux OS with an ESET SysRescue 5 antivirus scanner (English version), file manager, web browser, Gparted. Updating the virus database via the Internet is supported.
ESET SysRescue 4 - Linux OS with ESET SysRescue 4 anti-virus scanner (Russian version), file manager, web browser. Updating the virus database via the Internet is supported.
F-Secure Rescue CD - antivirus scanner F-Secure. Updating the virus database via the Internet is supported.
Kaspersky Rescue Disk - Linux OS with Kaspersky Anti-Virus scanner, file manager, web browser, RegEdit. Updating the virus database via the Internet is supported.
Norton Bootable Recovery Tool - Linux OS with Norton antivirus scanner, file manager and web browser. Updating the virus database via the Internet is supported.
Tencent Rescue Disk - Linux OS with Tencent anti-virus scanner, file manager, web browser, RegEdit, FixMBR.
Vba32 Rescue - the console-based anti-virus scanner Vba32.
Windows Defender Offline - antivirus scanner Windows Defender Offline. Updating the virus database via the Internet is supported.

System Utilities:
Offline NT / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 Password Changer - reset passwords for Windows NT / 2000 / XP / Vista / 7 operating systems.
memtest86 + 5.01 - RAM check for errors.
Victoria 3.52s - check the hard drive for errors.
GParted live 0.29.0-1-i686 - work with hard disk partitions (creation, modification, deletion).

Installation Instructions:
Format the USB device in FAT32 (you can use standard Windows tools).
Copy the contents of the ISO image (3 folders and 7 files) to the USB device.
Run the CREATE_BOOT_USB.bat file on the USB device.
In the console window, type the letter of the USB device and press ENTER.
Following the console instructions, press any key and wait until the boot loader is installed.
Press any key to exit the console. The USB mass storage device is ready.

Система: Windows All
Интерфейс: русский / английский
Лечение: не требуется (freeware)
Размер: 5.01 Gb

COMSS BootUSB 10.2017 [5.01 Gb]

Part 1 [855 Mb]

Part 2 [855 Mb]

Part 3 [855 Mb]

Part 4 [855 Mb]

Part 5 [855 Mb]

Part 6 [855 Mb]


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