Треклист: 01.Excision - With You (feat. Madi) 02. Direct - Trust In Me 03. Illenium - Fractures (Trivecta Remix) 04. Dirtyphonics & RIOT - Got Your Love 05. Koven & Crystal Skies - You Me and Gravity 06. What So Not & LPX - Better 07. Lost Frequencies feat. Netsky - Here With You (Extended Mix) 08. Luna Shadows - Waves (Hex Cougar Remix) 09. Ember Island X Radiohead - Creep (Thoreau Remix) 10. Submatik - One (Virtual Riot 2017 Remix) 11. What So Not & Ganz (feat. JOY) - Lone (Slow Hours Remix) 12. Terravita - No Escape (Mantis Remix) 13. QUIX - Riot Call (Russnfrnd Remix) 14. Mark The Beast - In Love With The Devil (Eliminate Remix) 15. Lil Boosie - Crazy 16. Nurko - Let Me Go (feat. Alina Renae) 17. Marshmello - Moving On 18. Era Istrefi & Felix Snow - Redrum (What So Not Remix) 19. Seven Lions - Creation (Soltan Remix) 20. Ephixa & Laura Brehm - Losing You 21. Jess Kent - The Sweet Spot (PhaseOne Remix) 22. Excision - With You (Sullivan King Remix) 23. Topic - Break My Habits (Spag Heddy Remix) 24. Apashe - Fuck Boy (feat. Kandle) 25. KISNOU - Vesper 26. Heuse & Zeus x Crona - Pill (feat. Emma Sameth) 27. Kove - Into The Fire (feat. Folly Rae) 28. Cash Cash - Matches (Max Styler Remix) 29. Elk Road - Come Down 30. Black Sun Empire - Immersion (feat. Belle Doron) 31. Post Malone - Congratulations (Meroshi Remix) 32. Ray Volpe - Mind Games 33. Borgore - Best (Bare Noize Remix) 34. Slips & Slurs - Moving Hectic (feat. Harry Shotta) 35. Sigma - Stay (Pegboard Nerds Remix) 36. July Jones - Jump in the Water (Memtrix Remix) 37. Delta Heavy - Kaleidoscope 38. Jinco - Tokyo 39. Dabin & Apashe - Lilith (feat. Madi) 40. Muzzy - Outsiders (feat. Charlotte Haining) 41. Kiiara - Gold (Joe Maz Remix) 42. MYRNE - Afterdark (feat. Aviella) 43. KSHMR & Tigerlily - Invisible Children 44. Wistful & Subsets - Say You're Gonna Miss Me (feat. Holly Drummond) 45. Dion Timmer - Lost 46. Receptor - Magnetism 47. Loadstar - Diamonds (feat. Takura) 48. Baby Blue - Bump (Koven Remix) 49. Paris Blohm - Into Dust (feat. Elle Vee) 50. Axol & The Tech Thieves - Bleed 51. Alan Walker - Sing Me to Sleep (Marshmello Remix) 52. Unlike Pluto - Worst In Me 53. Fytch - Change Me (feat. Naika) 54. Teminite - Fireflies (feat. Starr Chen) 55. Corporate - Speak (feat. Mickey Shiloh) 56. TheFatRat (feat. Laura Brehm) - Monody (Last Heroes x Mynerva Remix) 57. Ray Volpe - Reality 58. Twenty One Pilots - Heathens (DISTO Remix) 59. Melanie Martinez - Soap (Ray Volpe Bootleg) 60. Jackal - Ice (feat. Karra) 61. Deuce - Charger - Who Can You Trust (Consouls Remix) 62. Anevo - Feel Something (feat. Kayla Diamond) 63. Mr. Oizo & Skrillex - End Of The World 64. Niko The Kid - On The Run 65. FURY - Fade Away (feat. Tallyn) 66. Big Gigantic and Logic ROZES - All Of Me 67. La Tartine x Sibel - Stay 68. Unlike Pluto - No Scrubs (feat. Joanna Jones) 69. Zeds Dead x Diplo - Blame (feat. Elliphant) 70. Seven Lions & Unlike Pluto - Rescue Me 71. ShockOne - A Dark Machine (feat. Reija Lee) 72. Zeds Dead x Illenium - Where the Wild Things Are 73. Prismo - Heathens (twenty one pilots Cover) 74. Eluun - This Is A Story 75. Rae Sremmurd - Black Beatles (Madsonik Remix) 76. Placenta - Black Sun (Gydra Remix) 77. Rhodel X Jetstream - Come to Hell 78. Travis Scott - Goosebumps (NGHTMRE Remix) 79. Skrillex - Kyoto VIP (feat. Sirah) 80. DJ Snake & Yellow Claw - Ocho Cinco
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