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Скачать Heliopause: Energy Exdendet Trance Mix (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 18 июня 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Heliopause: Energy Exdendet Trance Mix (2017)

Категория: Mixed
Исполнитель: VA
Название диска: Heliopause: Energy Exdendet Trance Mix
Жанр: Trance, Progressive Trance
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 100
Время звучания: 11 :03 :34
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Воодушевляющая электронная музыка с хорошими ритмами и самыми эксцентричными мотивами была собрана в специальную тематическую коллекцию под названием «Heliopause: Energy Exdendet Trance Mix». Альбом получился удачно органичным по звуковым качествам и продакшену. Каждая мелодия звучит идеально, и вся музыкальная картина имеет хороший микс.

001. Mhammed El Alami & Ben Samy - Ocean Dream (Extended Mix)
002. Johnny Yono - Severed Ties (Extended Mix)
003. James Kiedis - Here I Stand
004. Davey Asprey - Fallout (Extended Mix)
005. Philippe El Sisi, Faith Mark - Fiducia (Extended Mix)
006. Yang, DJ Xquizit - Tiger Blood (Extended Mix)
007. Kyau & Albert - Trace (Original Mix)
008. David Gravell - Dream (Extended Mix)
009. ReOrder & Driftmoon - #Slovakboys (Extended Mix)
010. Derek Palmer & Cassandra Grey - Awake (Extended Mix)
011. Tom Fall - Kaamos (Extended Mix)
012. Arkham Knights - Afterworld (Extended Mix)
013. Solis & Sean Truby - What It Takes To Love You
014. Miroslav Vrlik - Rise & Shine (Extended Mix)
015. Robert Nickson - Heliopause (Original Mix)
016. Heatbeat Presents. Stacker - Omellete Paradise
017. Aly & Fila - Beyond The Lights (Extended Mix)
018. Paul Denton - Peace of Mind (Original Mix)
019. Sunny Lax - 86 (Extended Mix)
020. UDM - Land Of Dream (Extended Mix)
021. MaRLo & First State - Falling Down
022. Alexander Popov & LR - Clarity (Extended Mix)
023. Andrew Rayel & Emma Hewitt - My Reflection (Extended Mix)
024. Mhammed El Alami, Mike van Fabio - You Are Not Alone
025. Kyau & Albert - Trace (Driftmoon Remix)
026. Peter Steele - Gull (Extended Mix)
027. Declan James, Lucy Neville - Lady (Extended Mix)
028. Oliver Smith - On The Moon (Extended Mix)
029. Robert Nickson & M.I.K.E. Push - Tachyon (Extended Mix)
030. David Forbes, Mallorca Lee - Need to Control (Original Mix)
031. Young Rebels, Francesco Diaz - What Time Is Love
032. Alex Ryan - Lahore (Original Mix)
033. Peetu S - Eastern Angel (Original Mix)
034. Indecent Noise - Dolores (Original Mix)
035. Tim Mason & Sonny Noto - Inner Love (Original Mix)
036. The Noble Six - Chemicals (Original Mix)
037. Tempo Giusto, Jace Headland - Super Cool (Original Mix)
038. Midway - Cobra (Niko Zografos Remix)
039. Paul van Dyk - Touched By Heaven (Extended)
040. Fisherman & Hawkins - Virus (Solid Stone Extended Remix)
041. Super8 & Tab - Cosmo (Extended Mix)
042. Standerwick ft. Jonathan Mendelsohn - Streets Of Gold
043. Stine Grove - Against The Flow
044. Somna & Sarah Russell - Story Untold
045. Joonas Hahmo x K-System - Yamana (Extended Mix)
046. DRYM - Wraith (Extended Mix)
047. Ferry Tayle & Dan Stone - Vona (Extended Mix)
048. Daniel Kandi & Andre Visior - Freedom (Extended Mix)
049. Marc Simz - Forbidden City (Casey Rasch Remix)
050. Sneijder - Polarize (Second Sine Remix)
051. Chris Schweizer - Loaded (Extended Mix)
052. Robert Nickson, Cat Martin - Every Sun
053. Sneijder - Vaporize (Original Mix)
054. Forerunners - Relic (Max Graham Remix)
055. Estiva - Blossom (Extended Mix)
056. Susana - Only Summer Knows (Original Mix)
057. Marco V - Switchim (Extended Mix)
058. Armin van Buuren - The Train (Extended Mix)
059. Alpha 9 - Higher Place (Extended Mix)
060. PureNRG - Cala Blanca
061. Yahel & Eyal Barkan - Voyage (Omar Sherif Remix)
062. Genix - Maheno
063. Ferry Corsten Presents. Gouryella - Venera (Vees Theme)
064. Steve Allen & Enzo - For The Moment (Extended Mix)
065. Franco Riccobaldi - Last Sight (Extended Mix)
066. Shane Kinsella & Project 8 - Serenity
067. Alex Di Stefano - What's The Catch (Original Mix)
068. Alex Di Stefano - Never Back Down (Original Mix)
069. Gai Barone - Lost In Music
070. Amir Hussain - Wild Card (Original Mix)
071. Gai Barone - Lost in Music (Solarstone Pure Mix)
072. Ben Gold - More Than Anything (Extended Mix)
073. ReOrder, Katty Heath - - Love Again (Blue5even Remix)
074. Unity, Harmonic Rush, Pablo Anon - Whirlpool (Original Mix)
075. Armin van Buuren - My Symphony
076. Talla 2XLC - Arcadia (Original Mix)
077. Jordan Suckley, Kutski - Surveillance (Original Mix)
078. Andrew Rayel & Christina Novelli - Lighthouse (Extended Mix)
079. Ruben De Ronde x Rodg x Orjan Nilsen - Booya (Extended Mix)
080. The Thrillseekers - For All That You Are (Extended Club Mix)
081. John O'Callaghan - Two Trees (Original Mix)
082. Markus Schulz Presents Dakota Ft Bev Wild - Running Up That Hill
083. Protoculture - The Descent (Extended Mix)
084. Will Rees - Reconcile (Original Mix)
085. Super8 & Tab ft. Jonny Rose - Falling Into You (Extended Mix)
086. Solarstone & Meredith Call - I Found You (Giuseppe Ottaviani Remix)
087. Genix - 6 AM Saint
088. Cold Blue - On the Outside (Original Mix)
089. Late Night Alumni With Kaskade - Love Song (Myon Definitive Club Mix)
090. Ana Criado - Still There's You (A.R.D.I. Remix)
091. Mr. Sam - Lyteo (Stoneface & Terminal Remix)
092. Sander van Doorn pres. Purple Haze - Neiloj (Extended Mix)
093. Sied Van Riel, Richard Durand - Rivella (Original Mix)
094. DT8 Project - Destination (James Dymond Extended Remix)
095. Allen Watts - Arizona (Extended MIx)
096. Above & Beyond ft. Justine Suissa - Alright Now
097. Robert Miles - Children [Dream Version]
098. Arctic Moon - Neon Nights (Extended Mix)
099. Scott Bond & Charlie Walker Vs Trouser Enthusiasts - Sweet Release
100. Sean Tyas & Darren Porter - The Potion (Clean)

Скачать: Heliopause: Energy Exdendet Trance Mix (2017)


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Теги к статье:

trance, progressive, club, dance, VA
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