Категория: Unmixed Исполнитель: Various Performers Название диска: House Eclipse: Top 100 DJ Жанр: Club, Electro House Год Выпуска: 2017 Количество треков: 100 Время звучания: 11 :20 :26 Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs
О Диске: Если вы хотите услышать действительно качественную музыку, которая будет располагаться на стыке электроники и танцевального диско с фанковым оттенком, то сборник под названием "House Eclipse" это то, что нужно. Новые треки, которые вошли в лонгплей могут похвастаться великолепной атмосферой и тонким чувством стиля. Альбом буквально полностью пропитан легкими нотками романтики и танцевального духа.
Треклист: 001. Mike Strike - Move the Crowd (Radio Cut) 002. Sebastian Phillip - People in the Club 003. Till Von Sein - Daze 004. Tim Penner - Be Free 005. Heath Liquid - Party People (Radio Version) 006. Ramon Tapia - Highway 007. Sven Tasnadi - Believe in Me 008. Tyng & KMRN - My Name Is Love (feat. Shadisha) 009. Naturtalente - Fly Away (George Whyman Remix) 010. Bob Tails - No Way (Radio Mix) 011. Chris Stussy - Let People Know 012. James Silk - La Noche 013. Leandro Da Silva - Bring Your Body 014. No Rabbitz & Vynal K - F**k Around 015. Baylanda - Turn the Party (Radio Edit) 016. Chris Zeitlmeier, DJ CreDes - Memory System 017. Eddie Amador - We Got to Stay! (Sam Skilz Remix) 018. Layout - We Found Love (Tom Bull Extended Remix) 019. Vozmediano - Salt N' Pepa 020. Heinrich & Heine - Rush 021. Vanilla Club - Freaks (Radio Version) 022. Zlatnichi, Joey Daniel - Is That Jackson 023. Sisto & Hippocoon - Yellow Sweater (feat. Julia Sicone) 024. Mick Mirage - Party (All Night Long) [Short Mix] 025. Mike Machine - Joker 026. Tania Vulcano, Jose De Divina, AudioHell - Acid Weeks 027. Digital Junkiez & RS AM - Damn Girl (Original Mix) 028. Lord of the Club - Hands Up (Radio Version) 029. Osamu M - Liberation 030. Steve Nash - Taubenhaucher 031. Myon & Fatum - Rain (Medii Remix) 032. Casca Dean - Gogo (Single Edit) 033. El Mundo - Your Space 034. Stadi - Danse & Move (Anie Remix) 035. Flynthe - Insight (Club Mix) 036. Smash - Zvonok (Feat. Sonya Dramma) 037. Jansons - Tough Enough 038. Mark D FunKtion - Revolution 039. Ricco Rockz - EDM Party (Radio Version) 040. Tiesto - Ten Seconds Before Sunrise (Moska Remix) 041. Emery Warman - King Kongas 042. Lord of the Club - Greensleeves (Radio Version) 043. Polina Play - Speak Now 044. Rayven & Valexx - Seashore 045. Simon Baker - Heat 046. Stealth Mode - Sound of Silence (Radio Version) 047. The Sunchasers - Algo Hermoso (Matt Correa Remix) 048. Markus Schulz presents Dakota - Mota-Mota 049. Bazzbusterz - Nrg Bounce (Radio Version) 050. Christian Hornbostel - Knee Jerk 051. Fuscobeat - Deep Lover 052. SUARK - Lupus Infabula 053. Master T - Level 054. Ray Worx - Turn It Up (Radio Version) 055. Robin B - Anger 056. The French Connection - Below the Radar 057. The MAZ - Oasis (Extended Mix) 058. Hillberg & D-Tex - From City to City 059. Barbur - Land of Secrets 060. Bengt van Steegen - Without You 061. Ross Well - When the Bassline Drops (Single Version) 062. Simon Lee & Alvin - Poweriser (Extended Mix) 063. Icco Spencer - Sunshine (Sunshine in the Air Mix) 064. Memphis - Real Boss 065. Code Luke - Work It Out (Andy Prata Remix) 066. Tim Finity - Overload (Radio Version) 067. Steve Lawler - Show the Way (Original Mix) 068. Bangboyz - Kick It (Radio Version) 069. Jaques Le Noir - Beat of the Drum 070. Beatcity - Shake It, Rave It, Love It (Radio Version) 071. M.A.K - Playa Flash 072. DJ Mix - Driving EDM, Vol. 2 Megamix (Short Version) 073. Oliver Maier - Lazy Days 074. David Kassi - Everybody (John Dimas Egotrip Remix) 075. DJ Mix - Driving EDM, Vol. 2 Megamix (Long Version) 076. Iker Undersound - Deep Freedom 077. Tomazzo - Last Night (Luis Pitti Remix) 078. Victor Bergh - Las Legos 079. DJ Lukas Wolf - Check My Heart 080. Jay Naidu & Ame Vent - Tribal Instincts 081. Alexis Baute - Distance 082. 2 & Me - Summer Sun (Kirill Bukka & Klangkunst Remix) 083. 2wes - Wanna Tell You (Radio Edit) 084. Aka Aka & Thalstroem Feat Chasing Kurt - True 085. Bacalao & Sonne Feat Leander - Strangers 086. Freund - Charlie Chaplin 087. Naturtalente - Manege 088. Peter Kreis - Berlin Backbord (Bumich Remix) 089. Solee - Home (Feat. Slackwax) (Nils Hoffmann Remix) 090. Flatfoot Jones - Fusstrompete 091. Liftboi - Drahtesel 092. Marcapasos - Almost Anything 093. Ramon Tapia - Never Gonna Know 094. Bjorn Mandry - I Let You Go 095. Chris.I.Am Feat Juls - Deeper Love 096. Naturtalente - Trapez 097. Sino Sun - Sweet Memories (Sofa Tunes Remix) 098. Benn Finn - Come And Sleep 099. Dead Ceremony - Losing You 100. Olafur Arnalds Feat. Arnor Dan - Say My Name
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