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Скачать Mimicry: Psy Trance Set (2016)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 5 февраля 2016 | Нашли ошибку?
Mimicry: Psy Trance Set (2016)

Категория: unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Mimicry: Psy Trance Set
Жанр: Psy, Goa Trance
Год Выпуска: 2016
Количество треков: 100
Время звучания: 11:53:45
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Необычный жанровый микс "Mimicry: Psy Trance Set" даст возможность Вам насладиться качественным материалом, причастность которого прослеживается в самые разные мгновения реальности. Сборник заключил в каждый отдельный трек особый посыл, познать который вы сможете, лишь проникшись композицией и впустив ее к себе в сердце.

001. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston - Treasure (Kyau & Albert Remix)
002. G8 - Sky Is The Limit (Original Mix)
003. Horizons - The Hanging Gardens Of Babylon Legacy (Original Mix)
004. Quantum Foam - Multiverse
005. Ross Rayer - One Thing (Original Mix)
006. Sneijder, Mark Leanings - Breaking Point (Original Mix)
007. Sou Kanai - Mercy (Original Mix)
008. Tau-Rine - High Levels (Original )
009. Allen & Envy - The Dragonfly__Original Mix
010. Andrew & White - Pandora (Original Mix)
011. Andrew Lang - Command Line (Original Mix)
012. Arbex - Under Your Sin
013. Armin Van Buuren, W&W - If It Ain't Dutch
014. ArtSense - Consciousness
015. Bouncerz - The Train
016. Denis Master - Alpha Centauri
017. GLAED - Transcend (Edit)
018. Kickstone & Jose Solis - Graboid (Original Mix)
019. Major7 - Inequality (Live Mix)
020. Mike Retek & Dbaste - Bianca (Alexandrians Remix)
021. Mothership Loudspeakerz - Turbo Terror
022. Nick Callan - Oceanis (Original Mix)
023. Nin Ten Doi - Multiverse (Original Mix)
024. Noize Compressor - Africa (Original Mix)
025. Project 8 - The 8th Factor (Original Mix)
026. Russ - Lightone (Original Mix)
027. Simon Templar - Oblivion (Part 1)
028. Solewaas - From Here To Keukenhof (Original Mix)
029. STA - Quintessence
030. Taglo Feat. Daphna Maresca - Never Give Up (Original Mix)
031. Victor Special - Synosure (Original Mix)
032. Atmos - Transport To Another (Yotopia Remix)
033. Human Element - Blue Elephant
034. Saac - Possessed Midnight
035. 7 Baltic - Gold Rusch (Harmonic Wave Remix)
036. Frank Vanoli - After Dark (2k02 Remix)
037. Champa & Mentalogic - My Order (Ovnimoon Remix)
038. Jaytech - Great Divide (Original Mix)
039. Paul Di White - Force Of Gravity (Fisical Project Remix)
040. Stendahl & Shingo Nakamura - Tribute, Chapter II (Terry Da Libra Remix)
041. Damien S and Atmani - Gypsycology (Mike Spinner Remix)
042. Atongmu - You Know What I Want (feat. Leeland Campana)
043. Cybax - Stereo Bit
044. Krachen vs. Systematic - Plasma (Arbex Remix)
045. Paul Thomas & Shadow Of Two - Dynamo__Maarten De Jong Remix
046. Phil Dinner - Maracana (Sergey Shabanov Remix)
047. Psychic Element - Shy Sky (Trance Mix)
048. Rodg - Artefact (Original Mix)
049. Tectum - In Heaven With You (Original Mix)
050. Universal Sense & Aelyn - Be Where You Are (Instrumental Mix)
051. Van Yorge - Nightfall (Eimear Remix)
052. Phaxe - Drums and Guns
053. Ticon - 1987 (Riktam & Bansi Remix)
054. Tron - Blastphemous
055. Thomas Schwartz & Fausto Fanizza - Circles (Original Mix)
056. Hedflux - Non-Stop (Charlie Kane Remix)
057. Maywave - Renegade (Mark Bester Remix)
058. Other Side - Trance Industry (Original Mix)
059. Regizer - Fly with Me
060. Riser - R.I.P. (Cosmic Gravity Remix)
061. Clean Trip - Screwing Dreams
062. Liquid Soul - Valley Of Peace
063. Rocky - Paganka
064. Orjan Nilsen - Amsterdam (David Gravell Remix)
065. State Azure - Transmission
066. Audio Dream - Anachronic
067. Exia - Niagara Falls (Original Mix)
068. LTN - Arise (Radio Mix)
069. Man En Trance - Chronicles Of Cyberpunk (Guido Hermans Remix)
070. Atmos , Born Sleepy & Animato - Senior Junkies
071. Loud - Shores Of Titan (Critical Choice Remix)
072. The Mad - Karma Loop
073. Psymple - Brainbow
074. SBK - Morgenlatte (Morten Granau & Secound Remix)
075. Son Kite - On Air (Rocky Remix)
076. Telekinetic - From Darkness To Light
077. Enigma Journey - Melodic Feeling
078. Roman Messer Feat. Jan Johnston - Nebula (Radio Edit)
079. Chromatone - PimpingPumperNikel
080. Easy Riders & Captain Hook - Imagination Of Ourselves
081. Sub6 - TLV SAO
082. Sactic - Dirty Machines (High Max Remix)
083. Ace Ventura & Lish - The Light (Astrix Remix)
084. Anarkick - GoaHead
085. Vice - A Journey On Barefeet
086. Maniak - Kind of Species
087. DSP - Susana Babish (Smashed remix)
088. Gaudium - Wrong Theory
089. Ritmo - The War Against The Machines (Suntree Remix)
090. iCOn - Essence of Life
091. Mental Shine - Alien Monster
092. Rocky & Sphera - The Darkness (Perfect Stranger Remix)
093. Symbolic & Zen Mechanics - Portal Of Perception
094. Psyclops - World's Divisions
095. Empty Wheelchair - Living Beauty
096. Liquid Frame - Road Warrior
097. Erasing The Ego - Only the Basics
098. Distortion Trip - Goa Gil the Secret (2015 Mix)
099. Systematic Motion - Beatrip (Kemis vs Systematic Motion Remix)
100. ChillHat - Guitars Please!

Скачать: Mimicry: Psy Trance Set (2016)


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Теги к статье:

psy, goa, trance, psychodelic, mix, va, electro
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