Artist: Axel Rudi Pell Album: Magic Moments:25th Anniversary Special Show Year: 2015 Country: Germany Genre: Hard Rock,Heavy Metal Quality: MKV/BDRip 1080p Video: MPEG4 AVC 1920x1080 23.976fps Audio: AC3 48kHz 6ch 448 Kbps Audio2: DTS 48kHz 6ch 1 509 Kbps Size: 17,1Gb
• It was a hot summer night and the beach was burning… Wrong song, wrong place! But the weather gods smiled on Axel Rudi Pell on that memorable magic evening of July 11th 2014: There had been a severe weather alert, but in the end the floodgates of heaven opened only during the last song of his regular set, the Rainbow classic “Long Live Rock?n?Roll“. “That was Ronnie James Dio crying from above,” promoter Horst E. Franz speculated while bidding his farewells to the almost 15.000 drenched- but-happy fans at the festival site.
01. Call Her Princess (STEELER) 02. Night After Night (STEELER) 03. Rockin' The City (STEELER) 04. Undercover Animal (STEELER) 05. Nasty Reputation (Rob Rock, Jorg Michael) 06. Warrior (Jeff Scott Soto, Jorg Michael) 07. Fool Fool (Jeff Scott Soto, Jorg Michael) 08. Burning Chains 09. Strong As A Rock 10. Long Way To Go 11. Hey Hey My My 12. Mystica 13. Into The Storm 14. Too Late / Eternal Prisoner / Too Late 15. The Masquerade Ball / Casbah 16. Rock The Nation 17. Drum Battle (Vinny Appice, Bobby Rondinelli) 18. Black Night (Ronnie Atkins) 19. Sympathy (John Lawton) 20. Tush (John Lawton) 21. Mistreated (Doogie White, Tony Carey, Johnny Gioeli) 22. Since You Been Gone (Graham Bonnet, Michael Voss, Doogie White) 23. Long Live Rock 'N' Roll (Doogie White, Graham Bonnet, Tony Carey) 24. Smoke On The Water (all guests)
ARP Band: Axel Rudi Pell - Guitar Johnny Gioeli - Vocals Volker Krawczak - Bass Ferdy Doernberg - Keyboards Bobby Rondinelli - Drums
Steeler: Axel Rudi Pell - Guitar Peter Burtz - Vocals Tom Eder - Guitar Roland Hag - Bass Jan Yildiral - Drums
Special Guests: Jeff Scott Soto (TALISMAN, W.E.T.) - Vocals on “Warrior” and “Fool Fool” Rob Rock (IMPLITERRI) - Vocals on “Nasty Reputation” John Lawton (URIAH HEEP) - Vocals on “Tush” and “Sympathy” Ronnie Atkins (PRETTY MAIDS) - Vocals on “Black Night” Michael Voss (MAD MAX) - Vocals on “Since You’ve Been Gone” Graham Bonnet (RAINBOW) - Vocals on “Since You’ve Been Gone” and “Long Live Rock N’ Roll” Doogie White (TEMPLE OF ROCK) - Vocals on “Since You’ve Been Gone”, “Mistreated” and “Long Live Rock N’ Roll” Tony Carey (RAINBOW) - Vocals & Keyboards on “Long Live Rock N’ Roll” and “Mistreated” Joerg Michael (STRATOVARIUS) - Drums on “Nasty Reputation” “Warrior” and “Fool Fool” Vinny Appice (DIO, BLACK SABBATH) - Drums
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