Треклист: 01. Killogy & Matthew White feat. Angelika Vee – Awake (Jakko Remix) 02. Duderstadt - The Orange Theme 03. Cosmic Gate & Emma Hewitt – Going Home (Gareth Emery Remix) 04. RAM & Susana – Someone Like You 05. Armin van Buuren & Mark Sixma – Panta Rhei 06. Capital Cities – One Minute More (Markus Schulz vs. Grube & Hovsepian Remix) 07. Dimension – Origami 08. Dave Pearce & Ben Hennessey - So Damn Beautiful 09. Aly & Fila feat. Roxanne Emery – Shine (Club Mix) [TUNE OF THE WEEK] 10. Will Atkinson – Numb the Pain 11. Lonely Boy – Everything 12. Armin van Buuren feat. Sharon den Adel – In And Out Of Love (Lost Frequencies Remix) 13. Above & Beyond feat. Zoe Johnston vs. Talemono – Overload All We Need (Armin van Buuren Mashup) 14. Omnia & IRA vs. Eximinds & Vigel – The Fusion Handprint (Armin van Buuren Mashup) 15. Andrew Rayel feat. Sylvia Tosun – We Bring The Love To You 16. Arston – Light 17. Johnny Yono – Poison Whispers 18. DRYM – Calipso 19. Daniel Kandi pres. Timmus – Still Alive 20. Jochen Miller feat. Hansen Tomas – A Million Pieces 21. CUB!C – Endless Horizon (Heatbeat Remix) 22. Craig Connelly & Dan Thompson – Welcome To Earth 23. MaRLo feat. Christina Novelli – Hold It Together?(MaRLo's Tech-Energy Remix) 24. Dawn – The Truth We Can’t Escape 25. Faruk Sabanci – Albino 26. Audrey Gallagher – Breathe Again (Jorn van Deynhoven Remix) 27. Mino Safy – When The Sun Smiles 28. Moiez & Alina Renae with Mike Shiver & Rapha – What I Need This Time (Ronski Speed Remix) 29. NoMosk - Nymph 30. Armin van Buuren pres. Gaia – Carnation 31. Alex M.O.R.P.H. feat. Natalie Gioia – 4Ever 32. Neptune Project vs. The Noble Six – Time 33. Talla 2XLC – Terra Australis (Talla vs. JvD 2015 Mix) 34. Standerwick & Philippe El Sisi feat. Ana Criado – Magic Light 35. Paul van Dyk & Roger Shah feat. Daphne Khoo – Louder (Ben Nicky Remix) [FUTURE FAVORITE] 36. Hiroyuki Oda – Transmigration [ASOT RADIO CLASSIC]
Скачать Armin van Buuren - A State of Trance 706 (26.03.2015)
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