Категория: unmixed Исполнитель: Various Artist Название: Great Time Indie Rock Страна: UK Лейбл: VA-Album Rec. Жанр музыки: Alternative Rock Indie Дата релиза: 2015 Количество композиций: 160 Формат | Качество: MP3 | 256kpbs Продолжительность: 09:20:42 Размер: 1050mb(+3%)
001. Red Cabin - (IRP) Intro 002. Trevor Morris - A World Torn Asunder 003. Rabbit! - A Year In The Life 004. Incubus - Absolution Calling 005. We Are Z - Airbrush 006. Saint Rich - Am I Wrong 007. of Montreal - Apollyon Of Blue Room 008. Team Me - Are You Still In Love 009. Eaves - As Old As The Grave 010. The New Pornographers - Backstairs 011. St. Vincent - Bad Believer 012. Animal Noise - Bag of Bones 013. Rachel Goodrich - Bananas 014. Red Cabin - Barricade 015. Lady Lamb the Beekeeper - Billions Of Eyes 016. Death Cab For Cutie - Black Sun 017. King Creosote - Bluebell, Cockleshell, 123 018. Pretty Mery K - Boredom 019. Kishi Bashi - Brandenberg Stomp 020. Kero Kero Bonito - Build It Up 021. My Brightest Diamond - Ceci Est Ma Main 022. Adebisi Shank - Chaos Emeralds 023. The Yearning - Chasing Shadows 024. Ghastly Menace - Closing 025. Spirit Faces - Cloudplay 026. Frontier Ruckus - Crabapples In The Century's Storm 027. Tacocat - Crimson Wave 028. Halcyon Drive - Crusoe 029. Trust Fund - Cut Me Out 030. Fort Lean - Cut To the Chase 031. Oscar - Daffodil Days 032. Sunbeam Sound Machine - Daibutsu 033. Agent Fresco - Dark Water 034. Bent Knee - Dead Horse 035. Siskiyou - Deserter 036. Diagrams - Dirty Broken Bliss 037. Absofacto - Dissolve 038. mewithoutYou - East Enders Wives 039. Fire-Works - Elephants 040. Pond - Elvis' Flaming Star 041. The Wombats - Emoticons 042. Ropoporose - Empty-Headed 043. Wilhelm - Erin's Song 044. Admiral Fallow - Evangeline 045. Her Magic Wand - Everything at Once 046. Tall Juan - Falling Down 047. Irontom - Feel Good Inc 048. Dan Deacon - Feel The Lightning 049. Wulf - Fire 050. Django Django - First Light 051. Mitski - First Love, Late Spring 052. C Duncan - For 053. Evil Arrows - For Love Instead 054. Rival Boys - Fortune 055. Mini Mansions - Freakout! 056. Hands and Knees - Freakshow 057. Xu Xu Fang - Friend To The Unknown 058. Edda Magnason - Game Of Gain 059. Panic is Perfect - Go Go Go 060. French For Rabbits - Goat 061. Broken Social Scene - Golden Facelift 062. The Vaccines - Handsome 063. The Miserable Rich - Hey Ma 064. Peter Kernel - High Fever 065. Hot Chip - Huarache Lights 066. Julian Cubillos - I Explode The Bully With My Mind 067. Saint Saviour - I Remember 068. Minx - I Want A War 069. Reptar - Ice Black Sand 070. My Double, My Brother - I'll Die 071. The Belligerents - In My Way 072. Alberta Cross - Isolation 073. No Monster Club - I've Retired 074. Electric Six - I've Seen Rio In Flames 075. Cold Weather Company - Jasmine 076. Twin Hidden - Join Hands 077. Moulettes - Keep It As A Memory 078. Modest Mouse - Lampshades On Fire 079. Jose Gonzalez - Leaf Off, The Cave 080. Sidney York - Lily's Kitchen 081. Mumm-ra - Lizzy Lu 082. Rusty Maples - Long Walk Home 083. Pompeii - Loom 084. To Kill A King - Love Is Not Control 085. Sea Parade - Meant For This 086. September Girls - Melatonin 087. Dorsal Fins - Mind Renovation 088. The Do - Miracles (Back In Time) 089. Hannah & The Heartbreak - Moon Dune 090. H. Hawkline - Moons In My Mirror 091. Felicity Groom - Move Your Muscles 092. Unknown Mortal Orchestra - Multi-Love 093. Rubblebucket - My Life 094. Logan Hyde - My Only Friend 095. Broncho - NC-17 096. Belle and Sebastian - Nobody's Empire 097. Musee Mecanique - O, Astoria! 098. Carnival Youth - Octopus 099. Faded Paper Figures - On The Line 100. Vita Bergen - On The Run 101. Sigmatropic - Onion Rock 102. San Fermin - Parasites 103. Courtney Barnett - Pedestrian At Best 104. The Primitives - Petals 105. The Decemberists - Philomena 106. Quarterbacks - Pool 107. Old Wave - Riddles 108. The Mispers - Rio 109. Mr. Gnome - Rise And Shine 110. Work Drugs - Runaways 111. The Soil & The Sun - Samyaza 112. Mew - Satellites 113. Kids - Second Star On The Right 114. Ha The Unclear - Secret Lives of Furniture 115. Elizaveta - Sera Was Never 116. Moses Gunn Collective - Shalala 117. Mother Mother - Shout If You Know 118. Tiny Hazard - Silhouette 119. Radical Face - Sisters 120. The Elwins - So Down Low 121. Stereoshores - Somewhere Warm 122. Boss Moxi - Song of Joan 123. Hollerado - Sorry You're Alright 124. Murder By Death - Strange Eyes 125. Quantum Keys - Strong People 126. Springtime Carnivore - Sun Went Black 127. Sleater-Kinney - Surface Envy 128. Cosmo Sheldrake - Tardigrade Song 129. Purple - Target 130. Royal Tongues - The Balance 131. The Prodigy - The Day Is My Enemy 132. The Mountain Goats - The Legend of Chavo Guerrero 133. Velociraptor - The Right To Call You 134. Stornoway - The Road You Didn't Take 135. The Go! Team - The Scene Between 136. Born Gold - The Song Condemns Itself 137. Stars in Coma - The Value of Young Andre 138. Hollow Coves - The Woods 139. The Garden - This Could Build Us a Home 140. Mesita - Together 141. San Cisco - Too Much Time Together 142. Manchester Orchestra - Top Notch 143. The Meligrove Band - Tortaruga 144. Day Wave - Total Zombie 145. Trey Frey - Tres Frais 146. Deers - Trippy Gum 147. Syvia - Two Homes 148. Black Rivers - Voyager 1 149. Lunatics On Pogosticks - Waiting For You In Room 202 150. Them Bruins - Walk a Line 151. Imagine Dragons - Warriors 152. Tom Rosenthal - Watermelon 153. Ex Cops - Weird With You 154. Florence & The Machine - What Kind Of Man 155. The Raveonettes - When Night Is Almost Done 156. Soko - Who Wears The Pants 157. Firewoodisland - Winter is coming 158. Johanna Glaza - Winter Song 159. Rich Aucoin - Yelling In Sleep 160. OK Go - You're a Fucking Nerd And No One Likes You
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