Исполнитель: VA Название диска: Hard Rock Blow Год выпуска: 2014 Жанр: Rock Кол-во треков: 70 Формат | Качество: mp3 | 320 kbrs Время звучания: 04:58:36 Размер файла: 689 Mb
Трэклист: 001. Buckcherry - Water 002. The Poodles - Miracle 003. Fallen Within - Presence 004. Tantric - Fault 005. Dream Theater - The Enemy Inside 006. Hardcore Superstar - C'mon Take On Me 007. Buckcherry - Sloth 008. Sick Puppies - Die To Save You 009. Eve To Adam - Fortune Teller 010. Crusher - Too Far For Love 011. Megahera - Against the Law 012. Love.Might.Kill - Pretty Little Mess 013. The Roxx - The Lack of Plan 014. Buckcherry - Greed 015. Stormzone - The Pain Inside 016. Max Pie - I'm Sealed 017. Hail To The King 018. Axxis - Living in a Dream 019. Ludor - Betrayed 020. Sparklands - Skyline 021. Fallen Within - Something Beautiful 022. Hardcore Superstar - Because Of You 023. The Poodles - Misery Loves Company 024. Girl On Fire - Believe 025. Free Roads - Mine 026. Love.Might.Kill - Too Big to Fail 027. Manowar - The Lord Of Steel 028. The Poodles - Shut Up! 029. The Roxx - Shampain 030. Buckcherry - Gluttony 031. Niva - Never Too Late 032. Max Pie - Addictions 033. Mad Hatters Den - Shadow Lord 034. Galneryus - The Sign Of The Next Generation [sign of revolution] 035. Eden'S Curse - Wings To Fly 036. Burn the Gallows - Only Dream 037. Lordi - Horrifiction 038. Redlight King - Caught In The Middle 039. Electronomicon - Take Me 040. Black Label Society - Ain't No Sunshine When She's Gone 041. Wizard - Death Cannot Embrace Me 042. Running Wild - Desert Rose 043. Revolution Road - Hold On 044. Heimdall - Save You 045. Ludor - Golem’s Alive 046. Hollywood Burnouts - Ghost 047. Ghost Avenue - Ghost Avenue 048. Hollywood Burnouts - Ain't That a Bitch 049. Redlight King - Times Are Hard 050. Hibria - Lonely Fight 051. The Ragged Saints - The Sound of Breaking Free 052. Niva - Never Say Goodbye 053. Crashdiet - Miss Alright 054. Five Grams of Perfection - Maybe 055. Messenger - Born To Face The Wind 056. Avenged Sevenfold - Coming Home 057. BST - She Doesn't Love You Anymore 058. Aska - Dead Again 059. Heimdall - The Last Act 060. Mad Max - Save Me 061. Crashdiet - Black Rose 062. Hellrazer - Dehumanizer 2012 Version 063. Saliva - Closer 064. Love.Might.Kill - XTC 065. Five Grams of Perfection - Choice 066. Eve To Adam - Crime Scene 067. Ghost Avenue - The Hunt 068. Bad Religion - American Jesus (Andy Wallace Mix) 069. Faith Circus - Born with the Power 070. Girl On Fire - Monster
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