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Скачать VA - Best Of Metal Ballads (2010)

АвторАвтор: Mr.Brownstone | ДатаДата: 26 февраля 2010 | Нашли ошибку?
VA - Best Of Metal Ballads (2010)

Исполнитель: VA
Название: Best Of Metal Ballads
Год: 2010
Жанр: Hard Rock / Heavy Metal
Формат | Качество: mp3 | 256kbps / 44.1KHz/ Joint Stereo
Кол-во Композиций: 75
Размер: 719 Mb

1. Ozzy Osbourne - Mama, I'm Coming Home (4:06)
2. Nightwish - Sleeping Sun (4:01)
3. Metallica - Nothing Else Metters (6:19)
4. Nostradameus - Without Your Love (5:54)
5. Megadeth - Blood Of Heroes (3:55)
6. Iron Maiden - Wasting Love (5:48)
7. Rhapsody - Wings Of Destiny (4:30)
8. Royal Hunt - Clown In The Mirror (4:34)
9. Talisman - All I Want (5:31)
10. Stratovarius - 4000 Rainy Nights (5:58)
11. Nazareth - Love Hurts (3:52)
12. Blacksmith - The King Has Lost His Crown (6:22)
13. Blind Guardian - Nightfall (5:34)
14. Great White - House Of Broken Love (6:05)
15. Bruce Dickinson - Tears Of The Dragon (6:23)
16. Manowar - Courage (3:46)
17. Helloween - Forever & One (Neverland) (3:51)
18. Aerosmith - Janie's Got A Gun (5:29)
19. Poison - Every Rose Has It's Thorn (4:20)
20. Lacrimosa - Dich Zu Toten Fiel Mir Schwer (7:54)
21. Korn - It's On! (4:33)
22. Speedwagon - Keep On Loving (3:21)
23. Darxon - Don't Give Up (4:30)
24. Biohazard - Dogs Of War (4:17)
25. Pretty Maids - Clay (3:54)
26. Therion - The King (4:07)
27. Royal Hunt - Follow Me (6:18)
28. Mob Rules - Hold On (5:00)
29. Heart - Along (3:39)
30. Bonfire - Goodnight Amanda (5:18)
31. W. A. S. P. - Sleeping (5:18)
32. Pretty Maids - If It Can't Be Love (4:16)
33. Quiet Riot - Don't Wonna Be Your Fool (5:02)
34. Deep Purple - Soldier Of Fortune (3:15)
35. Yngwie J. Malmsteen's Rising Force - Miracle Of Life (5:39)
36. Tiamat - Gaia (6:19)
37. MCauley Schkber Group - Time (3:59)
38. Twilight Guardians - Snowtall (4:45)
39. Accept - Seawinds (4:27)
40. Dio - Between Two Hearts (6:20)
41. Motley Crue - You're All I Need (4:30)
42. Cinderella - Don't Know What You Got (5:20)
43. Nazareth - Dream On (3:26)
44. Metallica - The Unforgiven (6:17)
45. Hammerfall - Remember Yesterday (5:01)
46. Ozzy Osbourne - I Just Want You (4:47)
47. Ratt - Givin' Yourself Away (5:21)
48. Moonspell - Ghostosong (4:20)
49. Europe - Carrie (4:32)
50. Kingdom Come - Janine (4:21)
51. Darxon - Hungry (6:01)
52. Black Sabbath - Nightwing (6:40)
53. Magnum - When The World Comes Down (5:21)
54. Sonata Arctica - Letter To Dana (5:59)
55. Kreator - Golden Age (4:52)
56. Dio - All The Fools Sailed Away (6:55)
57. Steeler - The Deeper The Night (5:12)
58. Strangeways - Goodnight L.A. (5:03)
59. Tiamat - Do You Dream Of Me (5:07)
60. Iced Earth - I Died For You (3:36)
61. Udo - In The Darkness (3:51)
62. Whitesnake - Is This Love (4:42)
63. Iron Maiden - Como Estais Amigos (5:28)
64. Labyrinth - Love (4:35)
65. Iron Savior - After The War (6:06)
66. Bonfire - Give It A Try (4:30)
67. Axel Rudi Pell - The Une (7:37)
68. White Lion - When The Children Cry (4:18)
69. House Of Lords - Love Don't Lie (4:17)
70. Sinner - Destiny (5:23)
71. Gamma Ray - Pray (4:42)
72. To/Die/For - Lacrimarum (5:14)
73. Phenomena Ii - Did It All For Love (4:59)
74. Guano Apes - Lord Of The Boards (3:46)
75. Rhapsody - The Blood Race Of The Jans (6:21)

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