East-Tec Eraser 2013 - мощная программа для очистки Вашей системы от мусора и следов пребывания в интернете без возможности восстановления! Комплексное уничтожение таких данных как: история IE, история открываемых документов, cookies, переговоров в чатах, темп файлов IE и системы, свопа, кусков от Офиса, личные файлы, файлы по маске и т.д. East-Tec Eraser 2013 так же поддерживает практически все известные браузеры, умеет чистить историю Peer2Peer клиентов (Kazaa, Kazaa Lite, iMesh, Napster, Morpheus, Direct Connect, Limewire, Shareaza, etc.), умеет затирать выбранные файлы из контекстного меню.
east-tec Eraser 2013 is a privacy protection software that helps you protect your personal data, your offline and online privacy by helping you erase all files that store evidence of your computer and Internet activities. It will help you keep your PC clean by deleting impressive amounts of unnecessary data that is stored on your computer with or without your approval, contributing in this way to improving your computer’s performance and security. By using east-tec Eraser as a privacy protection software in your day to day activity, your data will be safe and your offline and online privacy fully protected.
• Securely delete all your Internet and computer activities east-tec Eraser is a privacy software that helps you protect your online privacy, completely erase files and destroy information stored without your knowledge or approval: Internet history, Web pages and pictures from sites visited on the Internet, unwanted cookies, chatroom conversations, deleted e-mail messages and files, temporary files, the Windows swap file, the Recycle Bin, etc.
• Clean all your favorite browsers east-tec Eraser 2013 offers online privacy protection and helps you delete web browsing history from Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Safari, etc., erase Temporary Internet Files, erase cookies, address bar locations and many more.
• Clean all your favorite programs east-tec Eraser 2013 works as a privacy software that cleans the history and traces of over 250 popular software programs such as Applications (AOL Instant Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Google Talk, iTunes, Winamp, Real Player, VLC Player, Skype, Dropbox, Roxio, Microsoft Office and more), Peer2Peer software (BearShare, LimeWire, Ares, BitComet, Azureus, uTorrent, eMule, and more), News and Email Readers (Outlook Express, Mozilla Thunderbird, Eudora, Earthlink and more).
• Erase files and improve computer performance Speeds up your computer and programs by securely erasing thousands of unnecessary and temporary files created by your Operating System or other software applications. Get an offline and online privacy protection software that can also make your PC run faster and much more secure.
• Fully protect your personal data and privacy east-tec Eraser 2013 makes sure deleted files are really deleted by using secure data erasing methods and complex algorithms that completely erase files and every bit of confidential information that is targeted. east-tec Eraser 2013 meets and exceeds government and industry standards for the permanent erasure of digital information, making it a complete privacy protection software.
Key Features and Benefits: • Destroy all evidence of your online activities: Clean Web Sites, pictures, movies, video clips, sounds, e-mail messages, chat room conversation history, AutoComplete, etc. • Destroy sensitive data from your computer: Clean traces of the documents and pictures you've recently accessed, and make sure that the files you are deleting are really gone • Remove cookies placed on your computer by Web sites. Keep only the cookies you approve • Supports the most popular Web Browsers: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, America Online, MSN Explorer, Opera, Netscape Navigator, etc. • Supports all types of popular programs such as Messenger, Email, News, Player and P2P Programs • Very secure erasing: meets and exceeds the U.S. Department of Defense standards for the permanent erasure of digital information
Информация о программе: Дата: 2013 Платформа: Windows 8/7/Vista/XP/Windows Server 2008/2003 Интерфейс: Английский Лекарство: Key-BRD Размер: 5,88 Мб
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