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Скачать SyncBackPro Beta

АвторАвтор: SlaYSteR | ДатаДата: 29 января 2010 | Нашли ошибку?
SyncBackPro Beta

SyncBackPro - утилита для резервного копирования и синхронизации данных. Поддерживается работа как на локальном компьютере, так и через FTP сервер. Важные для пользователя данные с помощью этой программы можно записывать на CD-RW диски и CompactFlash карты. После инсталляции SyncBackSE интегрируется в контекстное меню Проводника, что позволяет быстро создать копию важного файла или синхронизировать каталог. Программа поддерживает работу из командной строки и может автоматически запускаться встроенным Планировщиком.

Key features:
• Backup
• Protect your data
• Backup all your important files anytime with a single click, & use the scheduler to automate your backups
• Recover your lost files easily
• When disaster strikes, click a single button to restore. Save stress and time with a simple recovery process.
• Backup 'live' documents
• Now there's no need to close your programs to backup files. Keep Outlook, Word, Excel etc. running as your files are backed up.
• Keep previous versions
• Create "backup snapshots" of your files so that you can recover your data by "rolling back" to a specific time. You define how many versions suit your needs.
• Does what is required
• Only new and changed files are copied. Incremental backups are supported, and variables can be used, e.g. backup to a folder based on the current date.
• Online access
• Backup or sync files with an FTP server. Encryption, compression, and Unicode is supported. Auto email the results of your backup.
• As fast as can be
• Everything is done as fast as it possibly can be. If you need to slow it down, e.g. limit bandwidth usage, then you can.
• Industry leading online support
• Complete and exhaustive help file. Free technical support, online forums, knowledge base, and frequently asked questions.
• Work with 2 or more computers
• Ensure your workstation, laptop, and networked computers have the same files. Let 'Smart Sync' do the work.
• Keep confidential data private
• Keep your backups completely secure with 256-bit AES encryption. Military level security ensures your peace of mind.
• Keep your files small
• Compress your backups using the latest compression technology. You can compress an unlimited size, and an unlimited number of files.
• Set it and forget it
• Once you've created your backup/sync profile you can have it scheduled to run without any user interaction. You don't need to remember to backup your files.
• Consistently rated number 1
• Winner of a World Class Award from PC World Magazine, the The Editor's Choice Award from TuCows, and over thirty other top web and magazine plaudits.
• Outstanding value
• A single user license for SyncBackPro covers its use on up to 5 computers for personal use. Volume licensing for businesses
• Advanced Customization
• A superb array of options
• SyncBackPro has a dazzling array of options for advanced users.

Операционная система: Windows® 2000/XP/Vista/7
Год выхода: 2010
Версия: Beta
Язык интерфейса: English
Лекарство: Присутствует
Размер: 8,37 Мб

Download/Скачать SyncBackPro Beta


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