Исполнитель: VA Название: New Age Style - To Chill Out 13 Год: 2012 Жанр: Chillout, Relax, Downtempo Общее время: 05:14:37 Битрейт аудио: MP3/320 Kbps Размер: 726 MB
CD1: 01. Bay Area - Celtic Trace (Triaphon Trip) (7:15) 02. ATB & Armin Van Buuren - Vice Versa (5:52) 03. meHiLove - Oblivion (El Gambrero remix) (5:22) 04. Guitamar - Viento Amarillo (6:49) 05. Coastline feat. Toni Simonen - Adriatic Sea (Lounge Cafe Chillout Del Mar mix) (6:11) 06. Art Of Noise - Moments In Love (Beaten) (5:58) 07. Jam & Spoon feat. Plavka - Butterfly Sign (Instrumental) (3:11) 08. Electrix - Emma Loves the Sun (3:49) 09. Miklos Vajda - Home Alone (6:17) 10. Anthony Island - Lightyears Away (6:56) 11. Orbiter - Slide - Original Mix (4:14) 12. Los Alamos Country Club - Children (Ambient remix) (4:08) 13. Sunlounger - White Sand (Chill Out Mix) (4:48) 14. Kosmo Chill and G-Mohris - Coctail (4:19) 15. Sven Van Paapen - Mindless Moments - Grenade Tonight Bedroom Mix (4:50) 16. Lounge Blue Deluxe - Ice Crystals - Ibiza Winter Chillout Mix (5:33) 17. Lullaby Lounge - Chill Del La Mer - Blank Cafe Relax Mix (6:08) 18. Skyfall - Particle of Soul (4:41) 19. Ripple Effect - Serenity (7:20) 20. Land of Light - Bell Rock Outpost (4:59) 21. Insigma - Open Our Eyes (Adrien Aubrun Ambient Mix) (6:23) 22. Myk Bee - The Waves (Chillout Mix) (7:15) 23. Changer - Golden Gates (Chill Out Mix) (7:23) 24. Avalona - Empty Streets (Original Mix) (5:19) 25. Changer - Sunrise Breeze (Chill Out Mix) (4:50) 26. Bluesolar - Believe In Me - Chill Out Mix (6:09) 27. Agua Loca Project - Bahia Blanca (6:20) 28. Innerlande - On The Road (5:23) 29. Innerlande - Sweetness (3:51) 30. Lunar Motion - Aozora (Chill Out Mix) (6:11) 31. Adele - Skyfall (instrumental) (4:45)
CD2: 01. Adele - Skyfall (4:48) 02. Philter feat. Miriam Vaga - Mountaintops & Skyscrapers (3:42) 03. Erick Morillo & Eddie Thoneick - Live Your Life (Eddie Thoneick Chill Out Mix) (3:54) 04. Coastline feat. Madelin Zero - Alone With You (Chillout Mix) (3:44) 05. Florentine - Feels Like (Ibiza Beach Mix) (4:02) 06. Katya - Here Is A Shore (Original Mix) (4:41) 07. Anthony Island - White Palms (4:54) 08. Replique feat. Shirin - Such a Shame (Casino Radio Edit) (5:31) 09. Smith & Mighty feat. Tammy Payne - That Woman (5:23) 10. Kosta Rodrigez - Gale in the Waterglass (Long Beach Cut) [feat. Amy] (5:43) 11. Ryan Kp, Anthony Hicks - Everything Is Gonna Be Alright (Feat. Melody) (4:39) 12. Pathetique - Au clair de la lune - Vocal lounge mix (5:30) 13. Haldo - I Miss You (Feat. Loryn) (5:22) 14. Twins In Mind - I Hear Your Voice (3:46) 15. The Blue Rose - The Dream of Life (5:48) 16. Zara feat. Jorge Nava - Broken (Chill Out Mix) (3:42) 17. Melody Gardot - Our Love Is Easy (Chill Out Mix) (4:30) 18. Jose Padilla & Kisrty Keach - Akami (4:22) 19. Casanovy - I Need Your Lovin' (Sin Plomo's Superlounger Mix) (5:34) 20. Lemongrass - Lightning Fire (Solar Incence Mix) (4:42) 21. In Credo - Freedom (Long Mix) (6:44) 22. Elsiane - Mend (To Fix, To Repair) (4:53) 23. Michael E - Sunshine Meadow (feat. Sarah Winton) (4:25) 24. Alphawezen - Gun Song - El Nino Weekend Version (2:38) 25. Jazzamor - Time Is Running - Original Mix (4:17) 26. Crystin - Under My Skin (4:52) 27. Niki Carrera - Angel (4:20) 28. Dido - Across The View (4:20) 29. Gold Lounge feat. Juliet Annerino - We'll Fly (6:20) 30. Atb - Black Nights (5:02)
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