Исполнитель: VA Альбом: DJ Sounds 2013 Лейбел: Pink Revolver Стиль: Club House, Dance Дата выхода: 01.03.2013 Битрейт аудио: 320 kbps Продолжительность: 283:30 мин Треки: 42 Размер: ~647 Мб
01.Swedish House Mafia Feat. John Martin - Don't You Worry Child (Radio Edit) 03:33 02.Michael Mind Project - Antiheroes (Radio Edit) 03:46 03.Darius Finlay Nicco - Get Up (Video Mix) 03:30 04.Manian Feat. Carlprit - Don T Stop The Dancing (Video Edit) 03:08 05.Dino Mileta Feat. Oggie - Love Like Never Before (Original Radio Edit) 03:43 06.Christopher S. Kwan Hendry Feat. Soulcream - We Own The Floor (Radio Mix) 03:15 07.Guenta K. Meets Big Daddi - Oops Up (Side Your Head) (Movetown Edit) 03:14 08.Remady Manu L - Higher Ground (Original Mix) 02:56 09.Alex C. Feat. Yass Vs. Ski - L Amour Toujours (Guenta K Remix Edit) 03:38 10.G G Feat. Gary Wright Baby Brown - My My My (Coming Apart) 2K12 (David Redfield Remix Edit) 02:46 11.Bodybangers Feat. Linda Teodosiu Rameez - Out Of Cont (Club Mix Edit) 03:38 12.Dj Shog - Another World (10 Years) (Cj Stone Vocal Edit) 03:17 13.Modana Carlprit - Hot Spot (Radio Edit) 03:22 14.2 4 Grooves - Down (Radio Edit) 02:47 15.Guru Project Coco Star With Rene Rodrigezz - I Need A Miracle (Rene Rodrigezz Rework Edit) 03:58 16.Petty Joy Feat. Uno Jahma - Allez Allez (Club Mix Edit) 03:30 17.Adrian Sina Feat. Sandra N - Angel (Sean Finn Edit) 03:35 18.Klaas - Hold This Moment (Just Mike Remix Edit) 03:30 19.Marc Kiss - Bad Girl (Radio Edit) 03:07 20.Cassey Doreen Loona - Tell It To My Heart (Cassey Doreen Edit) 03:17 21.Sunstrom - The Float (Radio Mix) 03:31 22.Dbn Feat. Oni Sky - Gotta Get Thru This (Radio Edit) 03:02 23.Jean Elan Feat. Vikki And The Violence - Mindset (Radio Edit) 03:26 24.Mathieu Bouthier Feat. Sophie Ellis Bextor - Beautiful (Mischa Daniels Radio Edit) 03:38 25.Azzido Da Bass - Rawk (David Puentez Remix Edit) 02:40 26.Dimitri Vegas Like Mike Regi - Need You There (Momentum) (Michael Calfan Radio Edit) 03:31 27.Sean Finn Gino Montesano - The Voice (Original Edit) 03:06 28.Brockman Basti M - Steel (Radio Mix) 03:29 29.David Hopperman Feat. Amanda Wilson - Like I Like (DBN Radio Edit) 03:39 30.Jerma - Believe In Love (Radio Edit) 03:33 31.Hard Rock Sofa Swanky Tunes - Here We Go (Original Mix) 06:02 32.C.Y.B. - Now 2012 (Marc Van Linden Remix Edit) 03:20 33.The Aston Shuffle Vs. Tommy Trash - Sunrise (Won't Get Lost) (Tommy Trash Version) 05:55 34.Falko Niestolik Madfish - Rubin (Original Radio) 03:19 35.Thomas Gold - Circles (Original Mix) 05:40 36.Dbn - Whoop (Radio Edit) 03:06 37.Dabruck Klein Vs. Brockman Basti M Feat. Aleksey - Raise Your Hands For Music (Brockman & Basti M Edit) 05:33 38.Vincenzo Callea Vs. William Naraine - Turn Off The lights (Ivan Gough Remix) 06:15 39.Kid Massive Feat. Databoy - Good Girlfriend (Alex Lamb & Mathias Red Remix) 05:47 40.Murano Meets Toka Feat. Telleen - Thru The Night (RadioMix) 03:51 41.Va - Dj Sounds 2013 (Mix 1) 65:29 42.Va - Dj Sounds 2013 (Mix 2) 68:08
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