PowerFolder - программа для передачи файлов между удаленными компьютерами с использованием пиринговых технологий. Позволяет открывать общий доступ к определенным папкам и создавать папки с файлами, использующимися в совместной работе несколькими людьми, причем доступ к общим папкам осуществляется при помощи рассылаемых приглашений и секретных ключей, что обеспечивает высокий уровень безопасности.
Кроме этого, PowerFolder позволяет синхронизировать каталоги удаленных компьютеров, соединенных через локальную сеть или интернет, создавать резервные копии данных на удаленных компьютерах, а также поддерживает опцию чата - участники сети могут обмениваться текстовыми сообщениями.
PowerFolder is the program that automatically and securly takes cares of all your data. The program makes your files always available matter where you are. PowerFolder is highly configurable but offers new users many useful predefine options to get quickly started.
Here are some key features of "PowerFolder":
Powerfolder can synchronize: · Folders and files on any Windows, Mac and Linux computer · Your favorites links at scheduled times or completely automated · PowerFolder uses delta sync so a big file which was already transferred gets updated much faster, because only the changed parts are send. This makes PowerFolder highly effective as a synchronization program, you only use the time and the bandwidth you really need.
Easily share and transfer files: · If you want to send files to a customer, a colleague or to a friend PowerFolder securely and easily transfers these files for you. Not longer struggle with too large email attachments.
Automatic or scheduled backup: · You want to make an Backup of your work every second/ every minute /every day/ every Saturday/on working days or every 21 seconds. You decide when the backup is created. With delta sync you can create the Backups even more effective, because only the changed parts get transferred.
Secure Online Storage: · You want to be sure that your data is safe and always available? Create off-site backups of your data with the Online Storage. It's easy to setup and offers maximum protected and accessibility for your files.
Online team work: · PowerFolder makes sure that all members of your team are up-to-date. You can sync files either automatically or manually. At the same time you create a backup of your digital assets since they get stored on multiple computers. · Once PowerFolder is setup it silently works for you in the background without the need of user interaction.
Automatic change detection: · PowerFolder is able to automatically detect changes in your directories. If your data changes PowerFolder will detect and transfer this changed data to all other computers.
· If your system is able to run Java, it is also able to run PowerFolder. This gives you the possibility to synchronize folders between Windows, Mac and Linux.
Highly configurable - synchronization profiles: · You can choose from various synchronization profiles to control how your managed folders get synchronized, e.g. Mirror data between computers. Read more about the synchronization profiles to find out what profile is the best meets your needs.
· A profile can be selected for each managed folder. They control how and when the synchronization process happen
· User friendly installation and update · Modern and ergonomic user interface · Runs silently in system tray · Out-of-Browser start (Java WebStart)
Обновлена: 2012 Операционная система: Windows XP/Vista/Seven Язык интерфейса: Английский Лекарство: Не требуется Размер: 27.13/29.53 Mb
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