Исполнитель: VA Альбом: Клубные Новинки Vol.123 Год выхода: 2012 Жанр: Pop Кол-во треков: 50 Формат: MP3 Качество: 320 Kbps Продолжительность: 04:28:39min Размер: 624.13 MB
Tреклист: 01. Soarsweep Feat. Leusin - In Search For Our Skies (Club Mix) 02. Audio Girls feat. Mr. On - My Prisoner (Prosvirin Radio Remix) 03. Sebastian Weikum - Escape (Original Mix) 04. F.P.DJs feat. Sara Ami - Au Naturel (Radio Edit) 05. David Guetta & Nicky Romero - Metropolis (Phunk Kings Bootleg) 06. Dog Blood - Middle Finger (Original Mix) 07. Koan Sound - Funk Blaster (Apashe Remix) 08. The Loose Cannons & Nom De Strip - Get Involved (Gary Caos Remix) 09. Mika - Make U Happy (Walden Remix) 10. Wild Pistols & Yana Fortep - Belleza (Radio Edit) 11. Chmara Winter, Sroczynski - Would You Like To F Me Feat. Ewa Prus (Walker & Royce Remix) 12. Tonite Only - Go (Nick Thayer Remix) 13. Rory Gallagher & Luigi Palagano - Es Vedra (Matt Bukovski Remix) 14. Talla 2XLC & Surpresa - Silver (Surpresa Mix) 15. Bassfinder & Srairi Aymen Feat. Paolo Ravley - Player (Gal Abutbul Remix) 16. Parachute Youth - Can't Get Better Than This (Orson Welsh Remix) 17. Porter Robinson Vs Ivan Gough & Feenixpawl Feat. Georgi Kay - Language In My Mind (Fingerone Mashup) 18. Disfunktion - Feeling (Original Mix) 19. Spartaque - Esta Loca (Tomcraft Remix) 20. Richard Vission Ft. Luciana - When It Feels This Good (David Garcia & Ron Reeser Remi) 21. King Kornelius - Shooting For The Stars (Original Mix) 22. Markus Binapfl feat. Polina - Follow Your Heart (Club Mix) 23. Taylor Thomas Feat. JACQ - Evergreen 24. Pet Shop Boys - Winner (John Dahlback Remix) 25. Chrizz Luvly - Progology (Original Mix) 26. Rihanna - Where Have You Been (ReepR Remix) 27. Utku S - Yeah (Original Mix) 28. Макс Барских - Dance (DJ Favorite Club Mix) 29. Saint Rider Feat. Julia Marks - Coma (Original Mix) 30. Black Is Not A Color - The Sheriff (Andy's ILL Remix) 31. Has! - Legends (Cheb Five Remix) 32. Sergey Parshutkin - Superstar (Club mix) 33. Scullious - Girl 34. Modeselektor & Ninjaman - Weed Wid Da Macka (Bassnectar Bootleg) 35. Static Revenger Feat Dev - Turn The World On (Kezwik & Protohype Mix) 36. No Doubt - Settle Down (Jonas Quant Remix) 37. Frenchmasterz feat. Mouss Mc - Move Dat (Extended Mix) 38. Treasure Fingers - It's Love (Surfdisco Remix) 39. Major Look Feat Ragga Twins - Bass Generation (Full Mix) 40. Grixis feat. Jess Orestano - Memories 41. Getter - Riot 42. Submotion Orchestra - Blind Spot (Radio Edit) 43. Crystal Rock - Atrium (Radio Edit) 44. Иракли & Demirra - Give It All To You (DJ Favorite & DJ Kristina Mailana Radio Edit) 45. Pyramyth - Savage (Original Mix) 46. Didimek feat. Samuel Suleiman - Hayal (Aerofeel5 Remix) 47. Lange feat. Stine Grove - Crossroads (Original Mix) 48. Johan Korg & Damien Malizza Feat. Audrey Valorzi - Escape By Night (Andrew Rayel Dub) 49. Interconnekted - Future Science 50. Stimming, David August - Sexy Biest (Gui Boratto Remix)
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