Активатор Microsoft Windows 7 / Vista / 2008 R2, устанавливает сертификат одной из фирм, после чего активирует вашу копию Windows и дает возможность проходить проверку подлинности.
About This is the loader application that's used by millions of people worldwide, well known for passing Microsoft's WAT (Windows Activation Technologies) and is arguably the safest Windows activation exploit ever created. The application itself injects a SLIC (System Licensed Internal Code) into your system before Windows boots; this is what fools Windows into thinking it's genuine.
Features Can be run as a standalone application Works well with all system languages Argument support for silent installs Can be used for pre-activation Application integrity checking Custom error handling Support for hidden partitions and complex setups Can work alongside Linux's GRUB or any other boot manager Works with TrueCrypt and many other types of hard drive encryption applications Add your own certificates and serials externally Offers certificate and serial installation only for users with an existing SLIC 2.1 Automated system profiling (The application matches everything up for you)
The rundown Compatible with Windows 7 SP1 and all system updates ✔ check Will run on x86 and x64 systems ✔ check No core system files get modified ✔ check No extra processes are run so you have nothing eating at your RAM ✔ check All key parts of the exploit are encrypted with a custom encryption ✔ check The exploit runs before Windows so it's harder for Microsoft to prevent ✔ check The exploit patches all necessary tables making activation look authentic ✔ check The application will select the best profile for your system during installation ✔ check Each and every user has a unique version of the exploit installed on his/her system ✔ check
Supported operating systems Windows 7 Ultimate Windows 7 Ultimate E Windows 7 Professional Windows 7 Professional E Windows 7 Home Premium Windows 7 Home Premium E Windows 7 Home Basic Windows 7 Starter Windows 7 Starter E Windows Vista Ultimate Windows Vista Business Windows Vista Business N Windows Vista Home Premium Windows Vista Home Basic Windows Vista Home Basic N Windows Vista Starter Windows Server 2008 Enterprise Windows Server 2008 Foundation Windows Server 2008 Standard Windows Small Business Server 2008 Windows Storage Server 2008 Standard Windows Storage Server 2008 R2 Essentials Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise Windows Server 2008 R2 Foundation Windows Server 2008 R2 Standard Windows Small Business Server 2011 Standard Windows Small Business Server 2011 Essentials
Version 2.1.4: * Fixed a bug that would cause some systems to fail to boot * Fixed a bug where an unsupported OS would fail to have it's status set to unsupported * Added Qbex SLIC and certificate * Other minor tweaks and fixes
Язык интерфейса: Английский Год выхода: 2012 Размер: 1,43 Мб
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