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Скачать Windows 7 NVIDIA Edition 2010 x86/x64 (ENG + RUS LP)

АвторАвтор: golubenkovvv | ДатаДата: 1 декабря 2009 | Нашли ошибку?
Windows 7 NVIDIA Edition 2010 x86/x64 (ENG + RUS LP)

Сборка от команды ROCKERS TEAM, основаная на оригинальном финальном образе Windows 7 Ultimate. из оригинального образа ничего не удалено, добавлено много дополнений и изменений системы. Установка полностью автоматическая - после выбора раздела. При установке есть выбор архитектуры системы - х86 или х64. Системе присвоен оригинальный стиль оформления NVIDIA Edition, новые темы, икон-паки по умолчанию, Применены некоторые твики реестра для ускорения быстродействия системы и повышения стабильности её работы.

Информация о Софте
Название: Windows 7 NVIDIA Edition 2010 x86/x64
Категория: Операционные системы
Разработчик: Microsoft/ROCKERS TEAM
Год выпуска: 2009

Язык интерфейса системы по умолчанию - English. Русский языковый пакет прилагается в отдельном архиве. Его можно установить на уже установленую английскую версию через панель управления и меню "ЯЗЫК И РЕГИОНАЛЬНЫЕ СТАНДАРТЫ". Там есть пункт установки других языковых пакетов. Также можно интегрировать русский LP с помощью Windows AIK непосредственно в образ. В интернете есть масса информации о том, как это делается. Это не сложно Языковый пакет нужно выбрать той же архитектуры, что и система, в зависимости от того, какая архитектура была выбрана при установке (х86 или х64)

Minimum System Requirements:
· 1GB RAM (Recommended 2GB RAM for 64-Bit)
· 20 GB of HDD space
· 128 MB Graphics Memory (Capable to run Aero)
· Pixel Shader 2.0
· Dual Core Processors with 86-64 Bit OS Capable
. Active Internet Connection (For Activation and Updates)

Features,overview and updates of Windows Seven® NVIDIA Edition 2010:
* New Windows Sounds
* New High quality icons
* NVIDIA Tweaker from Rockers Team
* Improved Texture quality for NVIDIA cards
* More clear picture quality than normal view
* Reduced Gaming crashes
* Disabled Apply Colors At Startup
* Consume low power
* All the latest updates are patched Manually.
* Resolved a Windows 7 Media Center issue for systems configured for ISDB broadcasts.
* Supports all future updates and packages
* Resolved some reliability issues in Windows 7
* Resolved compatibility issues
* Adobe Flash Player plug-in
* Black and blue Background Shells
* Codings and scripts are updated for Gaming level (This option is available only in Rockers Team Customized windows and not available in any other customized OS)
* More Stable and Reliable
* UAC Disabled
* Large Icons Control panel
* New Look for Windows Media Player
* New Shortcut Arrows
* Show extensions for known file types
* Enabled IE Phishing Filter
* User Account 2 on Control Panel
* Low Memory consumption
* Enabled Glass Effect without a supported card
* Windows will tell you exactly what it is doing when it is shutting down or is booting
* Added command prompt to right click context menu
* Enabled addition Avalon effects
* Disabled Tool Tips
* Enabled ClearType Tuning
* Added 'Copy to Folder' , 'Move to Folder' , 'Open with Notepad' to right click context
* Disabled Windows Media Player AutoUpdates
* Menu bars and window frames opaque
* Enabled slow-motion window effects
* Added "Advanced System Properties" in my Computer
* Added Control Panel to my Computer
* Faster browsing with IE
* DEP execution is set to Default
* Disabled the NTFS Last Access Time Stamp
* Disabled kernel paging
* Both 32 and 64 Bit Integrated
* All Latest Drivers Integrated
* 7-zip for extraction purpose.
* Adobe Flash Player plugin
* Adobe Flash Player ActiveX
* Orbit Downloader
* Java Runtime Environment Update 17
* ImgBurn
* Added Group policy and Registry editor to control panel
* Updated DirectX to August 2009
* Mozilla Firefox 3.5
* Low Memory consumption
* Turned off system beeps
* Stopped caching negative responses
* Take Ownership, Device manager, Group policy, Registry Editor in the right click
* Fully Automated setup you need to choose language and partition only.
* Patched uxtheme files to use 3rd party themes.
* Faster Shutdown ( 3 seconds services kill timeout.)
* Fast Booting Time
* Add Useraccounts 2 on ControlPanel.
* PowerOff after shutdown
* New High quality Icons
* Changed command line text color to white
* Set mouse pointer speed to maximum
* Removed the annoying clicking sound
* Disabled automatic restart in the event of a blue screen
* Tweaked up shell response
* Hibernation is Disabled.
* Added "Advanced System Properties" in my Computer
* Added Control Panel to my Computer
* Added Administrative Tools to my Computer
* Added Internet Explorer to my Computer
* Added Network Connections to my Computer
* Added Search to my Computer
* Added Printers to my Computer
* Added Run and Windows Flip Switcher to my Computer
* Removed warning about showing hidden system folders
* Shutdown when you click power Button on start Menu
* Maximum simultaneous downloads for IE to 20 ( default is 2 )
* New look for Windows Media Center
* New Explorer View
* Allow renaming and removing of Recycle Bin
* Makes a right click option for unknown files
* Notepad saves window position
* Opens 16-bit apps in a separate memory space. This increases stability when dealing with 16-bit apps.
* Enabled Word wrap in Notepad
* Enabled Status Bar in all windows
* NVIDIA Drivers Added
* New Themes
* 255 Sidebar Gadgets
* Enabled search system folders in Search
* System Files are boosted upto maximum Performance
* Removed Old Default Graphics card drivers
* Faster Application load Time
* Improved the performance and reliability
* Disabled the NTFS Last Access Time Stamp
* Disabled kernel paging
* Windows Update service disabled
* Turned off system beeps
* Stopped caching negative responses
* Take Ownership, Device manager, Group policy, Registry Editor in the right click
* Specifies the time, following user input, during which the system keeps apps from moving into the foreground.
* No components removed

MD5: cb108ce117bed629320dd1928ef7cd1f

Суммы MD5 сверялись с помощью программы Hash TAb

О файле:
Активация|рег код: Присутствует отдельно
Язык Интерфейса: ENG + RUS LP x86 и x64
Формат файла: .iso
Платформа/ОС: x86/x64/Win7
Размер файла: 4.08 GB

Windows 7 NVIDIA Edition 2010 x86/x64 (ENG + RUS LP) Windows 7 NVIDIA Edition 2010 x86/x64 (ENG + RUS LP) Windows 7 NVIDIA Edition 2010 x86/x64 (ENG + RUS LP)
Windows 7 NVIDIA Edition 2010 x86/x64 (ENG + RUS LP) Windows 7 NVIDIA Edition 2010 x86/x64 (ENG + RUS LP) Windows 7 NVIDIA Edition 2010 x86/x64 (ENG + RUS LP)

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