Dekart SIM Manager - Это простое в использовании и нетребовательное к системным ресурсам приложение предназначено для управления телефонной книжкой в GSM SIM карте. Работает с любыми SIM картами посредством установленного в компьютере PC / SC совместимого считывателя смарт-карт. Загрузив содержимое SIM карты в компьютер, Dekart SIM Manager позволяет просматривать, редактировать, осуществлять поиск и сортировать записи в телефонной книге. С помощью Dekart SIM Manager можно легко управлять резервными копиями карты и избегать потерь информации при утрате или смене карты и / или GSM телефона. Dekart SIM Manager обладает средствами импорта / экспорта адресных книг, что позволяет использовать телефонные и адресные книги других популярных приложений.
SIM Manager allows you to administrate the security codes of a SIM or USIM, by enabling or disabling PIN codes, changing them, or unblocking a blocked SIM card.
With SIM Manager you can backup your SIM cards, and use them if a card was lost or stolen, or when you need to copy the contents of a SIM card needs to another card.
SIM card manager is fully compatible with Nextel and 3G SIM cards, while preserving the compatibility with older GSM cards. This makes it possible to synchronize the contents of different SIM cards when you switch from one mobile network to another.
Synchronization is further extended by SIM Manager’s ability to export the contacts of a SIM to a CSV file, which can be loaded by a mail-client, or a PIM application. Now you can synchronize your Outlook address-book with the phonebook of your SIM, merge the contacts of your phone and PDA, etc.
SIM Manager is a Unicode application, meaning that it can correctly process names and texts that contain characters other than the ones in the Latin alphabet, regardless of the current regional settings of Windows. It makes this GSM, 3G and Nextel SIM card editor suitable for enterprises that have offices in different geographical locations, as traveling from one cultural area to another is now less of a problem.
SIM Manager works directly with the SIM card, using a PC/SC-compliant smart card reader. The program does not require a phone; therefore it is a fact that the solution still works after the phone is upgraded, or when a switch to a different mobile operator is made. There is no need to purchase a special data-cable for your phone either. All of the above-mentioned makes SIM Manager a great one-time investment.
Highlights: Synchronize contacts between phones within an enterprise, regardless of which carrier different persons use, or which phone brand or model they prefer; Synchronize the contacts of the SIM card with the contacts stored in the address book of an email client (ex: Outlook, Lotus Notes, Eudora) or a desktop PIM application (ex: Palm Desktop), this is achieved by exporting / importing the data using CSV files; Backup a SIM card in order to easily restore the data if the card is lost, or if you simply need a copy of the card's contents; Multiply a SIM card – SIM Manager's efficient batch processing capabilities enable you to copy the contents of a SIM to one or more cards without any manual labour. This makes it exceptionally easy to prepare a set of SIM cards with some predefined data; Recover deleted SMS – SIM Manager enables you to recover text messages that were deleted from the SIM. To find out more about SMS recovery and learn which deleted SMS can be recovered, which ones cannot, read our SMS recovery guide; Get in control of your phonecalls and phonebill by enabling the fixed dialling list and restricting the numbers to which outgoing calls can be made; PLMN and FPLMN management enables you to control which mobile networks your phone will connect to, and which ones will be ignored. This is especially important if you use roaming services when traveling; Update multiple address book entries at once, by adding or removing a phone prefix when traveling from one country to another; Print out reports that contain the address book entries, and other information that is stored on the SIM; Enable and modify the security code PIN1 as well as unblock the SIM; Obtain detailed information about the SIM card, such as the IMSI, ICCID, the ATR, the name of the mobile operator, etc; SIM card manager is a Unicode application, meaning that it can correctly process names and texts that contain characters other than the ones in the Latin alphabet, regardless of the current regional settings of Windows; Compatible with GSM, all 3G SIM cards worldwide, and Nextel SIM cards: Dekart SIM Manager works with any Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) in GSM, Nextel SIM card in Nextel, Universal Integrated Circuit Card (UICC) in UMTS, or Removable User Identity Module (RUIM) in CDMA, regardless of network.
Официальный сайт | Home Page www.dekart.com/products/card_management/sim_manager/
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