Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate [ Version - 10.0 ]
With Fully Instructions How to Install by pictures and How to Activate Comprehensive suite of tools to help teams ensure quality results, from design to deployment.
Whats Included: Integrated Development Environment Development Platform Support Team Foundation Server MSDN Subscription Testing Tools Database Development Debugging and Diagnostics Application Lifecycle Management Architecture and Modeling Lab Management
Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate is the comprehensive suite of application lifecycle management tools for teams to ensure quality results, from design to deployment. Whether you're creating new solutions or enhancing existing applications, Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate lets you bring your vision to life targeting an increasing number of platforms and technologies 2014including cloud and parallel computing.
Software Requirements Visual Studio 2010 can be installed on the following operating systems:
Windows XP (x86) with Service Pack 3 - all editions except Starter Edition Windows Vista (x86 & x64) with Service Pack 2 - all editions except Starter
Edition Windows 7 (x86 & x64) Windows Server 2003 (x86 & x64) with Service Pack 2 Windows Server 2003 R2 (x86 & x64) Windows Server 2008 (x86 & x64) with Service Pack 2 Windows Server 2008 R2 (x64)
Supported Architectures:
32-Bit (x86) 64-Bit (x64)
Hardware Requirements Computer that has a 1.6GHz or faster processor 1 GB (32 Bit) or 2 GB (64 Bit) RAM (Add 512 MB if running in a virtualmachine) 3GB of available hard disk space 5400 RPM hard disk drive DirectX 9 capable video card running at 1024 x 768 or higher-resolution display DVD-ROM Drive
Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate comes with Microsoft Test Manager. In order to use the full functionality of Microsoft Test Manager, Visual Studio Team Foundation Server 2010 must be installed. Team Foundation Server 2010 works on all editions of Windows 7 except for Windows 7 Home Premium.
You will need Power ISO or Magic ISO to burn this to disk Included Power ISO in RAR
INSTRUCTIONS As seen in the image, run setup.exe Install...from that point on just follow the instructins on page one.
1) Run autorun.exe. 2) Select Install. 3) Uncheck the send info to Microsoft. 4) Accept License Terms. 5) Select Full or Custom Click next, if you select full it takes awhile for it to install. 6) Installed. 7) Open Visual Studio Pick any setting, click start Visual Studio. 8) Select help, register product. 9) Enter supplied product key, then activate. 10) Close Visual Studio 11) Copy patch to (INSTALL FOLDER) Microsoft Visual Studio 10.0\Common7\IDE 12) Open Visual Studio, click help, reistered product and you have full Visual Studio 10.0.
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