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Скачать Powerman 5000 Full Discography(1994-2009)

АвторАвтор: miko1313 | ДатаДата: 4 апреля 2011 | Нашли ошибку?
Powerman 5000 Full Discography(1994-2009)

Исполнитель: Powerman 5000
Альбом: Full Discography(1994-2009)
Год выхода: 1994-2009
Жанр: Industrial Metal, Nu-metal
Кол-во треков: 126
Формат: MP3
Качество: VBR 192-320 kbps
Продолжительность: . . .
Размер: 873 MB

(1994) True Force EP (128-209 kbps)
1. "Strike The Match" – 4:08
2. "Organizized" - 3:48
3. "Hell Burns With Fire" - 0:49
4. "What If" - 5:09
5. "My Tongue Is My Life" - 1:30
6. "End" - 4:17
7. "Eye Out" - 1:21

(1995) The Blood Splat Rating System (256 kbps)
1. "Public Menace, Freak, Human Fly" – 3:38
2. "Neckbone" – 4:00
3. "Car Crash" – 2:42
4. "Earth vs. Me" – 3:20
5. "A Swim With the Sharks" – 3:20
6. "Tokyo Vigilante #1" – 2:59
7. "Organizized" - 3:55
8. "Boredwitcha" – 2:50
9. "Standing 8" – 3:35
10. "Even Superman Shot Himself" – 5:47

(1997) Mega!! Kung Fu Radio (320 kbps)
1. "Public Menace, Freak, Human Fly" – 3:38
2. "Organizized" – 3:55
3. "Neckbone" – 4:00
4. "Car Crash" – 2:42
5. "Earth vs. Me" – 3:20
6. "A Swim With the Sharks" – 3:20
7. "20 Miles to Texas 25 to Hell" – 3:16
8. "Mega!! Kung Fu Radio – 3:38
9. "Tokyo Vigilante #1" – 2:59
10. "Boredwitcha" – 2:50
11. "Standing 8" – 3:35
12. "Even Superman Shot Himself" – 9:47
13. "File Under Action" - 4:15

(1999) Tonight the Stars Revolt! (320 kbps)
1. "An Eye is Upon You" (feat. Malachi Throne) – 0:51
2. "Supernova Goes Pop" – 3:14
3. "When Worlds Collide" – 2:58
4. "Nobody's Real" – 2:54
5. "System 11:11" – 0:48
6. "Tonight the Stars Revolt!" – 2:42
7. "Automatic" – 3:22
8. "The Son of X-51" – 2:58
9. "Operate, Annihilate" – 3:48
10. "Blast Off to Nowhere" (feat. Rob Zombie) – 3:45
11. "They Know Who You Are" – 2:33
12. "Good Times Roll" (feat. DJ Lethal) – 3:59 (The Cars Cover)
13. "Watch the Sky for Me" (feat. Ginger Fish & Malachi Throne) – 5:19

(2001) Anyone For Doomsday (320 kbps)
1. Machines For the Living 0:37
2. Danger is Go! 3:05
3. Bombshell 3:13
4. The Meaning of Life 2:47
5. Tomorrow is Yesterday 3:07
6. The End of Everything 3:09
7. What the World Does 2:02
8. I'll Try 0:21
9. The One and Only 3:05
10. Wake Up 3:17
11. Rise 0:54
12. Megatronic 2:38
13. The Future That Never Was 5:27

(2003) Transform (320 kbps)
1. "Assess the Mess" (spoken word by John A. Williams) – 0:32
2. "Theme to a Fake Revolution" – 3:25
3. "Free" – 3:50
4. "Action" – 3:38
5. "That's Entertainment" – 3:17
6. "A is for Apathy" – 4:16
7. "Transform" – 4:04
8. "Top of the World" – 3:34
9. "Song About Nuthin'" – 3:56
10. "Stereotype" – 3:48
11. "I Knew It" – 3:35
12. "Hey, That's Right!" – 3:58
13. "The Shape of Things to Come" – 3:37

(2004) The Good, The Bad And The Ugly Vol.1 (Compilation) (320 kbps)
1. "B.S. One" - 0:54
2. "City of the Dead" - 3:13
3. "Slumlord" - 3:39
4. "Even Superman Shot Himself (Original '91 Version)" - 4:41
5. "B.S. Two" - 0:32
6. "Boredwitcha" - 3:59
7. "In the Eye" - 3:07
8. "Earth vs. Me (Original Version)" - 4:42
9. "Put the Hammer Down" - 3:30
10. "Solid" - 2:56
11. "End" - 4:04
12. "B.S. Three" - 0:38
13. "File Under Action (Original Version)" - 3:43
14. "Army of Me" - 3:41
15. "Solid (Alternate Version)" - 3:40
16. "Player Re-mixx" - 2:39
17. "20 Miles to Texas, 25 to Hell [Live]" - 3:36
18. "Strike the Match [Live]" - 3:50
19. "What If? [Live]" - 5:24
20. "Organizized [Live]" - 5:06

(2005) Korea Tour EP (320 kbps)
1. Heroes & Villains 3:16
2. That's the Way it is 3:14
3. Riot Time 3:29
4. Last Night on Earth 2:23

(2006) Destroy What You Enjoy (320 kbps)
1. "Construction of the Masses Pt. 1" – 0:25
2. "Destroy What You Enjoy" – 3:56
3. "Return to the City of the Dead" – 3:17
4. "Wild World" – 3:20
5. "Enemies" – 2:26
6. "Murder" – 3:25
7. "Now That's Rock 'N Roll" – 3:33
8. "All My Friends Are Ghosts" – 3:17
9. "Walking Disaster" – 3:17
10. "Who Do You Think You Are?" – 3:01
11. "Construction of the Masses Pt. 2" – 0:27
12. "Miss America" – 4:01
13. "Heroes and Villains" (Live) – 4:04

(2009) Somewhere On The Other Side Of Nowhere (320 kbps)
1. Intelligent Creatures 0:34
2. Show Me What You've Got 2:56
3. Super Villain 3:45
4. V Is For Vampire 3:19
5. Do Your Thing 3:28
6. Somewhere On The Other Side Of Nowhere 3:16
7. Time Bomb Baby 3:27
8. Get Your Bones 3:45
9. Make Us Insane 3:44
10. Technology Eats It's Young 1:13
11. Horror Show 4:20

(2000) Dracula 2000 Soundtrack (320 kbps)
Ultra Mega 3:30

(2000) Scream 3 Soundtrack (128 kbps!)
Get On, Get Off

(2000) Titan AE Soundtrack (192 kbps!)
The End Is Over 3:10

(2001) Zoolander Soundtrack (320 kbps)
Relax 3:05

(2009) Super Villain (320 kbps)
Super Villain 3:45

(2009) V Is For Vampire (320 kbps)
V Is For Vampire 3:12


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Industrial Metal, Nu-metal
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