Мощное программное обеспечения для редактирования и обработки фотографий, известное многим профессионалам и любителям по ранним версиям, разработанное для снимающих цифровой фототехникой фотографов, независимо от того, какой формат они используют. Высокая скорость редактирования достигается за счет использования эксклюзивной Nik Software U PointTM технологии.
Capture NX 2 easy-to-use software lets you make intuitive photo enhancements which are immediately visible on your monitor. Simply place the Control Point on the area that you want to edit and U Point Technology will analyze color elements such as hue, saturation and brightness, as well as recognize similar areas where an edit would best be applied. This technology powers the entire Capture NX 2 series of Control Points: Color Control Points, the all-new Selection Control Points, White/Black/Neutral Control Points and Red-Eye Control Points. With Capture NX 2, there's no need to deal with selection tools, layers or lengthy training. Main Features Color Control Point: Enhancements for hue, brightness and saturation are as simple as placing a Color Control Point on your image, then adjusting the length of the sliders. For example, Color Control Points are remarkably convenient for changing the color of flowers to better effect against green surrounding foliage. Selection Control Point: This new function enables you to apply enhancements such as Unsharp Mask or D-Lighting to a specific area with just a click of the mouse. There is no need for precision selection or masks - the Selection Control Point recognizes the areas you want to modify. The enhancement effect can easily be adjusted, allowing you to apply your chosen effect as you would with intuitive masking. Auto Retouch Brush: To simply achieve more natural-looking results, Auto Retouch Brush lets you remove dust spots on an image using a mouse click and stroke to match the surrounding color and tones. This can also be used to remove facial blemishes, imperfections on flowers, or other unwanted objects within the frame.
Shadow/Highlight Adjustments: Using the slider at [Quick Fix], you can adjust shadows by [Shadow Adjust] and blown out highlights by [Highlight Adjust]. Workspaces: Four workspaces are provided: Browser, Metadata, Multi-Purpose and Edit, and your window composition can be easily switched among them. Quick Fix: A combination of frequently used tools including [Level and Tone Curve], [Exposure Compensation], [Contrast], [Highlight Protection], [Shadow Protection] and [Saturation] in a single window. Simultaneous opening of multiple settings: You can open multiple image processing settings at the same time and make parallel process adjustments of multiple details.
Размер (RAR): 40.9 Мб Активация: не требуется (Portable)
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