Категория: Сборник Жанр: Dance Год выпуска: 2009 Количество треков: 78 Формат|Качество: mp3 | 320 kbps Время звучания: 04:57:38 Размер файла: 672 Mb
Треклист: 01. 2 UNLIMITED - No limit 02. MASTERBOY - Feel the heat of the night 03. CORONA - Baby baby 04. DOUBLE YOU - Becouse im loving you 05. MO-DO - Eins zwei polizei 06. O-ZONE - Dragostea din tei 07. RAMIRES - Chupa chupa 08. ANGEL CITY - Sonrise 09. T.X.EXPRESS - On your side 10. TEHNOTRONIC - Pump up the jam 11. X-ITE - Down down down 12. AVENTURA - Obsession 13. PRINCESS HORTENSIA - Come all over me 14. LASGO - Hold me now 15. ZHI-VAGO - Celebrate the love 16. ICE MC - Laika 17. IN-GRID - In tango 18. CORONA - I dont wanna be a star 19. E-ROTIC - Fred come to bed 20. DESPINA VANDI - Come along now 21. ACE OF BASE - Beautiful life 22. ALPHA - Revolution paradise 23. DRY DEE - Here am 24. ERIKA - Save my heart 25. CAPTAIN JACK - Together and forever 26. D.J.BOBO - Pray 27. ANDAIN - Beautiful things 28. LA BOUCHE - Be my lover 29. MR.PRESIDENT - Coco jambo 30. MARIO LOPRS - Missing 31. CAPTAIN G.Q. - Here i come 32. X-PERIENCE - A neverending dream 33. BIBA BINOCHE - Jet aime melancolie 34. E-ROTIK - Voules vous coucher avecmoi 35. IMPERIO - Atlantis 36. ANGEL CITY - I wont let you nown 37. URGENT C - Wish you where here 38. SASH! - Encore une fois 39. LASGO - Only you 40. OUTTA CONTROL - Tonight is party time 41. E-TYPE - Fight in back 42. ANTIQUE - Time to sey goodbye 43. CORONA - The rhythm of then night 44. D.J.TAYLOR&D.J.THOKA - Happy song 45. EIFFEL 65 - Blue-da ba dee- 46. IN-GRID - Tu es foutu 47. PARADISIO - Bailando 48. THE REAL McCOY - Automatic lover 49. DA BUZZ - Dangerous 50. MOBY - Life me up 51. LA CREAM - You 52. ICE MC - Its a raining day 53. AURORA - Real life 54. AXEL F - Crazy frog 55. URGENT C - Youll see 56. N-TRANCE - Da ya thing sexy 57. CANDY JAY - If a were you 58. X-PERIENCE - I dont care 59. HITCH HIKE - Traval girl 60. ERIKA - Right or wrong 61. D.J.ALLIGATOR - Yallah yallah 62. CORONA - Walking on music 63. MORGANA - Colours of my dream 64. EMINEM - Just lose it 65. UNLIMITED NATION - More your body 66. TRACY ANNE - Tonight 67. EIFFEL 65 - Cosa restera 68. BENNY BENASSI - Satisfaction 69. ROBERT MILES - Children 70. BLIZZARD - Its only love 71. LOS DEL RIO - Macarena 72. EARPHONES - Short happy life 73. BOSSON - Efharisto 74. MAGGIE - One way 75. BUSHMAN - No 1 else 76. CARRILIO - Samba de janeiro 77. CASTEAM - Party 78. KARMA - Everyone
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