Исполнитель: VA Альбом: Partyalarm Nightclub Жанр: Dance, Club Дата выпуска: 2009 Количество треков: 44 Формат: MP3 Битрейт: VBR kbps Время звучания: 153:53 min Размер: 229 MB
Tracklist: CD1: 01. Frauenarzt & Manny Marc - Das Geht Ab (Wir Feiern Die Ganze Nacht) 02. Marquess - Arriba (Bodybangers Radio Version) 03. Queensberry - Too Young (M.A.T. Catwalk Mix) 04. Scotty - The Black Pearl 05. Cascada - Because the Night 06. Mark Oh - United (Short Mix) 07. Lazard - I Am Alive! (the Hitmen Radio Edit) 08. Sylver - Turn the Tide (Radio Edit) 09. Pulsedriver - Cambodia 10. Bass-T - Check This! 11. DJ German & Friends - Ich War Noch Niemals in New York (Short Version) 12. Bad Boys Blue - Queen of My Dreams (Alex Twister Radio Edit) 13. Howie Nuvo - Nachts, Wenn Alles Schlaeft (Alisson & Turner Mix) 14. Basshunter - All I Ever Wanted (Radio Edit) 15. Michael Mind - Love’s Gonna Get You (Radio Edit) 16. DJ Ensamble Pres. Trancing Queen - Mamma Mia 17. Sunset Strippers - Falling Stars (Radio Edit) 18. LMC Vs. U2 - Take Me to the Clouds Above (Radio Edit) 19. Gigi D’agostino - Another Way (Radio Cut) 20. Mad’house - Like A Prayer (Radio Edit) 21. Bananarama - Look on the Floor - Hypnotic Tango (Angel City Short Mix) 22. Alcazar - Stay the Night (FL Club Mix)
CD2: 01. Ida Corr Vs. Fedde Le Grand - Let Me Think About it 02. Kid Cudi Vs. Crookers - Day ‘N’ Nite 03. Sonic Palms - On the Beach (Radio Edit) 04. FLO RIDA Feat.KE$HA - Right Round 05. Safri Duo - Played-A-Live (the Bongo Song) 06. Shaggy Feat. Gary Nesta Pine - Fly High 07. Vinylshakerz - One Night in Bangkok ( Vinylshakerz Screen Cut) 08. 2-4 Grooves Feat. Reki D. - Relax (Topmodelz RMX Edit) 09. Klaas Meets Haddaway - What is Love 2K9 (Klaas Radio Edit) 10. Guru Josh Project - Infinity 2008 (Klaas Vocal Edit) 11. September - Can’t Get Over (Radio Edit) 12. Alcazar - Burning 13. Nina Kristin - Hollywood Dream Factory (Toni Torres Club Radio Edit) 14. C.C. Catch - Backseat of Your Cadillac (New Dance-Mix) 15. B. Goodunow - Propaganda Nazdorowje (Original Mix) 16. DJ Ensamble Pres.Trancing Queen - The Winner Takes it All 17. Rocco - Everybody 18. DJ Happy Vibes Feat. Jazzmin - Wake Up (RMX) 19. Arash - Boroboro ( Radio Edit) 20. K.Maro - Femme Like U (Radio Edit) 21. Fiesta Brazil - Lambada 22. Pachanga - Calienta (Creamstylez Remix)
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