01. GotSome, Alex Mills - Shout It Back (3:23) 02. Habbo Foxx - For You (3:44) 03. Purple Disco Machine, Moss Kena, The Knocks - Fireworks (3:19) 04. Elliot Fitch - The One (3:37) 05. Loods - Riviera (3:32) 06. Sirona, Chuckie - Bugatti Ridin (2:21) 07. Beave - Intoxicated (It Goes Like) (3:04) 08. Kolonie - Astral (4:12) 09. Maxinne, Lauren L'aimant - Tell Me Something (3:46) 10. Albert Breaker, BADDIES ONLY, Eileen Jaime - Trigger (2:19) 11. Tom Zeta - Heist (3:47) 12. Benny Benassi, Domino - Sugar (3:36) 13. Jam & Spoon, Push - Stella's Cry - Push - Tribute To Markus Remix (4:45) 14. Namatjira, Francesco Pico - Capricciosa - Francesco Pico Vegetariana Mix (8:27) 15. Lena Glish - No Equal (3:43)Продолжение треклиста 16. Dwight Rass, Thierry Lucas - I'm Comin' (3:35) 17. Brad King - The Flute (3:50) 18. Tujamo - I Don't Wanna Go (3:06) 19. Christian Burns, Eskai - Alive - Eskai Remix (3:46) 20. Rafal - Where Did You Go (3:54) 21. Francesco Sambero, Katrine Stenbekk - Someone Needs a Hero (3:32) 22. West of the Sun - Shimmer (4:17) 23. Porter Robinson - Musician (3:58) 24. Fonzerelli - Easy (2:52) 25. Forbid - Shake Up - Radio Edit (3:45) 26. Roger Shah, Jukebox 80s - Hello Goodbye (3:52) 27. Boss Doms, Kyle Pearce - Pretty Face (2:38) 28. Dash Berlin, Jordan Grace, Stadiumx - No Regrets (Stadiumx Remix) (3:09) 29. Essentials, Nico The Bishop, Charmes - Paradise Garage (Charmes Remix) (2:17) 30. Above & Beyond, Zoe Johnston, ALPHA 9 - Good For Me - ALPHA 9 Remix (5:04) 31. Aeonlights - Weekend (3:01) 32. BT, Iraina Mancini, The Private Language - The War (The Private Language Remix) (4:40) 33. Low Sam - No Body (2:50) 34. Patrick Hofmann, Sharapov - Ever Ever (2:59) 35. Roland Clark - Got a Message (3:33) 36. Bolier, UNOMAS, Penny F. - Gamechanger (2:39) 37. Heard Right - Voices (3:43) 38. Myon, Alissa Feudo, gardenstate - The Darkest Light (gardenstate Remix) (3:46) 39. Now O Later, Jaime Deraz - Thousand Places (3:06) 40. Evgeny Lebedev - Digital Odyssey (4:30) 41. Danny Howard, Eli & Fur - Next To Me (3:37) 42. tyDi, Low Blow - Fool for You - Low Blow Remix (2:26) 43. Alex DaF, Jam El Mar - Back to Life - Jam El Mar Mix (3:50) 44. Pavel Khvaleev, PARAFRAME, Loolacoma - Dismay (Pavel Khvaleev Remix) (3:09) 45. Paige, Nihil Young, MAYLYN - Love You Or Don't (3:18) 46. Yotto, braev - I Want You (4:18) 47. Myon, Nikol Apatini - Ghost Town - Myon Tales from Another World Mix (4:19) 48. gardenstate - By Your Side (3:56) 49. Henry Hacking, Anni - Touch Me (2:54) 50. Hollaphonic - Better Days (2:43) 51. JSTEF, Bella Barbaro - It's Not Right (But It's Okay) (2:57) 52. SRLKLLA - Trouble (2:57) 53. Andy Duguid, Chelsea Holland - Dreamers (3:33) 54. Noise Cans, Romario, Kaelyn Kastle - Last Night (2:37) 55. SG Lewis, Lastlings - All We Have (6:50) 56. Ali Bakgor - I'm Fire (2:22) 57. DTLA, BoogieKnights, Luke Antony - Got a Feeling (BoogieKnights Remix) (3:40) 58. Markhese, Sixth Sense - Save Me (2:38) 59. STRAAW - Wake Up Your Money (3:04) 60. Idris Elba, Inner City, Steffanie Christi'an - No More Looking Back (3:23) 61. Choujaa - Keep Me (2:56) 62. Tava, Norah B. - End Of Time (2:54) 63. M3TTA - Aeon (3:10) 64. Pastel Blue, Zoomac - Take Me Higher (3:12) 65. Luttrell, Delta Underground - Just A Dream (3:29) 66. Kapera - Introspection (3:19) 67. Kennedy One, Shelley Harland - Calling You (3:55) 68. Ben Bohmer, Panama, DJ Seinfeld - Weightless (DJ Seinfeld Remix) (3:50) 69. Loreno Mayer, Bmark, Robbie Rosen - I Can Feel It (2:57) 70. LTN, Ghostbeat, Katrin Souza - Back to the Future (3:32) 71. Crystal Skies, Ekko - Used To Love (3:28) 72. JES, Somna - Under the Midnight Sun (Somna Remix) (3:24) 73. Tom Klay - Astronaut (3:30) 74. DiCi - Touch My Body (3:40) 75. dzill - Falling for You (3:07) 76. Matvei - DANCA (2:31) 77. Robbie Rivera, Jordan Kaahn - Out of Time (3:34) 78. Anske, Sarah Shields - Compromise (3:26) 79. Showtek, Sevenn - Pum Pum (2:57) 80. Bebe Rexha - Sacrifice (2:40) 81. Dave Ralph, Danny Howard - Chasing Stars (Danny Howard Back To Trance Remix) (3:32) 82. Sunlounger - Hello Sunrise (3:13) 83. Product of us - Prometheus (3:33) 84. Lewis John - Lighter (3:19) 85. ATB, Topic, A7S - Your Love (9PM) (2:30) 86. Markus Schulz, Ethan Thompson, Soundland - Make It Last Forever (3:11) 87. Sam Heyman - Corvus (3:46) 88. YNKKX - Turn It Up (2:29) 89. Gold 88 - Push It (2:49) 90. Kruel Intentions, Yasmin Jane - If I Don't Have You (2:35) 91. No Pants Party - Here We Go (3:14) 92. Marco Bedini - Division (Original Mix) (4:33) 93. Au5, HALIENE - Was It You (Short Mix) (4:45) 94. BT, Grum - Never Odd or Even (Grum Remix) (4:30) 95. David Solomon - Cross Your Mind (3:01) 96. Darren After - Feel (3:45) 97. Coldabank, Freedo - I Just Wanna Dance (2:34)
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