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Раздел: Программы


АвторАвтор: Webpostman | ДатаДата: 16 июля 2019 | Нашли ошибку?

MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite - обеспечивает эффективную и надежную работу монтажеров и звуковых режиссеров, с полным учетом всех аспектов звукового монтажа и мастеринга. И в студии, и в полевых условиях это исключительно полезная программа для медиа-профессионалов, которым требуется создавать и редактировать звуковые файлы - быстро и точно.

С новыми прецизионными возможностями монтажа на базе событий, включающими интегрированные средства записи компакт-дисков disc-at-once, профессиональные средства шумопонижения и временную растяжку исходной временной шкалы, Sound Forge Pro является полной программой монтажа, содержащей все необходимые функции для профессиональной записи звука и мастеринга, звукового дизайна, реставрации и создания CD по стандарту Red Book. Включает ПО Noise Reduction™ 2, плюс Mastering Effects Bundle 2 с управлением от iZotope™.

Возможности программы:
• все стандартные возможности по редактированию аудио
• поддержка 24-битных и 32/64-битных 192 кГц файлов
• редактирование моно, стерео и многоканальных аудио-файлов
• более 20 встроенных DirectX плагинов
• многоканальное редактирование и обработка
• редактирование и обработка аудио в реальном времени
• поддержка ASIO-драйверов
• поддержка DirectX аудио-плагинов
• поддержка VST аудио-эффектов
• поддержка видео и AVI
• неограниченные уровни отмены и повтора действий
• drag-and-drop редактирование между каналами
• полная поддержка файлов размером более 4 гбайт
• и многие, многие другие возможности

Поддерживаемые форматы:
• Opens: AA3, AAC, AIF, ASF, AU, AVI, CDA, DIG, DLS, DV, DVF, FLAC, FRG, GIF, GIG, IVC, M2A, M2P, M2T, M4A, M4B, MMV, OGG, MOV, MSV, MP1, MP3, MP4, MPEG, MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, Sony MXF, PCA, QT, RAW, SD, SFA, SF, SND, TIF, VOX, W64, WAV, WMA, WMV.

• Saves: AA3, AC3, AIF, ATRAC, AU, AVI, DIG, DLS, FLAC, FRG, GIG, IVC, M1A, M1P, M2A, M2P, M2T, MMV, MOV, MSV, MP1, MP2, MP3, MP4, MPA, MPEG, MPEG-1 and MPEG-2 video, Sony MXF*, OGG, PCA, RAW, SF2, VOX, W64, WAV, WMA, WMV.

Total audio editing power
SOUND FORGE Pro Suite was designed to be the complete package of audio applications to record, edit and process audio at the highest possible standard. At its core is the new SOUND FORGE Pro that features 64-bit processing, VST3 effect support, plug-ins from the advanced SEQUOIA system and many renowned audio shaping and enhancing plug-ins. Add the sound design inspiration of SpectraLayers Pro 5 and you have a suite of software that continues to set new standards for audio professionals.

Sound design that can be seen and heard
SpectraLayers Pro transforms sound into a unique world of visual multidimensional audio data. It presents the audio to you as unique layers within the frequency spectrum so you can transpose, extract and optimize sounds in ways never imagined. With outstanding design, a high performance audio engine and seamless integration with other DAWs, SpectraLayers Pro is one of the world’s most revolutionary spectral editing platforms.

SOUND FORGE Pro features a fresh, new recording interface that gives you a complete overview of your projects at all times. As such, you can monitor all of your 32 channels of recorded audio, master, edit and process your work, all within one intuitive workspace.

Audio Editing
Get complete flexibility with SOUND FORGE Pro. Any audio format can be opened and processed, from any source, all within the software's ultra-precise multitrack environment. Surround-sound mixes and video soundtracks can also be edited with ease.

Create the perfect master, for any situation. SOUND FORGE Pro features high-end signal-processing tools and premier effects from a range of professional DSP developers to allow you to create perfect, high-resolution masters for broadcast, CD or streaming.

Flexible Audio Processing
SOUND FORGE Pro has advanced editing and processing tools for any task. High end plug-ins from SEQUOIA repair and restore audio, while the essentialFX and Analogue Modelling suites offer all the mixing and classic effects you need. Wave Hammer 2.0 is a high-quality mastering solution and SpectraLayers Pro 5 offers precise visual editing for everything from repair to sound design.

Game Sound Design
Realistic game soundtracks often require entire libraries of custom sound effects. SOUND FORGE Pro makes it easy not only to create such libraries but to process them to match the soundtrack’s musical tonality. You can use pitch shift to match sections of the library to the key, add reverb to help the effects blend, or pan groups of effects to create space, or move groups of effects within a surround sound environment to make the game feel ultra realistic.

64-bit version
Even the most high-end, professional audio processing tasks can be handled with ease in SOUND FORGE Pro. It features an all-new 64-bit architecture which utilises all available computer power to run large and complex projects, latency free.

VST3 effect support
VST3 effect support SOUND FORGE Pro features full effect support for the VST3 standard. This opens up a whole new world for thousands of plug-in effects and instruments from third-party developers. VST3 also ensures an improved audio performance and maximum efficiency for minimum CPU usage.

New in this version:

New interface
For a better user experience, the SOUND FORGE Pro 13 interface is adjustable in four hues. Together with the redesigned icons and docking features, your workflow will take center stage.

Upgraded VST engine
With the newly enhanced SOUND FORGE Pro VST engine, you get more stability and speed when using plug-ins. It's also now available with the ARA2 interface extension.

New visualizations
Gather industry-standard visual feedback with the Peak Meter V2 or deep dive into waveform visualizations with the new oscilloscope.

New mastering effects
SOUND FORGE Pro 13 Suite features brand new delay & mastering effects (2-Point Compressor, Limiter, Expander, Compressor, Gate, VolumeFormer, Delay, Chorus, and Flanger) from the new coreFX Suite.

System Requirements:
- Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10
- Processor: 1 GHz
- RAM: 512 MB
- Graphics card: Onboard, min. resolution 1024 x 768
- Sound card: Onboard
- Hard drive space: 500 MB for program installation

Информация о программе:
Год выпуска: 2019
Платформа: Windows® 10/8/8.1/7
Язык интерфейса: Английский / English
Лекарство: cracked
Размер файла: 454/556.00 MB

Скачать MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite (x86)

Скачать MAGIX SOUND FORGE Pro Suite (x64)

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