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Скачать Shy Of Shameless: October Blues Collection (2018)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 16 октября 2018 | Нашли ошибку?
Shy Of Shameless: October Blues Collection (2018)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Shy Of Shameless: October Blues Collection
Жанр: Blues, Rock Blues, Rock and Roll, Country
Год Выпуска: 2018
Количество треков: 120
Время звучания: 09 :03 :06
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kbps

О Диске:
Данный лонгплей без угрызения совести можно порекомендовать абсолютно всем. Легкий рок блюз вместе с развязанными мотивами кантри делает музыку "Shy Of Shameless" легкой, универсальной и запоминающейся. Приятного прослушивания!

001. Billy Lee Riley - Goin' Jukin'
002. Chuck Berry - My Mustang Ford
003. Ray Bonneville - Riverside Drive
004. Keb' Mo' - Stand Up
005. Ram Jam - Black Betty
006. Willie And The Poor Boys - Revenue Man
007. Chip Vandiver - Head On Collision
008. Jan Gillan & The Javelins - Roll Over Beethoven
009. Hellbilly Boys - Crazy Groove
010. Erin Jaimes - Ocean Of Tears
011. Wild Wind - Maggie Did It
012. Chuck Colombo - My Cat Is A Zen Master
013. The Yellbows - Early In The Morning
014. Lawrence Lebo - Give Me A Try
015. Va - Oh Well
016. Coheed - Beer Drinkers And Hell Raisers
017. Carolyn Gaines - Beware Of My Dog
018. Pinetop Perkins - What's The Matter With You
019. James Brown - Send Her Back To Me
020. Amy Kucharik - Everything But Love
021. Boz Scaggs - Down In Virginia
022. Boz Scaggs - Down In Virginia
023. Steve Odum - On The Outskirts Of Town
024. Hypnotics - Womanizer
025. Ana Popovic - Mo Leter Love
026. Dean Hall - I Know Something Bout The Blues
027. Oscar Benton - Bensonhurst Blues
028. Grana Louise - Bang Bang Bang
029. Michael Powers - She's About A Mover
030. Duke Robillard - Call Of The Freaks
031. Cassie Taylor - That's My Man
032. Hot & Nasty - Surrounding Blues
033. Renovation Blues Band - She Never Gets A Minute Of Sleep
034. Ryan Reid - The Perfect Drug
035. Bill Wharton - Swamp Boogie
036. Jay Sewall - Blues From Chicago
037. George Thorogood - Tail Dragger
038. Adrianna Marie - I Won't Sell My Love
039. Catfish John Tisdell - Life's A Bitch
040. The Giants - Love Me Or Leave Me
041. The Swagger Kings - Baby Doll's
042. Rick Vito - I Loved Another Woman
043. Blues Mobile Band - I Can't Stand It
044. Josh Smith - Let Me Take Care Of You
045. Marcus Cliffe - Waltz For Luce
046. Lilly Martin - Satisfy Me
047. James 'buddy' Rogers - Sweet Little Girl
048. Kenny Neal - My Babe
049. John Campbelljohn - No Philosopher
050. Joe Taino - Take Me Now
051. Colin James - Shed A Little Light
052. The Doors - Roadhouse Blues
053. Jimmy Thackery - Wild Night Out
054. Lonnie Broocks - Before You Go
055. Deborah Coleman - Memory Lane
056. Steam - Na Na Hey Hey Kiss Him Goodbye
057. Dr. Goodvibe - The New Bohemia
058. Bruce Willis - Turn It Up
059. Keith Thompson's Strange Brew - Wotcha Doin' To Me
060. Styx - Renegade
061. John Hiatt - What Love Can Do
062. Selwyn Birchwood - The River Turned Red
063. Cee Cee James - Wounds
064. The Beatles Recovered Band - Come Together
065. Sherrit Pruitt - I'm A Cougar
066. Hozier - Someone New
067. B. J. Allen & Blue Voodoo - Borderline
068. Franck Goldwasser - Chicken Heads
069. Big House - Buck These Haggard Blues
070. Pat Travers - Outside Woman Blues
071. Troy Turner - Lonely Cafe
072. Mick Abrahams - Medication Blues
073. Interstate Blues - Nobody Wanna Live
074. Eric Lindell - How Could This Be?
075. James Hinkle - Some Day
076. Savoy Brown - You're In For A Big Surprise
077. Colin James - Tin Pan Alley
078. Lucinda Williams - Copenhagen
079. Snake Head Ritual - Give
080. Rocky Shelton - Twist Of Fate
081. Van Wilks - Crazy Inside
082. Coco Montoya - Running Away From Love
083. Gurf Morlix - Worth Dyin' For
084. The Beatles - Come Together
085. Mavis Staples - Jesus Wept
086. Alvin Lee - One Lonely Hour
087. Ray Manzarek - Blues In My Shoes
088. Gary Moore - Nothing's The Same
089. Rolling Stones - Rain Fall Down
090. Voronofff - She's My Fate
091. Blue By Nature - Love Me All Night
092. Al Basile - Picked To Click
093. Ray Charles - Mother
094. Chad Elliott - Shy Of Shameless
095. Colin James - Freedom
096. The Buddaheads - Wish I Had Everything I Want
097. The Travelin' Wilbures - The Monkey Man
098. Gregg Rolie - Ordinary Man
099. Bird Dogs - Bye Bye Baby
100. Chris Bell - Two Jobs
101. The Blue Hawaiians - Shakin' All Over
102. Mato Nanji - Make It Right
103. Andre Williams - Stuck In The Middle
104. Loel Stein Jr - Preacher
105. Buddy Guy - Nine Below Zero
106. Savoy Brown - Bad Shape
107. Bo Diddley - That Mule
108. Chris Ardoin - Papa Was A Rollin' Stone
109. Vince Agwada - Eyes Of The City
110. Eugene Wareley - Blind Old Willy
111. Mojo Juju - Drive On
112. Eric Clapton - River Of Tears
113. Joe Louis Walker - Hallways
114. Juke Joints - What In The World
115. Heavy Blues Chevy - The Walk
116. Junior Wells - Cry For Me Baby
117. Eric Gales - Sometimes Wrong Feels Right
118. Alvin Lee - Outside My Window
119. Ted Nugent - Stranglehold
120. Albert Collins - If Trouble Was Money

Скачать: Shy Of Shameless: October Blues Collection (2018)


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Blues, Rock, Collection, VA-Album
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