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Скачать Pixel-Tech ID Photos Pro RUS/ENG

АвторАвтор: Webpostman | ДатаДата: 31 июля 2018 | Нашли ошибку?
Pixel-Tech ID Photos Pro RUS/ENG

ID Photos Pro - поможет вам создавать профессиональные фото на документы с учетом всех специфических требований. Есть готовый каталог шаблонов, который поможет разобраться с такими параметрами, как размер фото, его пропорции, разрешение и прочее. С программой Id Photos фотографы без труда решают проблемы с размерами фотографии, параметрами лица или разрешения, которые обычно являются причинами отказов в принятии компетентными органами. Всего за несколько секунд любой пользователь может напечатать фотографии для любого документа.

Ключевые возможности:
Более 130 форматов фотографий на документы из более 40 стран
Поддержка биометрических паспортов (стандарт ICAO)
Встроенные инструменты ретуширования
Совместимость со всеми цифровыми камерами, фотопринтерами и минилабораториями
Мультиязычный интерфейс

Did you know that ...
- Unlike typical photo editing software, ID Photos Pro 8 has been developed especially for passport and ID photography. This is why it’s one of the fastest and most precise tool on the market today. Only 10 seconds are needed from loading an image, its verification process and the final print.
- ID Photos Pro 8 takes full advantage of our proprietary algorithms to automatically detect all relevant facial biometrics. In addition ID Photos instantly aligns and crops the image to fit local passport requirements. It detects potential issues such as mouth expression, sunglasses, reflections and much more.
- ID Photos Pro 8 wizard leads the operator through 4 simple steps to perfect passport photos. For each formats, requirements are shown by giving tips as to how the photo should be taken (e.g. against what background, head view, facial expression). Thanks to this, anyone is able to make ID photo, even for the most exotic countries.

Smart features
ID Photos Pro 8 is equipped with a wide range of features making working with photos fast and easy.

Certificate of compliance
ID Photos prints a Certificate of Compliance with ICAO standards as well as a Confirmation for the ePhoto format.

Compatible with all printers
The software operates with all type of printers. It allows also for seamless page export to digital minilabs.

Biometric algorithms
Automated facial & biometrics features detection currently in its 2nd generation. Our fast and accurate features detection allows you to automatically process multiple photos.

Statistics and job log
A comprehensive reporting function allows you to closely monitor vital statistics such as number of prints, exports, CD/DVD burns. A detailed Job Log of operator activities is also included.

French ePhoto format
ID Photos Pro 8 is one of the few software approved for France’s National ePhoto Program. Operates with Wacom tablets to capture the signature required in the ePhoto application process.

Camera tethering
Live View on a PC display and picture triggering directly from the software. Most modern Canon cameras are supported. Nikon and others coming soon.

What's new in version
[+] Added formats:
• Ukraine - Driving Licence 354x472px
• Georgia - Visa 472x610px
• Australia - ASIC 40x50mm
• Hong Kong - Passport 1200x1600px
• Hong Kong - Visa 1200x1600px
• Poland - ID Card 35x45mm
• Poland - Child's ID Card (Under 11) 35x45mm
• Poland - Child's ID Card (Under 5) 35x45mm
• Poland - ID Card (digital) 492x633px
• Poland - Child's ID Card (Under 11) (digital) 492x633px
• Poland - Child's ID Card (Under 5) (digital) 492x633px
• Spain - Passport 26x32mm
• Free Style - 18x24mm
• Free Style - 24x26mm
[!] Updated formats:
• Brazil - eVisa 413x531px
• New Zealand - Passport (digital)
• New Zealand - Child Passport (digital)
[-] Deleted formats:
• Spain - Passport 30x40mm
[+] Secured Cloud Storage
• Updated UK ePassport Online Checker
• Updated SCS prints (added format size in a title)
[+] Updated NL translation
[+] Changed inch symbol to abbreviation 'in' in order to avoid special characters in files when exporting or sending a photo to SCS
[!] Fixed a bug related to ICAO Compliance Certificates dedicated for 2x2in photos

Информация о программе:
Год выпуска: 2018
Платформа: Windows® 10/8/8.1/XP/Vista/7
Язык интерфейса: Русский / Английский / Deutsch
Лекарство: cracked-DFoX-URET
Размер файла: 71.00 MB

Скачать Pixel-Tech ID Photos Pro RUS/ENG


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создать, фото, документы
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