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Скачать 120 DJ Neoprint: Trance Project (2018)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 15 февраля 2018 | Нашли ошибку?
120 DJ Neoprint: Trance Project (2018)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: 120 DJ Neoprint: Trance Project
Жанр: Progressive, Vocal, Uplifting Trance
Год Выпуска: 2018
Количество треков: 120
Время звучания: 13 :26 :27
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Представленных треков в альбоме "120 DJ Neoprint: Trance Project" целых 120, а значит есть что послушать и о чём поговорить в плане музыкального наполнения. В основном композиции лонгплея это аплифтинг и прогрессивный транс, которые как нельзя лучше подходят для олицетворения той эйфории которую испытываешь от новой дозы эстетического адреналина.

001. Estiva & Justin Oh - Reach For The Sky
002. Marc Van Gale - Mumbai Taxi (Original Mix)
003. Emanuele Braveri - Destination Summer (Original Mix)
004. Activeblaze - Last Day
005. Chris Schambacher - Chasing Stars (Extended Mix)
006. Maarten De Jong & Katty Heath - Free To Feel Again
007. Max Freegrant - War Goes On
008. Nolans Stenemberg ft. Jennifer Lauren - The Winter
009. Paul van Dyk - I Am Alive (Original Mix)
010. The Thrillseekers - For All That You Are
011. Kyau & Albert - Love Letter From The Future
012. Mohamed Bahi - Hope For A Cure (Extended)
013. Eximinds & Lucid Blue - A Higher Love
014. Alex M.O.R.P.H., Scott Bond & Charlie Walker - F3f
015. Mike Spinner - Infinitum (Extended Mix)
016. AJ Gibson ft. Ash - To The Sun (Original Mix)
017. Maria Healy - Maktub (Extended Mix)
018. Alex Byrka & Ruslan Device ft. Breame - Andalucia
019. Jardin - Best Of Vandit 2017 (Mixed by Jardin)
020. Roman Messer - Lost
021. Alex M.O.R.P.H. - Summer Love Story (Extended)
022. Frainbreeze - Confession (Original Mix)
023. Luciano Martinez & Marcelo Fratini - Boomerang
024. Ula - Tender Feeling
025. Haig & Raffi - Daredevils Of Sassoun (Omniks Remix)
026. Lumisade - Let You Go
027. Maor Levi - Juno
028. The Cracken - Aphrodisiac (Extended Mix)
029. Alex Kunnari & Jennifer Rene - Stays The Same
030. Markus Schulz - The New World (Mark Sherry Remix)
031. Martin Graff - Better Days Are Coming
032. Ryan Bentham - Away
033. FG Noise & Tom Exo - Skyworld
034. Matthew Duncan - Verdant (Original Mix)
035. Mino Safy - Another Dimension
036. Night Sky - Till I Break Free
037. I5land - Start Up
038. Mir Omar - Suddenly (Extended Mix)
039. High Frequencies - Quantum (Royal Zeven Remix)
040. Mohamed Ragab - Groundbreaker (Original Mix)
041. Neurofunq - Thunder Gate (Original Mix)
042. Volmax - A Night With You (Emre Colak Remix)
043. Andre Visior & DJ T.H. with Kimberly Hale - My Redemption
044. Oliver Smith - Inside
045. Alex Leavon - Amaya
046. Ovnimoon - Inside My Mind (3 Access & You Remix)
047. Paul Denton - Afterglow (Extended Mix)
048. Stephane Badey - Butterfly (Extended Mix)
049. Jordi Roure - Space Flight 48
050. Paul Thomas & K3V - Aquamarina (Original Mix)
051. Alexey Litunov - Girl from My Dreams 2018 (Original Mix)
052. Aneesh Gera & Amber Traill - Ibiza Space (Exouler Remix)
053. Allen Watts - Square One (Steve Allen Extended Remix)
054. MK&TW - Tokyo Afterhour
055. Alpha 9 - You & I
056. FloE & DJ TH - Like A Miracle
057. Andre Visior & DJ T.H. - Firewalk (Extended Mix)
058. Squarz Kamel - Diverse Worlds (Alter Future Remix)
059. Andrew Rayel - Let It Be Forever (Radion6 Remix)
060. Live Ayce - Blinded (feat. Amy Kirkpatrick)
061. Andy Norling ft. Eden Knight - Set Me Free (Original Mix)
062. Six Senses - Return
063. Arctic Motion - Transformers (Tanya Baltunova Remix)
064. Soren Andrews - Thalia Grace (feat. Anthya, 4 AM Mix)
065. Axel Walters - New Line (Extended Mix)
066. NuroGL - Sin Antonia
067. Abide - 2004
068. Bigtopo & Omar Diaz - Gallow (Extended Mix)
069. Buzzkultist - True Things (Radio Edit)
070. Second Reason & Motion Sound - Rubicone (Extended Mix)
071. Changes & Calixta - Axion (Original Mix)
072. Highforcer - Nightwing
073. Ciro Visone & Ed Baxxter - Pressure (Original Mix)
074. CJ Stereogun - Illusions Of The Past
075. Dan Schneider - Big Brother (Original Mix)
076. Elbars & Maijena - Touch me (Original Mix)
077. Dan thompson - Imprint
078. Indecent Noise feat.Jasmine Chloe - Alive Tonight
079. Daun Giventi - Valkyrie (Extended Mix)
080. Mark Sixma & Emma Hewitt - Missing
081. David Broaders - Neogenesis (Extended Mix)
082. Saad Ayub & Ronski Speed - Crazy Whispers
083. Delta IV - Last Stop Before Heaven (Original Mix)
084. Tenishia, Alexander Popov feat. Thomas T - Play Your Cards
085. Dimibo ft. Ankit Sharda - Fortune & Glory
086. Zoe Song feat. Sabreena Singh - Right Beside Me
087. Dirkie Coetzee & Corrie Theron - Engel (Original Mix)
088. Dmitry Strochenko - My Crazy Life
089. Doppenberg Presents Remarq - Backfire (Extended Mix)
090. Driftmoon Ft. Julie Elven - Midnight Sun
091. DRYM - Spider (Extended Mix)
092. DT8 Project - The Gate (Original Mix)
093. East & Atlas - Close Encounters (Extended Mix)
094. Eric Senn - Kharon (Intro Edit)
095. Exouler - Uprising
096. Ferry Corsten & Eric Lumiere - Something To Believe In
097. Fire & Ice - Heart & Mind
098. Fisical Project & Blue Sector - Perseverance (Extended Mix)
099. FloE & J. Puchler ft. Robin Vane - Alive
100. Greg Dusten - Sunset in Her Eyes
101. HamzeH - Phantom
102. Huem - Ryzen (Original Mix)
103. Ido Shoam - Feeling Lucky (Altered State Remix)
104. Indigo - The Aftermath (Original Mix)
105. Janberg - Pirates Adventure (Original Mix)
106. Jean Clemence - Eternity (Tommy Kierland Remix)
107. Jericho Frequency ft. Emma Chatt - Do You See Me?
108. JOOP - The Future (Alex Ender 2018 Festival Mainstage Mix)
109. JP Bates - Wayfinder (Extended Mix)
110. Khomha - Aire (Extended Mix)
111. Kiran M Sajeev - Ethnosphere (Extended Mix)
112. Klassy Project ft. Lokka Vox - Heaven (Original Mix)
113. KoRay - In Principio (Original Mix)
114. Kyau & Albert - Wanderlust (DJ Version)
115. Kyle Pepper - Away with You (Extended Mix)
116. Liam Wilson - Unit E2 (Extended Mix)
117. Lightcontrol - Forever (the Avains Remix)
118. Limelght - Canis Major
119. Lostly - Inwaves (Extended Mix)
120. Lowland - Stains (Original Mix)

Скачать: 120 DJ Neoprint: Trance Project (2018)


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Теги к статье:

Progressive, Vocal, Uplifting, Trance, VA-Album
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