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Скачать Heavy Manuscript: Hard Compilation (2018)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 14 февраля 2018 | Нашли ошибку?
Heavy Manuscript: Hard Compilation (2018)

Категория: Unmixed
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Heavy Manuscript: Hard Compilation
Жанр: Heavy, Power Metall
Год Выпуска: 2018
Количество треков: 230
Время звучания: 19 :05 :03
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
В гигантском сборнике "Heavy Manuscript: Hard Compilation" вы услышите не только именитых старичков, но и современных исполнителей – одним словом, всех тех, кто смог донести до нас все могущество и величие металла «старой школы»!

001. Exocrine - Garden Of Flesh
002. Kings Of Disorder - Murdered One
003. Absolva - Never Back Down (Acoustic)
004. Pretty Maids - Was That What You Wanted
005. Cerebus - Open the Door
006. Power Crue - Pray (Forgiveness)
007. Vallenfyre - Soldier of Christ
008. Aether Realm - Temperance
009. Karkaos - Lightbearer
010. Taberah - Hotel California (The Eagles Cover)
011. Orden Ogan - Finis Coronat Opus
012. Seven Kingdoms - Awakened From Nothing
013. Apallic - A Taste Of Lethe
014. Fogalord - The Gift of the White Lady
015. Exit Eden - Paparazzi
016. Hell Kross - Meeting of Generals
017. DODSENGEL - Gloria in Excelsis Deo
018. Peroxwhy?gen - Fiction
019. Andy James - Exit Through Ashes
020. All Out War - Bodies for the Machine
021. Burning Witches - The Deathlist
022. Tankard - Chemical Invasion
023. Dream Evil - Too Loud
024. Terrifier - Sect Of The Serpent
025. Ereb Altor - One With The Dark (bonus)
026. In This Moment - Half God Half Devil
027. Custard - Witch Hunter
028. dEMOTIONAL - Train Wreck
029. Voyager - This Gentle Earth
030. Trinity Site - Something is Living Under My Skin
031. Alestorm - Rage Of The Pentahooks For Dogs
032. Danzig - Pull the Sun
033. Pictura Poesis - Plains of Existence
034. Paradise Lost - Frozen Illusion
035. Animals as Leaders - The Brain Dance
036. Omens of Plague - La Extirpacion
037. Ursinne - Hollow Hearse
038. DEUS OTIOSUS - Greater horror
039. The Lurking Fear - Tongued With Foul Flames
040. Soul Demise - Purity of Soul
041. War-saw - Monstrosity
042. Phobia - Human Default - Suck At Life
043. Valinor - Crying Hawk
044. Secret Sphere - Commitment
045. Malet Grace - Chaos Is My Order
046. Ancient Dome - Chain Reaction
047. Dark Sarah - Aquarium
048. ANA - Angus McFife
049. Hell's Crows - Across the Sea
050. Sense Of Ember - Your Disgrace
051. Moretotheshell - The Inner City
052. Dead Cross - The Future Has Been Cancelled
053. Words Of Farewell - The Farthest Reach
054. Abonation - The End of an Era
055. Royal Sin - Take Me to Hell
056. To the Mountains - Space Invaders
057. Execration - Return to the Void
058. Osario - Paraverdad
059. Soulspell - Game of Hours
060. Interminable Corruptions - Drifting In The Endless Void Of Space
061. GraVil - Decommissioned
062. Colonist - Blacklight Domain
063. Crystal Lake - Six Feet Under
064. Wizard - Let Us Unite
065. Ellende - Wind
066. Lost Dreams - Weight of the World
067. Isle of Avalon - True Born
068. Dawn of Memories - Through the Eyes of the Dead
069. Spoil Engine - The Verdict
070. Figure Of Six - The King and the Servant
071. Tankard - The Evil That Men Display
072. Ghost of Mary - Something to Know
073. Shadowlynx - Run Out of Tears
074. Prong - Operation Of The Moral Law
075. Nocturnal Rites - Nothing Can Break Me
076. Infinitas - Morrigan
077. The Ferrymen - How The Story Ends
078. The Shadeless Emperor - Helios the Dark
079. The Unity - Edens Fall
080. Burning Shadows - Deathstone Rider
081. God Dethroned - Breathing Through Blood
082. Noplies - Break the Silence
083. Cain's Dinasty - The Last Song
084. Unto the Wolves - Transgression
085. Dark Lunacy - The Rain After the Snow
086. Septicflesh - The Eldest Cosmonaut
087. Sarea - The Dormant National
088. Mean Streak - Love Is a Killer
089. Decipher - L'or Bleu
090. Death Or Glory - Learn to Fly
091. GrooVenoM - Brutal Party Massacre
092. Narthraal - Blood Path
093. Hungry Touch - Baby
094. Dawn of Ashes - Augoeides
095. Tengger Cavalry - Ashley
096. Thor - Twilight of the Gods
097. Incantation - Lus Sepulcri
098. Dawn of Disease - Fleshless Journey
099. Duskmourn - The Last Voyage
100. Nyn - The Hallway
101. Integral - Room With A View
102. Scale the Summit - Opal Bones
103. Rogue Arsenal - Only Way Out
104. Jag Panzer - Long Awaited Kiss
105. Jorn - I Walked Away
106. Unbowed - Dreaming of the Deep
107. Sunless Sky - Adrenaline Junkie
108. Vescera - Vendetta
109. Rhapsody Of Fire - Emerald Sword
110. Dream Troll - Unwanted by the Gods
111. Signum Regis - The Future King
112. Under Threat - The Clymb of Sisyphus
113. Lying Figures - My Special place
114. John Frum - He Come
115. Unleash the Archers - False Walls
116. Ocean of Time - Break Free
117. Dead Head - 13 Close
118. Horrified - The Promise Of Solace
119. Morfin - PostHumous (Bass Solo)
120. SnakeyeS - Edge of the World
121. Mason - Cross This Path
122. Worselder - Severed
123. Krystalyan - Prisoners of Time
124. Force Majeure - Pantheon of My Passion
125. Hate - Into Burning Gehenna : Into Burning Gehenna
126. Hell Rebel's - Hammer and Anvil
127. Myrkur - De Tre Piker
128. Valor - Dark Are the Eyes of the Night
129. In Vain - To Be King
130. Immortal Synn - Hatred Nation
131. Shadowside - Insidious Me
132. Tombs - Underneath
133. Arida Vortex - Tons of Metal
134. Slechtvalk - Nemesis
135. Masterplan - Mr. Ego
136. Slow - Mort
137. White Skull - Lady of Hope
138. Gathering Darkness - I?m the Weapon
139. Red Moon Architect - End of Days
140. Trail of Blood - Cult
141. Esclavitud - To Say Goodbye
142. Silent Descent - Sticky Fingers
143. Pentakill - Dead Man's Plate
144. Frostvang - Avsky
145. Eisregen - Auf den Spuren der Sage
146. The Privateer - Arrival : Arrival
147. From Eden To Exile - Victim
148. Northern Plague - The Day After
149. Kobra And The Lotus - Specimen X
150. Dying Fetus - Reveling in the Abyss
151. Mercury X - Perfect Enemy
152. Thy Legion - One Eyed Pyramid
153. Cromo - Heart of the Brave
154. Razgate - Hear My Sentence
155. Exocrine - Cryogenisation
156. Air Raid - Cold As Ice
157. Biogenesis - Bet Your Soul
158. Perpetual Rage - The Creation
159. Drive Like Jehu - Luau
160. PAGANIZER (Sweden) - Land of Weeping Souls
161. Naberus - Embers
162. SikTh - This Ship Has Sailed
163. Arcanum - Robots
164. Stahlmann - Nichts Spricht Wahre Liebe Frei
165. Loss - Moved Beyond Murder
166. Nevergreen - Imperium
167. GALDERIA - High up in the Air
168. Harpyie - Flieg
169. Carach Angren - Charles Francis Coghlan
170. Goatwhore - Chaos Arcane
171. Old Season - Chosen
172. Arkaik - Order Of Hierogon
173. Da Boanad - Misericordia
174. Dead Soul Communion - Last Grains of Sand
175. DragonForce - Judgement Day
176. Dyscarnate - Iron Strengthens Iron
177. Liquid Graveyard - Influence Corrupt
178. Pit Of Toxic Slime - Infamous
179. Burning Point - Incarnation
180. Exhortation - Gone Is the Sky
181. Sacred Oath - Fighter's Heart
182. Flynn Effect - Eastwood Blues
183. Off the Cross - Confinement of Our Souls
184. Odium - No Goodbye
185. Hermo?r - Host
186. Buried Realm - Asphyxiation’s Lullaby
187. Al-Namrood - Xenophobia
188. Cripper - World Coming Down
189. Fleshkiller - Wisdom
190. Mastercastle - Wine of Heaven
191. Wind Rose - Under the Stone
192. Ravage - Turn the Screw
193. Ajattara - Suru
194. Soijl - Salvation, Deception
195. Helker - Por la Eternidad
196. Act of Defiance - Overexposure
197. Manilla Road - Never Again
198. Divinity Compromised - My Escape
199. Disharmonic Orchestra - Innamorato
200. Demonshire - I Will Not Die
201. Igorrr - Houmous
202. Ancient Spell - Hell Is Waiting
203. Misconducters - Battlefield
204. Rage - Southcross Union
205. Aporya - Cry Of The Butterfly
206. Wintereve - Where Dreams Are Buried
207. Wampyrinacht - The Predator Of Humans
208. The Monolith Deathcult - The Furious Gods
209. Dying - Stop Breathing
210. Blue Dawn - Sex (Under a Shell)
211. Adrestia - Scorched Earth
212. Thunderwar - New Age Prophecy
213. Destructor - Keep the Faith
214. Accept - Hole in the Head
215. Ardent Spirits - Gears Of Time
216. Palantir - Escaping Reality
217. Gothic - Disillusion
218. Cytotoxin - Chaos Cascade
219. Iced Earth - Black Flag
220. Adagio - The Ladder
221. Aetheric - An Exodus of Hope
222. Avatarium - the Starless Sleep
223. Entrails - Condemned to the Grave
224. Emyn Muil - Under a Silvered Star
225. Clouds Official - The Wind Carried Your Soul
226. Below - The Plague Within
227. Enter the Soil - The Day The Boy Drowned
228. Facade - Apostate
229. Amentia - Kill Me
230. Antichrist - Instruments of Sadism

Скачать: Heavy Manuscript: Hard Compilation (2018)


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Теги к статье:

Heavy, Power, Metall. Hard Compilation, VA-Album
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