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Скачать Instrumental Neo Classical Music (2018)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 11 февраля 2018 | Нашли ошибку?
Instrumental Neo Classical Music (2018)

Категория: Collection
Исполнитель: Various Performes
Название диска: Instrumental Neo Classical Music
Жанр: Instrumental, Neo Classic, Collection
Год Выпуска: 2018
Количество треков: 200
Время звучания: 12 :50 :47
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Прекрасные инструментальные мелодии в исполнении современных исполнителей в формате neo Classic представит Вам очередной сборник с названием "Instrumental Neo Classical Music", где собраны композиции в звучании гитары, фортепиано и оркестральной музыки. Отличная сборка музыки для душевного комфорта и эстетического удовлетворения.

001. Shamis Khassenov - Zhusan
002. Sleeping Conference - Shallow
003. Brian Crain - Two Dancers and a Song
004. Pianochocolate - Sunshower
005. Thad Fiscella - Joyous Turmoil (William's Song)
006. Alekzander & Julia Lav - Like A First Time
007. Max Richter - Landscape with Figure
008. Steams - Lachrymose Radio
009. Hadi - Dulce Pasar
010. Klaus Bruengel - Ballet Music for Exercises
011. Saratomi - Jealousy
012. Kuku Linear - Crystal
013. Yann Tiersen - The Empty Room
014. Jasper Forks - J'aime Le Diable (Single Mix)
015. Mogwai/Cecilia Weston/Swati Natekar - Miracle
016. Cliff Sweeney - Cloud Surfing - Atlas Of Vamps Edit
017. Benjamin Richter - In the Shadows
018. Maik Mondial - Six huit
019. Origen - Rendezvous in the Pachelbel’s Fantasy
020. Helmut Kaplan - Ella
021. Illusion of Echo - Injustice
022. Clint Mensel - Lux Aterna (Requiem For A Dream) (Attio Remix)
023. RondГІ Veneziano - La Giudecca
024. Various -
025. Vangelis - Starstuff
026. Martin Jacoby/Yann Tiersen - Comptine d'un autre ete, l'apres-midi
027. Soundcritters - The X Chromosom
028. Paul Cardall - Our Love
029. Cyril Baranov - Alma
030. Paul Colman/Vivaldi - Panitti - Run (Live)
031. Sahara - Tango (Instrumental)
032. BrunuhVille - Song of the North (Alt.version; Bonus Track)
033. Roberto Cacciapaglia Royal Philharmonic - Tree of Life Suite: Oceano
034. Cynthia Sternau - After the Dream
035. Vangelis - Exo Genesis
036. Sax - Every Breath You Take
037. E.S. Posthumus - Menouthis
038. Faolan - Bonfire
039. David Garrett/Robert Groslot/Il Novecento - Carmen Fantasie
040. Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble Of Shadows - The Urine Song
041. David Nevue - The View from Burg Stahleck
042. Shockwave-Sound - The Nutcracker - Andante ma non troppo
043. Always in Love - Along the Road
044. Misha Mishenko - Opus
045. Fabrizio Paterlini - First Day
046. Marc Enfroy - Above the Clouds
047. Thomas Bergersen - Dreammaker
048. Narsilion - Montserrat
049. Illusion of Echo - Hand of Nemain
050. A Mending Soul - Butterflies
051. Joep Beving - Le souvenir des temps gracieux
052. Andrew Shapiro - Royal Purple
053. Soundcritters - Heaven Shall Fall
054. Alejandro Kauderer - Ki Lo Te
055. Poppy Ackroyd - Trains
056. A Mending Soul - Miracles
057. Amy Lauren - Let Waters Rage
058. Marc Enfroy - Above the Clouds
059. Fabrizio Paterlini - Still travelling
060. Zbigniew Preisner - Lacrimosa
061. Pete Pascoe - Safe Journey
062. Denis Stelmakh - Follow Me (Prelude)
063. Olivier Herbay - Le DГ©sir
064. Michael Silverman - Christmas: What Child is This (Greensleeves)
065. Fabrizio Paterlini - There's a Light We Might See
066. Edvin Marton - Fire Dance
067. Egor Grushin - Once
068. Dustin O'Halloran - Fine
069. Origen - Ave Maria (F. Shubert)
070. Alejandro Kauderer - Emma Toca Schumann
071. Misha Mishenko - Tundra
072. Clara Helms - Autumn Leaves
073. The Piano Guys - Titanium / Pavane
074. Licia missori - Valzer (Flashback)
075. Thomas Bergersen - Starvation
076. Ryan Stewart - Waltz
077. Phoenix Music - Force of Time
078. Nanna BryndГ­s HilmarsdГіttir/Г“lafur Arnalds - Particles
079. Misha Mishenko - Upstairs
080. Vanessa-Mae - Picante
081. Rick Wakeman - Berceuse
082. Thomas Bergersen - Aura
083. Amy Lauren - Waterline
084. Vlada Mars - Hands
085. David Nevue - Song at the Speyer Cathedral
086. Paul Cardall - Miracles
087. Burkhard Dallwitz - Truman Sleeps
088. Fabrizio Paterlini - Still travelling
089. Clem Leek - Rain Song
090. Vanessa-Mae - Allegro
091. Clara Helms - Memory
092. Soundcritters - 01001 I Am Digital
093. Peter Kater - Elusive Nights
094. Francesco Giovannangelo - Orange Sun
095. David Garrett/Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Thinking Out Loud
096. Stanislav Artemyev - Genesis
097. Poppy Ackroyd - Feathers
098. Les Friction - I Remember (feat. Emily Valentine)
099. Jeremiah Bornfield - Flash One
100. Ray Cooper - A New Day
101. Dustin O'Halloran - Opus No. 18
102. Roberto Cacciapaglia - Tree of Life Suite: Fiamme
103. A Mending Soul - Dawn (Overture)
104. Rick Wakeman - Space Oddity
105. Illusion of Echo - The Demon's Head
106. Vanessa-Mae - Night Flight
107. Hybrid - Joyrider
108. Rick Wakeman - Wonderous Stories
109. Clem Leek - Walter
110. The Sunset Lounge Orchestra - Another Brick In The Wall
111. Craig Armstrong Cecilia Weston - Amber
112. One Hour Music - Early Light
113. Josh Groban - Mi Morena (Revised Live Version)
114. Jo Blankenburg - Pitta Sarita
115. Adam Sturtevant - Next Morning
116. Max Richter - The Twins (Prague)
117. Max Richter - Sketchbook
118. Clem Leek - November 11th
119. Paul Cardall - Sweet Escape
120. Paolo Vivaldi - Running in the Wind
121. James Lockhart - Fonctionnaire MCMXII
122. Soundcritters - Unity
123. Hybrid - Hooligan
124. Dustin O'Halloran - Opus 38
125. Amy Lauren - Mahogany Cider
126. Yanni - Truth of Touch
127. Yann Tiersen - The Empty Room
128. David Nevue - Big Snow in Salzburg
129. JГіhann JГіhannsson - The Drowned World
130. Dustin O'Halloran - Opus No. 12
131. Cynthia Sternau - Overture & Ghost of Sir Gawain
132. Steve Jablonsky - My Name Is Lincoln
133. Saint-Preux - Jeu d'enfant
134. Yo-Yo Ma - Ave Maria
135. Ludovico Einaudi - Come Un Fiore
136. Prague Film Orchestra/Amici forever - Adagio
137. Mark Wesling - Falling Leaves
138. Richard Trythall - Parts Unknown 10: Senza Tempo
139. Fabrizio Paterlini - Patricio
140. Lindsey Stirling - Heist
141. Les Friction - Dark Matter
142. Origen - Ave Maria (F. Shubert)
143. Fabrizio Paterlini - Rue des Trois FrГЁres
144. Stanislav Artemyev - Ripe
145. Paolo Vivaldi - Running in the Wind
146. Hans Zimmer - Memories of the dead
147. Max Richter - Maria
148. Lindsey Stirling/ZZ Ward - Hold My Heart (feat. ZZ Ward)
149. The City Of Prague Philarmonic Orchestra - Peer Gynt
150. Jennifer Thomas - Toccata and Fugue
151. Clem Leek - Circular Motion
152. Ludovico Einaudi - Walk
153. Dmitry Evgrafov - Reel
154. Hans Zimmer - Waters of Irrawaddy
155. Denis Stelmakh - Rufus
156. Thomas Bergersen - Cry
157. Alim Zairov - Leave Your Footsteps
158. Ryan Stewart - Butterflies
159. BrunuhVille - Rise of a Kingdom
160. The Piano Guys - Rolling in the Deep
161. Dmitry Evgrafov - Ptichka
162. Nyack High School Music Department - Carmina Burana
163. Max Richter - November
164. Ludovico Einaudi - Dolce Droga
165. David Garrett/MГјnchner Rundfunkorchester - Caprice No.24
166. RondГІ Veneziano - Tramonto D'autunno
167. Misha Mishenko - Forest in My Head
168. The Piano Guys/Peter Hollens - What Are Words
169. Benjamin Richter - Innermost
170. Egor Grushin - Loss
171. 2CELLOS - Hysteria
172. Paul Cardall - Sweet Escape
173. Benjamin Richter - The Pretender
174. Ludovico Einaudi - Una Mattina
175. Ludovico Einaudi - Fly
176. The Piano Guys - Moonlight
177. Jennifer Thomas - Illumination
178. Roberto Cacciapaglia/Royal Philharmonic Orchestra - Floating
179. David Garrett - Stairway To Heaven
180. Misha Mishenko - Saturn
181. Benjamin Richter - Faded
182. RondГІ Veneziano - Perla del mare
183. Benjamin Richter - Faded
184. The Piano Guys - Let It Go
185. 2CELLOS/Stjepan Hauser/Luka Sulic - Thunderstruck
186. Poppy Ackroyd - Resolve
187. Egor Grushin - Waltz
188. Ludovico Einaudi - Divenire
189. Kevin "K.O." Olusola - Down
190. Sampha - (No One Knows Me) Like the Piano
191. Lindsey Stirling - The Phoenix
192. Sampha - (No One Knows Me) Like the Piano
193. Les Friction - Your World Will Fail
194. Max Richter - Last Days
195. David Garrett - Bitter Sweet Symphony
196. 2CELLOS/Stjepan Hauser/Luka Sulic - Shape Of My Heart
197. Foenua - Your World Will Fail
198. Trouble - Last Days
199. Can 2 - Bitter Sweet Symphony
200. Morrison - Shape Of My Heart

Скачать: Instrumental Neo Classical Music (2018)


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Instrumental, Neo Classic, Collection, VA-Album
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