Категория: Unmixed Исполнитель: Various Performers Название диска: Hesperia: Synthspace Electronic Party Жанр: Synthspace, Electronic Год Выпуска: 2017 Количество треков: 160 Время звучания: 14 :09 :36 Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs
О Диске: Окружающая нас Вселенная – это фантастическое пространство, которое человечество стремиться понять и изучить в течении всей своей истории, что не могло не найти и своего выражения в музыке, в таком музыкальном направлении как Synthspace. Музыка сборника дарует чуства сущности космических пространств звездных систем, уводящих за пределы и раздвигающих сознание до бескрайних просторов бытия.
Треклист: 001. Sunlight Project - Lights In The Sky 002. Fellin - Black Hole 003. Home - Tides 004. Powernerd - Pat Habit's Theme 005. Dynatron - Throttle up 006. Vanello - Parisienne Girl (Instrumental) 007. Bruno Motta - Silk Notes (Edric Remix) 008. Compilerbau - Day of Arrival 009. Dream Fiend - The Last Flight 010. Polytron - Got It 011. Gurcan - Magic Doom 012. Loomeer - Arp-Ego 1 013. Orax - Dreaming 014. Zonasphere - Timelines 015. Chemical Orbit - Angels of Neptune 016. Envotion - Robots 017. Lazerhawk - Feel The Rush Tonight 018. Lazer Station - Hesperia 019. Michel Milde - Deep Ocean Secrets 020. Dynamaxx - Not Ready To Give Up On You 021. Hipersynth - SuperNova 022. Zibbon - Computer Kid-Game Over 023. Pryda - The End Is Just The Beginning 024. Stilz - Escape from Hyperion 025. Franz Torme - Scaglietti (Rimini Groove) 026. Scordar - Piledriver 027. Автограф - Головокружение 028. Megahit - Fear 029. Airborn - Impetus 030. Oblivion - Lost in Space 031. P89 - Saturn Affair 032. DATAstream - ROM Play 033. Roy - Shooting Star (Ernesto - Long Space Remix) 034. AWITW - Solaris Gate 035. Zbigniew Pisarczyk - Ballets of Colors 036. Sergey Tyukov - Cosmic Voyager (Original Mix) 037. Cut Copy - Take me over (Mylo remix) 038. Sagittarius V - Infinity & Beyond 039. Polytron - New Era 040. Nigel Stanford - Gravity Waves 041. Spacious Sweep - Blackhole 042. ZSG - Falling Star 043. Perturbator - Tainted Empire 044. Mats Forsell - Back In Space 045. Maver - Skyline 046. Apoxyz - Synthetic 047. Vladis Love - Invader 048. Uctumi - Vultures Are Here 049. Vladislav Zoomsky - Sunny Dream (Original Mix) 050. Danger mode - Final lap 051. Hypnosis - Argonauts (Tribal Remix) 052. Fatal Friction - Don't Have A Cowbell 053. Aquaris - Kraken 054. Mekano Energy - Magnetic Traction 055. Oblivion - A Voice Of The Universe 056. Auto Reverse - The Constellation Affair 057. Outrox - End Of Space 058. London Lazers - Memories [ft. Kiile] 059. Andromeda Dreams - Beyond The Void 060. Disco Digitale - I Scream The Body Electric 061. Garth Knight - The Video Dead 062. Polytron - Journey Into The Unknown 063. Syntax - Moonraker 064. Sonic Wanderer - Parallax (Wanderized) 065. Vocoderion - Genesis 066. Deadmau5 - Aural Psynapse (Micheletto Remix) 067. Waveshaper - Arps Sont Diamonds 068. Trebor SX - Colours of the Night 069. Italove - Higher 070. Joergen Eliason - Interplanetary Journey 071. Pedro Macedo Camacho - Speed Activated 072. Space Defense X - Labyrinth At Paradisus 073. Dreams Divide - Tears From The Night Sky 074. EchoDroides - Satellite (Instrumental Version) 075. Zbigniew Pisarczyk - J.M.Jarre - Equinoxe 4 076. Riddlis - Remember Proxyon 077. Aquaris - Deep Star Six 078. Arcade High - Kingdom 079. RM RNO - Desire 080. Rob Van Der Gu - Red cloud 081. Space Joe - Obscured Times 082. Serphent - Gates Of Bararah 083. September 87 (feat. Droid Bishop) - Ride All Night 084. Sonic Wanderer - Outer Space (Spaceboost Remix) 085. Fresh Code - The Temple Of Aphrodite (Original Mix) 086. CNC - Blue Wave 087. D. Czajkowski - Escape From The Black Hole 088. StarRider - Space Tape (Original Mix) 089. Cj Rise - Ray of lonely heart 090. Ewan Rill feat. Amber Long - Between 091. Exchpoptrue - Discoteca 092. Laserdance - Fire Storm 093. Zibbon - Voice of Planet Earth 094. Tocalta - Concorde (Original Mix) 095. Lowfish - Lies 096. Space Joe - Obscured Times 097. Oblivion - Voyage of Discovery 098. Megatronic - Into The Fire (Alex Ch Remix 2K12) 099. Starscape Crusade - Regularity 100. Bigtopo & Omar Diaz - It's Not The End 101. MLGZ - Profound (Original Mix) 102. A.K.M - Goodbye (Original Mix) 103. Moskva-Kassiopeya - Encounters 104. Kamaya Painters - Northern Spirit 105. Lesh - Sinecloud (Original Mix) 106. ATB - Route 66 107. The Frixion - If U Ever Wonder 108. Man Le Monde - Omnificent (Original Mix) 109. Neonsol - Manipulation (Gelting Remix) 110. Van Yorge & Simon Groove - Forever In Her Eyes 111. Leonardus - Love Me Right (Original Mix) 112. Luca de Maas - Aquila (Radio Cut) 113. Starfounder - Reprise [feat. Gheist] 114. Meridian - Shifter (Moonsouls Remix) 115. Ray Orion - The Birth Of A Supernova 116. Cy-Ann - In the Dark You Shine (Sun Dub Mix) 117. Black Hole - Voice Space 118. Myk Bee ft Jeena B - Nothing More To Say (Original Mix) 119. Zona-X - The Road To Heaven 120. Unlivian - Infinity (Original Mix) 121. Maschine Brennt - Backspace 122. Robert Nickson Pres. Rnx - So Called Loyalty 123. Vincenzo Salvia - Panorama 124. Rise And Fall - Imagination (Jamie Baggotts Remix) 125. Stilz - Legend of Shinobi 126. Spase ILO - Energy 127. Uctumi - Planetoid Essence 128. Philip Mayer - Inspiration (Radio Cut) 129. Michael Cassette - Crockett's Theme 130. The-Thirst For-Flight - Lonely Cloud 131. Don Dellpiero - Mission Accomplished 132. Sunny Lax - 86 (Extended Mix) 133. Laserdance - Cyber Robot 134. Alex Al Onions - Insomnia 135. Seven Keys - Atmosphere 136. Rayteck - Sunrise (Original Mix) 137. Space Defense X - Lucifer 138. Dk Project - Recover (Soundlift Radio Cut) 139. Electron - Dragons Dream 140. Steve Carniel - Emotion (Original Mix) 141. Prodomo - Even Horizon 142. Zelensky - Sunset (Andy Lime Remix) 143. Dreamtime - New Horizons 144. Mark Faderfaz - In Your Heart (Wonderland Mix) 145. Marc Eliow - Piano In Space 146. Damian Wasse - World Wide Sunrise (Radio Cut) 147. ice 771 - Spacesynth 4ever 148. Leonety - Seitaseven (Original Mix) 149. Martian Chronicles - 150. Andy Rio - Hunter (Original Mix) 151. Starfounder - Deja vu 152. Factor B - Something Like A Cure (Extended Mix) 153. Andromeda Dreams - Galactic Patrol 154. Abide - The Second Chapter (Radio Cut) 155. Polytron - New Era 156. Alakai - Hard Merchandise (Radio Cut) 157. Multi Kozmos - I Wanna Let You Know 158. T-Dallas & Yuriy From Russia - Old Days 159. Synth Elements - Giant Robots 160. Martire - Paradise (feat. Aelyn)
Скачать: Hesperia: Synthspace Electronic Party (2017)
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