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Скачать Independet Alternative Rock (2017)

АвторАвтор: giarem | ДатаДата: 18 июня 2017 | Нашли ошибку?
Independet Alternative Rock (2017)

Категория: Compilation
Исполнитель: Various Artist
Название диска: Independet Alternative Rock
Жанр: Indie, Alternative Rock
Год Выпуска: 2017
Количество треков: 150
Время звучания: 09 :54 :24
Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs

О Диске:
Музыка альтернативного рока никому ничего не доказывает, она просто существует такой какая есть. И не важно, нравиться это кому либо или нет - независимость её главная черта. Предлагаем послушать и убедиться в этом с новым сборником под названием "Independet Alternative Rock".

001. Steve Lacy - Dark Red
002. 3 Doors Down - Pieces Of Me
003. Royal Trux - Chances Are the Comets In Our Future
004. Godspeed You Black Emperor! - East Hastings
005. Obliques - Are You Still Mine?
006. Talking Heads - Houses In Motion
007. Sully Erna - Don't Comfort Me
008. Jakob Ogawa - Let It Pass
009. Xiu Xiu - Fabulous Muscles (Mama Black Widow Version)
010. Natasha Bedingfield - These Words
011. Tame Impala - The Moment
012. Tokio Hotel - Dream Machine
013. Aphex Twin - Fingerbib
014. Unwound - Off This Century
015. Dolly Parton - I Will Always Love You
016. Animal Collective - Summertime Clothes
017. Sleaford Mods - Carlton Touts
018. Sun Kil Moon - I Watched the Film the Song Remains the Same
019. The Pretty Reckless - Bedroom Window
020. Winston Surfshirt - Be About You
021. Sweet Trip - Dedicated
022. Seether - Nothing Left
023. Jimmy Eat World - Pretty Grids
024. Aquilo - Complication
025. Part-Time Friends - Johnny Johnny
026. Fugazi - Blueprint
027. They Might Be Giants - Minimum Wage
028. Beach House - Common Girl
029. Kanye West - Hold My Liquor
030. Atoms For Peace - Unless
031. Dope Lemon - Home Soon
032. Linkin Park - Invisible
033. Lucky Boys Confusion - Name in Lights
034. All Time Low - Nice2KnoU
035. Melvins - Captain Come Down
036. Dia Frampton - Crave (Cherry Beach Remix)
037. 12 Stones - Worlds Collide
038. Duster - The Landing
039. Goldfrapp - Zodiac Black
040. K.Flay - Black Wave
041. Dappled Cities - Stone Men
042. Future Islands - Through the Roses
043. Mallory Knox - Falling In Love
044. Mogli - Riverside
045. Incubus - When I Became A Man
046. Amber Run - White Lie
047. Girls - Headache
048. Jeff Buckley - Lover, You Should've Come Over
049. Mother Mother - Mouth Of The Devil
050. NoMBe - Wait
051. Adelitas Way - Deserve This
052. Paramore - Grudges
053. Goss - Time
054. Living Colour - Regrets (Instrumental Version)
055. Red Hot Chili Peppers - Feasting On The Flowers
056. Warhola - Jewels
057. AFI - Dark Snow
058. Alter Bridge - Crows On A Wire
059. Arcade Fire - Month Of May
060. Mammals - Chase Your Bliss
061. Mayday Parade - Take This To Heart
062. Gorillaz - Busted and Blue
063. Janelle Monae - Mushrooms & Roses
064. Ruby Empress - Escapism Deluxe
065. Seramic - I Got You
066. Morgan Bain - Runs Dry (feat. Drapht)
067. Coast Modern - Comb My Hair
068. Amarionette - My Body Says
069. Foreign/National - Never Really
070. Haunted Mansions - Sunshine Crawlers
071. Slow Turismo - You Were Dead
072. Spoon - Hot Thoughts
073. Portugal. The Man - Feel It Still
074. The Jungle Giants - Feel the Way I Do
075. Iffy Orbit - Let It Go
076. Birds Of Tokyo - Catastrophe
077. The Byzantines - Top Boy
078. Vant - Lampoon
079. Husky Loops - Tempo
080. Blue October - We Know Where You Go
081. Fake Guns - Green
082. Get Inuit - Barbiturates
083. Building 429 - Walls Are Coming Down
084. Ded Rabbit - How to Be a Man
085. The Orwells - Black Francis
086. Hippo Campus - Way It Goes
087. Temples - Oh the Saviour
088. Candlelight Red - Sleeping Awake
089. Weird Milk - This Close
090. Larkins - Wasted Years
091. Wilderado - Under the Weather
092. Great Gable - Early Morning
093. New Carnival - Run for Cover
094. Holy Holy - That Message
095. Death In The Park - The Run Around
096. The Away Days - White Whale
097. Haus - Gave You All
098. Daunt - Drive
099. Michl - Everything'll Change
100. Boo Seeka - Does This Last
101. Egypt Central - Surrender
102. Gold Member - Waiting for You
103. Dennis Lloyd - Leftovers
104. Beeches - We Don't Know
105. Bonaparte - Melody X
106. Brandyn Burnette - Escape
107. Filter - What Do You Say
108. Crooked Colours - Flow
109. The Kite String Tangle - Selfish
110. Aaron Taos - Off My Mind
111. Vincent Sole - The Game
112. Garbage - We Never Tell
113. Sky Adler - Vice
114. Palastic - Matches (feat. Nathan)
115. Gin Blossoms - Somewhere Tonight
116. Mossy. - Warpaint.
117. Flume - Depth Charge
118. Big Wild - I Just Wanna
119. Blair - Planetary (feat. Argonaut&Wasp)
120. Green Day - Say Goodbye
121. Fenech-Soler - Touch
122. VHS Collection - Wide Awake
123. Dissident - Brothers
124. HalfNoise - French Class
125. Halestorm - Fell On Black Days
126. Miami Horror - Leila
127. Yuksek - Complicated (feat. Her)
128. Electric Guest - Oh Devil
129. Simon On the Moon - Hooked
130. Methyl Ethel - Ubu
131. Urban Cone - Old School
132. The Dig - Jet Black Hair
133. Kidneythieves - The Solution Is In The Trees
134. Orange Skyline - High
135. Fyfe - Love You More
136. Joe Hicks - Best Clothes
137. Neo Geo - Tonight
138. Panic! At The Disco - Victorious
139. Papa Roach - Won't Let Up
140. Poets Of The Fall - The Labyrinth
141. Red Hot Chili Peppers - This Ticonderoga
142. Simple Plan - Opinion Overload
143. Skillet - Lions
144. Sportfreunde Stiller - Ein Kind Von Traurigkeit
145. Sum 41 - God Damn I'm Dead Again
146. Takida - Don't Wait Up
147. The Goo Goo Dolls - Something For The Rest Of Us
148. The Pretty Reckless - The Walls Are Closing In
149. Treat - All For Love
150. Weezer - Wind In Our Sail

Скачать: Independet Alternative Rock (2017)


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indie, rock, alternative, compilation, VA
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