Категория: Unmixed Исполнитель: Various Performers Название диска: Foreign Lands: SynthSpace Selection Жанр: Synt Space, Synth Wave, Electronic Год Выпуска: 2017 Количество треков: 100 Время звучания: 08 :54 :25 Формат|Качество: MP3 | 320 kpbs
О Диске: Пригоьовьтесь к открытию неизведанных космических миров с музыкой сборника "Foreign Lands: SynthSpace Selection". Каждая отдельная работа является конкретной темой, со своей атмосферой и настроением. Это чудотворное явление в мире музыки, которое попадает своему слушателю прямиком в сердце.
Треклист: 001. Android - New Generation 002. Voice Of Experience - Moon Of Vega 003. TDHDriver - Lets Go! 004. Syncronity - Kepler Mission 005. Trentemoller - Nightwalker 006. The Last Resource - Energy Planet 007. SonicWave - On The Run 008. Stan Linn - Brain Invaders 009. 80+ - Last Day (Original Mix) 010. The Last Resource - Crystal Palace 011. The Last Resource - Destination Taurus 012. Voice Of Experience - Deep Space 9 013. Entropy - Next Destination 014. Syncronity - Astrologic 015. L'Immortel - La Lune 016. L'Immortel - L'Immortel 017. Auto Reverse - Midnight Workout 018. Space Art - LObsession dArchibald 019. Space Defense X - Flight To Andromeda 020. SyQuest - Space Amb 4 021. L'Immortel - Vaisseau Spatial 022. Cosmic Arrow - A New Hope 023. Disbit 166 - Ganymede City 024. Dynatron - Save The Moment 025. Jean-Michel Jarre - Automatic Part 2 026. Sagittarius V - Lunar Operations 027. Mr. Oizo - Ham 028. Cj Rise - The Diver 029. SakkeT - Beach Party 030. ST Arts - Aces Of Space 031. Albiero - Lazer 032. El Txef A - Claim Of Planet Earth (Deep'a & Biri Remix) 033. Fegolhuzz - Parallax Loader (Remix) 034. Hyperspace - Lightyears Away 035. Kokkolan Filharmoninen Orkesteri - Condemned Solar System 036. Lionnesquaer - Spacey (In your eyes) 037. Paul Moore - Hollow Inside (Feat Little Mouse) 038. Joris Delacroix - Maeva 039. Vera Peters - Neu war gestern 040. Michel Milde - Lullaby 041. Sisy Ey - Ain't Got Nobody (Tonik Remix) 042. Hipersynth - Millions Stars 043. Nadja Lind - Saharan Night - Trinity (AU) Remix 044. Aquaris - Non Terrestrial Intelligence 045. Lav & Purl - Absorbed In Serenity 046. Oblivion - One Way to Heaven 047. Retronic Voice - The Queen 048. Cybotron - Colossus (Short Mix) 049. Docetism - Quercus Robur 050. Jean-Michel Jarre & Armin Van Buuren - Stardust (Instrumental) 051. Odisseus - Dynamics Reflections 052. Space Defense X - Space Bandits 053. Auto Reverse - Galactic Interlude (Part Two) 054. Kraftwerk - The telephone call 055. Nightwish - Tutankhamen 056. Resonant Crew - Computer Revolution 057. Synth Elements - Starfall 058. Kebu - Perplexagon Part 3 059. Leanna Clanton - Feel the Difference 060. Severo - Summer In Space 061. SyQuest - Experiment 1 062. Young Monday - Prls 063. Hazel - Thundercats (Remix.KWED.ORG) 064. Man With No Name - Own The World 065. Rassolodin - Neon Dawn 066. Space Defense X - Eye Of The Beholder 067. Sonic Wanderer - Vocoded X-Mas 068. Novaload - Sanxion Loader 069. David Jacek - Samurai (Re-Edit Albiero) 070. Airborn - How To Spend The Time Of Life 071. Ice 771 - Through Billions Of Stars 072. Rhauder & Paul St. Hilaire - No More 073. Zakat Project - Deep sea (Spacesynth) 074. Rune Foshaug - Fractals Part 1 075. Ron Verboom - Forgotten One 076. Space Joe - Protostars 077. Digimax - Cosmic Haze (MCM Rinat RMX) 078. Latin Lover - Laser Dance (Instrumental Version) 079. Pavel Panchenko - Sky Sensation 080. SINIS'I'ER - Night Skylight 081. Tom Lacy - Between The Asteroids 082. Alexander Pierce - Cosmic Dream 083. Dreams Divide - Room With A View 084. Birizdo I Am - Keep The 80S Alive (Instrumental) 085. Shantay Huntington - Vivian Beach 086. Spacevision - Primitive Retrofuturist 087. Kenji Kawai - Making of Cyborg (Airborn Remix 088. Source Code - Star Tracks (Rygar Cover) 089. Klartraum - Flight To Berlin (Feat Thalstroem - Vynyard Dub Mix) 090. Mark Alvarado feat. Evanns - Baila (Space Synth Rmx Dj Manuel Rios) 091. Warranty Exceeded - Synthetic Soundscapes 092. Alexander Tarasov - Memories 093. Digitalo & Soulya Id - Winter 094. Rune Foshaug - Reason 095. Mark Ashley - Hot Like Fire 096. Riccicomoto - Shadows and Lights 097. synaptyx - Incident 098. Jimmy & Wenzel - Fly Away 099. Tom Lacy - Between The Asteroids 100. Lars Leonhard - Magnitude
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