Исполнитель: VA Название диска: Summer Blues Год выпуска: 2015 Жанр: Blues , Rosk Blues Кол-во треков: 75 Формат | Качество: mp3 | 320 kbrs Время звучания: 06:14:03 Размер файла: 861 Mb
01. Bobby Blue Bland - Sad Street 02. Romeo Kings - Right The Wrong 03. Red Beans & Rice - The Dark Side 04. Gaslight Street - Doorstep 05. Eddy Wilson's Blues Band - I'd Rather Go Blind 06. Jo Hell - Walking The Blues 07. Dirty Dave Osti - Shakedown 08. Beggar's Bride - The Heat 09. Blue By Nature - Love Me All Night 10. Gproject Blues Band - Lonesome Highway 11. Dave Meniketti - Say Goodbye 12. Robben Ford & The Blue Line - Mystic Mile 13. The Lachy Doley Group - Use Me 14. George Terry - That Ain't You 15. Loose Moorings - Falling Star 16. Tito & Tarantula - Cry in the Night 17. Pepe Ahlqvist H.A.R.P. - Lock On The Door 18. The Mother Hips - Song For Jb 19. Smokin' Joe Kubek - Walk On 20. The Wisemans Circus - Lonely Traveller 21. Eddy Wilson's Blues Band - Now That The Magic Has Gone 22. Black Pistol Fire - Sort Me Out 23. Hard Bargain Blues Band - Cold Cold Feeling 24. Spoonful James - Too Many Things 25. Gproject Blues Band - Soldier Of Fortune 26. Pepe Ahlqvist - Funky Rhythm 27. The Giants - Raven-Haired Mistress Of The Dark 28. Jorge Salan & The Majestic Jaywalkers - The Thrill Is Gone 29. Dave Hole - Something Inside of Me 30. Kingswood - Piece By Piece 31. Hogjaw - I Will Remain 32. Robben Ford & The Blue Line - Worried Life Blues 33. Josh Smith - When I Get Mine 34. The Brett Ellis Band - Empty Bottle 35. Manish Boys - My Luck Will Change 36. Dana Gillespie - Where Blue Begins 37. The Traveling Wilburys - Tweeter And The Monkey Man 38. Bluesball - These Blues 39. Steven Seagal - Somewhere In Between 40. John 'Lonely Stranger Pihel - Just Drink 41. Gary Moore - Nothing's The Same 42. Back Alley Ramblers - Devotion 43. Tom Principato - Knockin' On The Door 44. Guy Verlinde - Sacred Ground 45. James Hinkle - Fall Of A Lifetime 46. Roy Mette - Another Saturday Night 47. Lachy Doley Group, The - Stop Listening To The Blues 48. Willie West - You Send Me 49. Nelsen Adelard - I Need Tonight With You 50. Blues Buddha - Poor Boy 51. Robert Cray - Consequences 52. Gproject Blues Band - Blues Deluxe 53. Jon Lord & The Hoochie Coochie Men - If This Aint The Blues with Green Onions 54. Dave Meniketti - Man's World 55. Jerry Lee Gingery ft. The Juju Kings - Something's Wrong 56. Blues Power Band - That Will Be 57. Chick Wrens Rollin River Band - Autumn Rain 58. Bob Naugler ft. The Midtown Blues Band - Out On The Highway 59. Tab Benoit - Cross The Line 60. Joe Valeriano - Saint Louis Blues 61. Delta Deep - Whiskey 62. Buddy Whittington - Minor Blues 63. Mike De Velta - On The Other Side 64. The Jeff Healey Band - While My Guitar Gently Weeps 65. King King - A Long History of Love 66. Debbie Davies - My Time After Awhile 67. Martina Edoff - Hero 68. Buddy Guy feat. Steven Tyler, Joe Perry, Brad Whitford - Evil Twin 69. Jummie Vaughan - Dengue Woman Blues 70. Midnight Club Blues Band - Bad Weather Blues 71. Vince Gill - Workin' On A Big Chill 72. Scott Ellison - Crowlin On My Kness 73. Omar & The Howlers - Life Without You 74. Michael Lee Firkins - I Need You 75. Willie Logan - House Of The Rising Sun
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