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Скачать Summer Hits Vol.1 (2015)

АвторАвтор: Rad4en9 | ДатаДата: 30 июня 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
Summer Hits Vol.1 (2015)

Исполнитель: VA
Название диска: Summer Hits Vol.1
Год выпуска: 2015
Жанр: Dance, Club
Количество треков: 80
Формат | Качество: mp3 | 320 kbps
Время звучания: 05:36:55
Размер файла: 801,36 Mb

01. Bodybangers & PH Electro - For You (Radio Edit) 03:38
02. Simone Di Bella feat. Mr. Shammi - Summer Party (2015) 02:39
03. JAM & Omer Fernandez - Caminando (Extended Mix) 04:48
04. The Sud Guys Ft. Sharo Ferrara - Paradiso Tropicale (Radio Edit) 03:41
05. Didi feat Lumia Brothers - Love In The Air (VDJ Parri) 04:08
06. Geo Da Silva & Jack Mazzoni - Na Ru Ney (Fabien Sartori & Luigi Pilo Remix) 04:11
07. Nicky Jam - El Perdon (Michele Pletto Summer Remix 2015) 02:51
08. Belleamy - Bye Bye (Hudson Leite & Thaellysson Pablo Remix) 06:13
09. Marry - Bis In Alle Ewigkeit (Megastylez vs. DJ Restlezz Bootleg) 05:03
10. Dino Brown Ft. Sunna - Surrender (J-Art Radio Edit) 03:50
11. Zombie Killers - Antibiotic (Joe Berte Remix) 05:40
12. Nek - Laura Non C'c (DJ Antoine Vs Mad Mark Remix) 05:20
13. CJ Stone - Sound Of Infinity (Single Mix) 03:36
14. Galantis - In My Head 03:42
15. Edward Maya feat Andrea & Costi Ionita - Universal Love (Radio Edit) 03:37
16. Clubcat - Top of the World (Radio Version) 02:49
17. DJ Cap feat Marybran - One More Chance (Neotune Remix) 04:56
18. Dancefloor Kingz vs. Godlike Music Port - Hey Girl (Kris Mctwain Edit Remix) 04:12
19. Handsup Playerz & Texx - Respect Someone (Handsup Playerz Club Mix). 05:30
20. Blinders Ft. Charles - Always (3LAU Mix) 04:51
21. Jose Alfredo feat. Siko Ruiz - Toda La Noche (Radio Edit) 03:02
22. Dirty Scandal - Heartbeat Song (Xam Sato Remix) 04:59
23. The Police - Message In A Bottle (Hirshee Remix) 04:43
24. Solid & Sound vs. Nicco & Gemeni - Summertime (Farewell) (Raindropz! Remix) 04:40
25. Papa Joe - Loca (Radio Edit) 03:34
26. Sushy feat. Buffering Inc. - In The Water (Dani B. and Jonathan Carey Radio Edit) 03:51
27. Ran Levy Feat Ron SKY - Habibi (Eli Arbiv Remix) 04:04
28. Sunset On The Sea - Summer Nights (Radio Version) 02:24
29. Kalabro Ft. Glace - Pam Pam Bounce (Radio Far West Mix) 02:58
30. Tara Ft. Spankers - Dreaming (Paolo Ortelli & Luke Degree Extended) 05:10
31. DJ Smash feat. Ridley - The Night Is Young (DJ Denis Rublev & DJ Anton Remix) 03:12
32. Ana Gianni - Giving In (Radio Version) 03:12
33. Alien Cut feat. Renee - Jump (Jack Mazzoni Remix) 04:16
34. Danceboy - Give It To Me Louder (Original Mix) 05:08
35. Norda - Dance For Me (Scoon & Delore Remix) 05:18
36. Claydee & Dave Aude - Te Quiero 2015 (Radio Edit) 03:10
37. Xandra - Poquito (Stephan F Remix) 05:27
38. Imprezive meets Pink Planet - Reignite (Original Mix) 05:28
39. Gipsy Casual & Ralflo - Negra Linda (Radio Edit) 03:30
40. Rares And Joshua - Summer 4 Two 03:40
41. Tainos Feat. Alycia Stefano feat. Alycia Stefano - Pam Pam (Club Latino Mix) 04:09
42. Lafee - Tell Me Why (Dj Villain Remix) 04:35
43. Feder - Goodbye (DJ Nejtrino & DJ Stranger Remix) 04:04
44. Federico Seven Ft. Valeria Barbera - Summer Breeze (Extended Mix) 04:49
45. La Bouche - Sweet Dreams (Vdj Rossonero & Tokito Sasha Remix 2k15) 03:16
46. Lost Frequencies - Are You With Me (Ian Davecore & Cometa Bootleg) 04:39
47. Sapienza & Ruly Rodriguez - Asere K Bola (Andry J Remix) 04:17
48. Balkan Avenue Ft. Karym - You (Stephan F Remix) 05:23
49. Spankers - Sex On The Beach ( Alper Egri Remix 2k15) 05:32
50. Boom Boxx ft. Linda O - Balla Da Li (Rimini Club Remix) 05:25
51. Markus Schulz feat. Delacey - Destiny (Morgan Page Remix) 05:49
52. Claydee & Dave Aude - Te Quiero (Radio Edit) 03:10
53. The Wombats - Give Me A Try (Don Diablo Remix) 04:15
54. Rico Caliente & Alessio Pras Ft. Papa London - Manos Pa'rriba (Radio Version) 03:16
55. Dj Cargo - Sexy Jump (Rework 2015 Short Mix) 03:11
56. Martini Monroe & Steve Moralezz Ft. Melina Cortez - One Chance (L.A. Club Mix) 04:11
57. Dj Antoine Feat. Akon - Holiday (Dj Antoine And Mad Mark 2k15 Club Mix) 05:21
58. Malena Gracia - Despertar (Radio Edit) 03:03
59. David LM feat, Mey Green - Wanna Party (Extended) 04:35
60. Akcent & Galena - Te Quiero 03:10
61. Ernest Codina - Mediterranean Sound (Extended Version) 04:17
62. Tacabro - Tacata (Remix) Dj SaLvino Miranda 05:13
63. Yeyo - Soy Lo Que Soy (2015) 03:16
64. Monster Party - I Really Like You (Jack Melavo Remix) 05:38
65. Los Locos & El 3mendo - Carnaval (Stephan Remix Radio) 03:56
66. Claydee & Faydee - Who (Kantik Remix) 03:52
67. Disfunktion & Mike James - Prisoner 03:19
68. Scooter - How Much Is The Fish (Dj Tarantino ReFresh) 04:53
69. DJ Gollum & Empyre One - Stars (Hands Up Mix) 05:09
70. Antonio Carannante - Amore e liberta (P-Force Radio Mix) 03:35
71. Dancefloor Kingz vs Alex Van Tune - Everybody Dance (Frame & Rico Xai Remix) 04:35
72. Blasterjaxx & MOTi feat. Jonathan Mendelsohn - Ghost In The Machine (Original Mix) 04:49
73. Klubbingman & DJ Lia - Make Some Noise (Lets Go) (Radio Edit) 03:05
74. Felix Jaehn feat. Jasmine Thompson - Ain't Nobody (Loves Me Better) (The Rooftop Boys Remix) 04:09
75. Angel feat. Tina Marie (Original Mix) - Angel feat. Tina Marie (Original Mix) 04:26
76. Savicky feat Noizz Bros - Zakochalem sie (Jej oczu blask) (99ers Remix) 05:30
77. Audiosonik & Mr Vla - Sube Sube (Brown & Tobix Supa Radio) 03:04
78. Baby K feat. Giusy Ferreri - Roma-Bangkok (2015) 02:38
79. Jack Eye Jones - Story (Laidback Luke Remix) 05:08
80. K-391 - Triple Rush (Original Mix) 03:54

Cкачать Summer Hits Vol.1 (2015)

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