01. Andrew Rayel - Exponential (Opera Mix) 02. Dash Berlin feat. Kate Walsh - When You Were Around (Ferry Corsten Fix) 03. Rene Ablaze - Amsterdam to Pretoria - Mitex Remix 04. JES - Ghost (tyDi Remix) 05. Zara feat. Snatt & Vix - No Angel (Original Mix) 06. Sunset - In Your Dreams 07. Ali Wilson - Rays Of Shamash (Original Mix) 08. Julie Thompson & MaRLo - Broken Wing (Original Mix) 09. Philips & Meijer - The Kade - Stephane Badey Remix 10. Andy Moor & Betsie Larkin - Love Again (Original Mix) 11. Kyau & Albert - Another Time (Original Mix) 12. Bvibes - Vertigo 13. Dirkie Coetzee & Michelle Richer - Possibility (Original Mix) 14. Lira Yin - Constant Call (Anhken Club Mix) 15. Luke Terry - Ice Cap 16. Erick Strong feat. Anthya - Out Of My Mind (Original Mix) 17. Marsbeing feat. Matvey Emerson - With Me (Original Mix) 18. Jdc - Sabrina - Leven Mervox Remix 19. Ferry Corsten feat. Betsie Larkin - Not Coming Down (Original Mix) 20. Michael Angelo feat. Danny Claire - Test Drive 2013 (BXT Remix) 21. Ruslan Radriges - Neverland - Mike Spinner Remix 22. Josh Gabriel pres. Winter Kills - Forward Facing (Original Mix) 23. Misja Helsloot feat. Fisher - Inspire (Original Vocal) 24. Adam Ellis - Velocity in French 25. Mark Bester - The Maze (Original Mix) 26. Neev Kennedy vs. Gal Abutbul - One Step Behind 27. John Newall - Santa Monica 28. Cerf, Mitiska & Jaren feat. Chris Jones - Starting Right Now (Maison & Dragen Remix) 29. Iversoon & Alex Daf feat. Eskova - The Moonlight Shines (Original Mix) 30. Ben Nicky - Pebbles - Angry Man Remix 31. Bryan Kearney - High Anxiety (Original Mix) 32. Tom Cloud - 4 O'Clock in the Morning (Promise Me) 33. Mike Van Fabio - Skyliner 34. Christian Burns - As We Collide 35. Veselin Tasev pres. Chloe - Imaginary Moment (Original Mix) 36. Iversoon - Different - Ruslan Radriges Remix 37. Aeris feat. Jess Morgan - What Do You Feel? (Re:Locate vs. Robert Nickson Banging Remix) 38. Estiva & Tania Zygar - Death Of Me (Karanda Remix) 39. Cybernetic - Fast Motion 40. Attractive Deep Sound feat. Sergey Wednesday - Attention (Intro Vocal Mix) 41. Giuseppe Ottaviani feat. Amba Shepherd - Lost for Words (Judge Jules Remix) 42. Filip Rutkiewicz - Justine 43. DJ Aligator - Alone 44. Kyau & Albert - All Your Colours (Original Mix) 45. DJ Myde - Perseids - DJ Space Raven Remix 46. Dark Matters feat. Neev Kennedy - Loneliness Won't Leave Me Alone (Sebastian Brandt Remix) 47. Robbie Rivera feat. Blake Lewis - All We Are (Marco V Remix) 48. Bluefire - Dreamnasia - Photographer Remix 49. Aligator feat. Daniel Kandi - The Perfect Match (Dennis Pedersen Remix) 50. Indecent Noise - Supercharge (Director's Cut) 51. TrancEye - Sunset in Your Eyes 52. Ellie Lawson - A New Moon (Dart Rayne & Yura Moonlight Remix) 53. XB & Linnea Schossow - Be My All (Store N Forward Remix) 54. Andrй Visior - Daylight - Philippe EL Sisi Remix 55. Cathy Burton - Heaven (Vadim Spark Remix) 56. Denise Rivera & Dark Matters - Take Me Home (Sir Adrian Jibberdee Remix) 57. Chris Metcalfe - Power Trip - Bryan Kearney Remix 58. Gabriel & Dresden feat. Betsie Larkin - Play It Back (Maor Levi Remix) 59. Neev Kennedy with Adrian & Raz - This Heart Is Yours (Philippe El Sisi Remix) 60. 2 Raverz - Into My World - T-Forces Remix 61. Ana Criado & Beat Service - Whispers (Original Mix) 62. Halosphere - Run Away (Mustafa Turker pres. DJ Darq Remix) 63. T-Forces - Outside of Life - Accuface Remix 64. MaLu - Intracloud (Hoyaa Remix) 65. Vincent Licata feat. Jacinta - Warm Like Summer (Original Mix) 66. Darren Porter - Springs Scent 67. Cosmic Gate & Emma Hewitt - Calm Down (Omnia Remix) 68. Yahel & Liya - Creatures 69. Henix-R - E-Motion - DJ Space Raven Remix 70. Festen - Give It To Them (Original Mix)
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