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Скачать Secrets Universe Native (2015)

АвторАвтор: zenj68 | ДатаДата: 6 апреля 2015 | Нашли ошибку?
Secrets Universe Native (2015)

Категория Сборник
Исполнитель: VA
Название диска: Secrets Universe Native (2015)
Жанр: Deep House, FrenchTek, Techno, Electronica
Год выпуска: 2015
Количество треков: 51
Формат|Качество: mp3 | 320 kbps
Время звучания: 05:02:22
Размер файла: 681 MB

01. Battek - The Fire Of Hell 05:24
02. Anna Naklab Feat. Alle Farben & Younotus - Supergirl (Daniele Di Martino Remix) 04:57
03. House Of Virus Ft. Soliaris - I'm Burning (Original Mix) 05:46
04. Billy Newton-Davis Vs Deadmau5 - Outta My Life (Deadmau5 Deep Dub Remix) 06:41
05. Hyenah - The Chase (Original Mix) 07:24
06. Ian Metty - Won't Sleep For A Minute Feat. Rahjwanti (Vanilla Ace Remix) 06:50
07. Jacob Phono - Rude Wind 06:04
08. Meyer Lansky - Drunken Thinking 04:46
09. Dj Drops - Ragga Man 04:03
10. Blood Groove & Kikis - Vesta (Original Mix) 07:52
11. Art Of Fighters & Dj Predator - Hellfire (Edit) 03:03
12. Deepshoutz - Elevation (Original Mix) 05:47
13. Bio Logical Theory - Magnetic Lights 05:52
14. Prosdo - Hidden Agenda 05:33
15. Portico - 101 Feat. Joe Newman 04:45
16. Miyagi - Take Me To Your Paradise (Gregorythme Remix) 07:15
17. Mьtze.Glatze - Funkdurchdringer (Original Mix) 07:56
18. Baunzz - Berlin (Madrem Rmx) 06:46
19. Gabriel Pivaro - It Goes On (Hidden State Rmx) 06:19
20. Gta - What We Tell Dem (Feat. Stush) 04:01
21. Carl Craig & Green Velvet - Party (Original Mix) 06:10
22. Herewego Feat. Patchy - Secret (Extended) 05:34
23. O.T. Genasis - Coco (Sliink & Big O Remix) 03:44
24. Morison - Soul Infection (Original Mix) 05:30
25. Mattiaa - Perla (Original Mix) 05:45
26. Omid 16B - Free (Kevin Di Serna & Aless Remix) 06:41
27. Nick Warren, Guy Mantzur - Sad Robot (Musumeci Remix) 06:45
28. Oxyenen - Jupiter Duck (Ibiza Mix) 08:04
29. Princess Superstar - I'm A Firecracker (I Am Orkid Remix) 03:39
30. Lonelady - Bunkerpop 05:56
31. Omar Hun - Rework (Original Mix) 05:58
32. Atjazz & Oveous - Soldiers (Arnaud D Deeper Mix) 07:11
33. Pfirter - Casus Belli 06:46
34. Hrrsn - Hold On (Talul Remix) 06:50
35. Mashk - Together (Original Mix) 04:22
36. Rights - Heartbeat 05:41
37. Neurodriver - Heartbeat 07:34
38. Audio Units - Nonchalant (Original Mix) 06:54
39. Ben Hoevet - Pour Elise (Melbourne Remix) 04:34
40. Machinedrum - Safed 05:15
41. Jonny Faith - This Love 02:42
42. Arlington Place, Deep Tribe - Easy Lee (Arlington Place Remix) 08:11
43. Blade Deep Vs. Dj Fale And E-Man - Controlled Confusion (Liftedsoul Organized Confusion Afrodeep Mix) 08:12
44. Beat Matic - Orga (Greg Defronsack Remix) 07:27
45. Frostfire & Coke Montilla - Dancing Alone (Feat. Emma Mcneill) (Zaag Remix) 04:41
46. Bingo Players - Rattle (Candyland Remix) 03:50
47. Betty Haze - Rise Up (Satronica Original Mix) 05:11
48. Clowny - Tension (Original Mix) 06:02
49. Baldo - At Least (Native Rush Remix) 06:54
50. Blue Wave - Roots & Wings 05:36
51. Bob Smoke - Wap Wap 07:15

Скачать Secrets Universe Native (2015)

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Теги к статье:

2015, мп3, mp3, Deep House, FrenchTek, Techno, Electronica
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