01. Steve Taylor - La Reine de Saba 02. Richard Clayderman - Une Histoire D'Amour 03. James Last - Biscava 04. Vangelis - Tao Of Love 05. DJ Jondal - A Quit Conversation Bliss 06. Fausto Papetti - L'ete Indien 07. Harry Holland & Dieter Reith - Susanna 08. Oliver Serano-Alive - Chico Gitano 09. Boris Zepyr - Fernando 10. Gil Ventura - Luna Latina 11. Blonker - Crying In The Rain 12. Francisco Garcia - La Paloma 13. Diego Modena - Mystical Force 14. Ennio Morricone - A Fistful Of Dollars 15. Piano Romantiques - Love 16. L.Boyd - Moonlight Sonata 17. Jan Holland - The Last Waltz 18. Armik - Black Orpheus 19. New Dimension Orchestra - Killing Me Softly With His Song 20. Doug Cameron - Rendezvous 21. Saint-Preux - To Be 22. Hevia - Busindre Reel 23. Anthony Ventura - The Boxer 24. Jean-Claude Borelly - St.Louis Blues 25. Francis Goya - Ballade Pour Adeline 26. Glendon Smith - Love Will Lead You Back 27. Paul Mauriat - Plaine, Ma Plaine 28. Gandalf - The Fruitful Gardens 29. Michel Legrand - Les Parapluies De Cherbourg 30. Brendan Power - Albatross 31. Cirque De Soleil - Kalandero 32. Edward Simoni - Feuer Tanz 33. Rondo Veneziano - Sonata A Kreutzer 34. Blonker - Aranjues 35. Paul Mauriat - Veins-Veins 36. Richard Clayderman - Moonlight Sonata 37. Emil Montgomery - Lajun Chaan 38. Ottmar Liebert - Heart Still - Beating 39. Chris Spheeris - Magaya 40. Shahin & Sepehr - October Moon 41. Govi - Sails Of Joy 42. David Lanz & Paul Speer - Behind The Waterfall 43. Andreas Vollenweider - Behind The Gardens 44. Francis Lai - Emmanuelle 45. Fermatta - Hacia El Sur 46. Kenny G - Havana 47. David Foster - Love Theme From St. Elmo's Fire 48. Novo Menco - Tigris Palaсe 49. Win Kowa - Relax 50. Gipsy Kings - Passion 51. Paco De Lucia - Danza 52. Viikate - Syys 53. Nicolas de Angelis - Villa California 54. The Shadows - Don't Cry For Me Argentina 55. Peter Weekers - Acapulco 56. Ernestine - Don't Cry For Me Argentina 57. Angelo Badalamenti - Twin Peaks Theme 58. In Tune - La Isla Bonita 59. Wang Wei - Boulevard Of Broken Dreams 60. Shahin & Sepehr - Yasmine 61. Mannheim Steamroller - Sara's Band 62. Glenn Miller - Moonlight Serenade 63. Robert Miles - A New Flower 64. Tomita - Promenade 65. ELO - Another Heart Breaks 66. Keiko Matsui - Flowers Of The Sea 67. Candy Dulfer - Lilly Was Here 68. Mason Williams & Mannheim Steamroller - Classical Gas 69. Vladimir Cosma - Les Comperes 70. Jeff Golub - On The Beach 71. Zeus Faber - The Island 72. Steve Leonard Band - Wir Greifen Nach Den Sternen 73. Nino Rota - The ImmigrantLove 74. The Shadows - Imagine - Woman 75. Max Greger - Tango Belissimo 76. Anthony Ventura - Speak Softly Love 77. Francis Goya - And I Love Her 78. Armik - Palmas de Oro 79. Thierry David - Deep Sea Green 80. Francisco Garcia - Besame Mucho
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