Категория: unmixed Исполнитель: Various Artist Название: Chilled House Session Страна: UK Лейбл: VA-Album Rec. Жанр музыки: Deep House, Chillout Дата релиза: 2015 Количество композиций: 55 Формат | Качество: MP3 | 320kpbs Продолжительность: 05:34:19 Размер: 810mb(+3%)
01. Fritz Kalkbrenner - Back Home (Radio Edit) 02. Reza & Peter Brown - Phreak It (Tech Mix) 03. DJ Wady & Carloz Jimenez - Spin the Box 04. London Grammar - If You Wait (Jacques Lu Cont Remix) 05. Gorgon City - Unmissable (feat. Zak Abel) [Huxley Remix] 06. Marc Vedo - Soul's of the Night (feat. Charlie Rouse) 07. Superchumbo - Fire (Stephan Grondin's Let It Burn Remix) 08. Wankelmut & Emma Louise - My Head Is a Jungle (MK Remix Radio Edit) 09. Jessie Ware - Say You Love Me (Alex Adair Remix) 10. Mutehead - Bounce 11. Glimpse - Work That Body 12. Klangkarussell - Symmetry (Radio Edit) 13. Flight Facilities - Two Bodies (feat. Emma Louise) 14. Reducs - Come On In 15. Beatmechanic - Let It Ride 16. Caribou - Can't Do Without You (Tale Of Us & Mano Le Tough Remix) 17. Lexisound - The Deep Valley of Tears 18. SOHN - Lights 19. Gathier - Girls 20. Kiesza - Giant In My Heart (No Artificial Colours Remix) 21. Dean Dignam - The Drop 22. Tchami - Promesses (feat. Kaleem Taylor) [Radio Edit] 23. AlunaGeorge - Supernatural 24. Marvel Child - Wine'N'Beats 25. ANDRTOL - Hope (Vorosh Remix) 26. LuvBug - Resonance (feat. Talay Riley) [The White N3rd Remix] 27. 14BIS - Feel Again 28. Metronomy - I’m Aquarius (Claptone Remix) 29. Andy Vack - Will You Believe In 30. Starsmith - Now I Feel Good (Radio Edit) 31. Armand Van Helden & Deep Creed - Warrior's Dance (Armand's Circle Mix) [Armand Van Helden pres. Deep Creed] 32. Jan Blomqvist - Time Again (Peer Kusiv Remix) 33. Kokiri - Retrospect (12” Mix) 34. Martin Gee - Symbology 35. I Am Oak - On Trees and Birds and Fire (Sam Feldt & Bloombox Remix) 36. Justin Hobbs - Supersonic 37. Andrea Roma - Limo 38. Seinabo Sey - Younger (Kygo Remix) 39. Ant Brooks - Peva (DJ Boris Remix) 40. Jamie xx - Sleep Sound 41. Joris Voorn - The Wild 42. Dauwd - Saleh 43. Lane 8 - Diamonds (feat. Solomon Grey) 44. Bonobo - Flashlight 45. Maya Jane Coles - From the Dark (feat. Moggli) 46. Konstantin Sibold - Daniel 47. Recondite - Levo (Club Edit) 48. Gui Boratto - Indigo 49. Bob Moses - Grace 50. Agoria - Scala 51. The 2 Bears - Not This Time (andhim Remix) 52. Royksopp - Sordid Affair (Maceo Plex Remix) 53. Audion - Dem Howl (feat. Troels Abrahamsen) [Joris Voorn Mix] 54. David August - Epikur 55. Hunter_Game - Ice
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