01. James Last - Petite Fleur 02. Paul Mauriat - Alla Figaro 03. Mehdi - Steps To Paradise 04. Fausto Papetti - L'ete Indien 05. Richard Clayderman - Coeur Fragile 06. Gary Moore - Spanish Guitar 07. Damian Luca - Unchained Melody 08. George Saxon - Morgana 09. Windham Hill - Last Look 10. Existence & Margot Reisinger - The Joy Of Dancing 11. Space - Blue Tears 12. Vanessa Mae - Storm 13. Paul Mauriat - Mitternacht In Moscau 14. Kenny G & L.Armstrong - What A Wonderful World 15. The Shadows - Riders In The Sky 16. French Accordion - Oue Reste T'il De Nos Amours 17. Mario Battaini - Oracion 18. Francis Goya & S.D.Luca - So Close To You 19. Pan Dana - The Good, The Bad and The Ugly 20. Milan Koren - Tiko-Tiko 21. Piano Romantiques - Letere A Ma Mere 22. Captain Cook - Es Gibt Kein Bier Auf Hawaii 23. Fausto Papetti - L'Ultima Neve Di Primavera 24. Richard Clayderman - Con Te Partiro 25. Hugo Strasser - Raindrops Keep Falling On My Head 26. Azil Y Negro - Isadora 27. James Last - Little Man 28. Guido Negraszus - A Chinese Love Story 29. Ray Conniff - Besame Mucho 30. The Ventures - Love Posion Number Nine 31. Jan Holland - El Bambino 32. A.M.P. - Flashdance 33. Robert Miles - Children 34. The Ventures - Rap City 35. Edward Simoni - Pop Corn 36. Cantoma - Maja 37. The Shadows - Sailing 38. Hugo Strasser - Pariser Tango 39. The Alan Parsons Project - The Gold Bug 40. F.Lambert - The Days of Pearly Spencer 41. Ottmar Liebert - Barcelona Nights 42. Antonio J.Asiain - Landscapes Night (edit) 43. Christopher Dean - Scherzo 44. Ennio Morricone - Chi Mai 45. Jesse Cook - Tempest 46. Gus Viseuer - Bourrasque 47. Francis Goya & S.D.Luca - The Girl To Love 48. Chun Yin Yue - Shepherd 49. Pedro Alvarez - La Cumparcita 50. Liona Boyd - Moonlight Sonata 51. Chang Fu Guan - Spring Tea Ceremony 52. Kaempfert-Singleton-Snyder - Ojos De La Espanola 53. Mr.Acker Bilk - Ramblin' Rose 54. Exeption - Taccata 55. Yello - Hawayian Chance 56. Francis Goya - Natacha 57. R.Sayler - Yesterday 58. Ennio Morricone - Theme From A Fistful Of Dollars 59. Pakarina - Children 60. Hank Marvin & The Shadows - Kontiki 61. Squirrel Nut Zippers - Interlocutor 62. Lee Ritenour - Bosscity 63. Tron Syversen - Safe Journer 64. Ed Calle - Spanish Rose 65. Diego Modena - Song Of Ocarina 66. Raymond Lefevre - Volevo un gatto Nero 67. The Ventures - Tequila 68. Nicolas De Angelis - Moliendo Cafe 69. Armik - Amor De Guitarra 70. Paul Mauriat - Pegase
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