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Скачать Lumion Pro 5.0

АвторАвтор: nucatkluca | ДатаДата: 1 декабря 2014 | Нашли ошибку?
Lumion Pro 5.0

Lumion Pro - представляет собой инструмент для визуализации в виртуальной трехмерной среде строительных объектов различной сложности. Lumion предлагает профессиональные графические средства и позволяет работать с моделями повышенной сложности, импортированными с любой CAD-платформы (Sketchup, AutoDesk, 3D Studio Max и т. д.). Решение Lumion подходит для создания видео, презентаций и демонстраций строительных проектов. Пакет Lumion ориентирован прежде всего на архитекторов и дизайнеров. Версия Pro содержит всеобъемлющие функции и предназначается для профессиональных студий визуализации. В основе лежит не привычный многим движок трассировки луча, а интерактивный DirectX based движок. Благодаря этому, стало возможным достигнуть высокой скорости обновления изображения и получения достаточно реалистичного результата даже на устаревших моделях GPU.

Ключевые особенности Lumion:
• Простой импорт комплексных 3D-моделей из САПР пользователя, например, из программ Trimble Sketchup, AutoCAD, Revit Architecture, 3DS Max и многих других систем трехмерного моделирования.
• Синхронизация обновлений моделей в Lumion и исходной САПР.
• Поддержка импорта: трехмерных моделей (DAE, FBX, MAX, 3DS, OBJ), изображений (TGA, DDS, PSD, JPG, BMP, HDR и PNG), карт освещения (из AutoDesk 3DS Max), анимации (из AutoDesk 3DS Max via FBX).
• Модуль экспорта COLLADA для Revit.
• Использование трехмерного интерфейса на базе графического процессора при создании сцен, что позволяет видеть изменения в реальном времени.
• Оптимизированный 3D-рендеринг, позволяющий легко импортировать 3D-модели с миллионами полигонов.
• Удобное построение местностей благодаря доступу к 28 преднастройкам ландшафта, 6 типам состояний воды и изменяемому шаблону океана.
• Регулировка дневного освещения, солнца, неба и облаков для создания реалистичной анимации.
• Доступ к обширной библиотеке материалов, содержащей 509 высококачественных элементов, например деревянные полы, кирпичные стены и т. п.
• Возможность добавлять в библиотеку до 9 пользовательских материалов.
• Доступ к библиотеке из 1826 моделей, включая 459 деревьев, растений и других природных объектов, а также 82 объекта Special FX.
• Высококачественный и быстрый рендеринг статичных изображений и динамических видео.
• Построение видео движения камеры из нескольких снимков экрана.
• Добавление спецэффектов и фильтров к видео, которое можно воспроизводить после рендеринга на любом компьютере.
• Возможность выгрузки готового видео в Интернет.
• Создание видеодемонстраций архитектурных визуализаций в полноэкранном режиме.

New in Lumion 5

New Physically-Based Materials
• Excellent materials are vital when you need to create convincing visualizations. The Lumion material library has been extended and vastly improved.
• 123 new materials have been added to Lumion 5, taking the total to well over 648 available materials. But not only this. All the materials in the library have undergone a conversion process and are now all ‘physically-based’ which means the materials look better and more realistic than ever before. Physically Based Rendering (PBR) is a method for calculating how light reacts to a surface and is based on the physics of the interaction between light and a surface. The result is a more realistic looking material.
• There are several completely new categories of material, namely plastic, leather and stone. All of the previously existing material categories (20 of them) have many extra materials available. These new physically-based materials, combined with the new, more intuitive, materials interface is a great leap forward, enabling users to find exactly the textures that they are looking for, simply and quickly.
New Materials Interface
• Optimizing materials can often be time-consuming and difficult. To maintain the highest standards regarding usability, Lumion 5 has an entirely revamped materials interface. This reduces the time and work needed to get your materials looking just how you want them. The new materials interface follows Lumion's PureGlass® user interface approach, which is designed to make complicated technology easy to use. You will find remarkably few icons on your screen at any one moment, providing you with a satisfying and intuitive experience.

Artistic Effects
Oil Painting Effect
• This effect is a jaw-dropping addition to the range of artistic effects in Lumion. Switch it on with a single click and watch your scene transform itself into a smooth-flowing oil painting. Users of Lumion will already be familiar with effects like “sketch” and “paint”, which help provide an artistic flavour to your images and films. The oil painting effect is another one in the ever-broadening palette that Lumion provides.
Pastel Sketch Effect
• Another super artistic effect for use in stills and animations. Depending on the settings you choose, it can make your scene look something like a chalk or a pastel sketch. It’s another feature to help you breathe life into ideas and present them in an attractive and conceptual way to colleagues or clients. Use it together with the volume lighting and produce a dreamy effect for your interiors.
Analogue Color Lab
• Tweaking color shades can instantly change the feel of a scene. The new Analogue Color Lab in Lumion 5.0 allows you to tune the coloring within your scene to give it a kind of ‘instagram’ look, which can have a great artistic impact.
Blueprint Effect
• The blueprint effect is especially useful for animations. You can begin a clip with your scene looking like a blueprint drawing and then gradually fade in the colors and materials and watch your animation come to life.
Material Highlight Effect
• It is often important to highlight certain materials in your renders or animations, so that they stand out more clearly relative to everything else. For example, pipes, paths or specific surfaces. The new Material Highlight feature allows you to do this quickly, attractively and easily.

Mass Placement
• The new Mass Placement feature allows you to build huge scenes even faster than before. Just draw a line and the objects you select will be placed along it. You can also spread them out at arbitrary distances apart, rotate them randomly, mix the object selections and change the number of objects placed. Mass Placement can be used for all objects, making it extremely easy to put traffic on a road, create a forest or a garden, or place a crowd of people . All of this with a couple of clicks and sliders!
Mass Move Effect
• Animating objects is essential in bringing your films to life. The Mass Move effect enables you to efficiently animate large numbers of objects. Simply draw a line in your scene and watch the objects close to that line move at the speed and in the direction you define. Super-easy and super-fast. This effect combined with the new Mass Placement now makes it extremely fast and easy, for example, to create multi-lane traffic moving along a wide road at different speeds, or to have a crowd of people walking along a street.
100 Photos
• Lumion 5.0 has an expanded capacity for still images. Now it’s 100 photos; a great improvement on Lumion 4.5, which could hold 10 photos. This possibility leads to an improved workflow in making still shots. You can now take effectively as many as you like, without deleting any before deciding to render the ones you want.
Multiple Movie Clip Sequences
• Different stakeholders often have different visualization needs. For example, one stakeholder might need a more conceptual and artistic look, while another might require something more technical. In Lumion 5, creating multiple movies for the scene you have created will be easy to achieve and manage. You can make up to 10 movies for a single scene.
Five Render Quality Options
• Being able to choose from five render options allows to find the balance between quality and speed in your workflow. If you want the highest quality in your final video presentation, then choose 5 star. When the time pressure is on, you can choose a 4 or 3 star with a very small compromise on quality but a greatly reduced waiting time: either 50% or 75% render time reduction. So, if you only have a half-hour to render your film, click on the 3 star option and you'll get a great quality movie, on time!
Faster Rendering
• Render time is crucially important in the visualization workflow. Due to detailed improvements in the rendering engine, Lumion 5 renders even faster than previously. Tests have delivered render time reductions of typically 20% to 90% for images and animations of the same quality on the same hardware. This is quite staggering, considering that Lumion was already the fastest architectural rendering option available anywhere.

Volumetric Sunlight
• Volumetric Sunlight is the kind of light that seems to hang in the air itself. This is an effect that looks something like a ray of mist with light streaming through it. It can easily be switched on and off in Lumion 5.0 and its characteristics can be adjusted with a slider to give you the exact level you are looking for. This effect is categorised as a ‘weather’ effect but can equally well be applied indoors to help add atmosphere and breathe life into a space.
Hyperlight® in Photo Mode
• Lighting can make or break the impact of a still image. Hyperlight® provides a great boost in the quality of lighting in your stills. Hyperlight® was developed using unique in-house technology and is a physically-based method of incorporating light reflections into a scene. Hyperlight® can be especially effective in making attractive images of building interiors. It looks fantastic and adds a whole new ambience to your renders.

Content Library
New People
• The many places and cultures in which Lumion is now used around the world are reflected in the characters available in the people library. With Lumion 5.0, another huge step has been made with an extra 73 (in Lumion Pro) animated characters representing various cultures from around the the globe. The new additions include, amongst others, Middle-Eastern, African and East Asian characters. 60 of the characters were made by the renowned 3D modeling company, aXYZ Design.
New Trees and Plants
• High-quality foliage so often breathes life into a scene. Lumion's native shrubs, plants and trees help put Lumion in a league of its own. Lumion 5.0 contains 87 new trees and 103 new plants from around the world, bringing the total high quality plants and trees to around 1000, and making Lumion an even more global product through its further increased local relevance.

Water Plane Reflections
• Beautiful reflections from water very often boost a scene's realism.
• Lumion 5 includes the possibility to add plane reflections to water, adding even more realism to the already highly realistic and evocative water available in Lumion.
New Skin Rendering
• Very often subtle changes in the skin tone make characters that look more lifelike. Lumion 5 incorporates a new way of rendering skin and facial features of people.
• This adds an uncanny realism to the individuals that you place in your scene

Минимальные системные требования
• OS: 64-bit Windows Vista, 7 or 8
• System memory: 4GB (for simple scenes)
• Graphics card: NVidia GeForce GTS 450 or ATI/AMD Radeon HD 4890 (minimum 1,500 PassMark points), with at least 1GB dedicated memory (not shared system memory).
• Harddrive: 7.5GB of disk space
• Using Lumion via Remote Desktop is not supported

Год выпуска : 2014
Лекарство : в комплекте (patch)
Операционная система : Windows® Vista|7|8 & 8.1
Страница программы : lumion3d.com
Язык интерфейса : english
Размер : 5.7 Gb


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